I have a friend, he is pure white with no genetic degeneracy...

I have a friend, he is pure white with no genetic degeneracy. But he fails to realize the ultimate truth of national socialism. any tips for rescuing my friend from the Semitic brainwashing and helping him to see the genius of our führer's glorious vision?

Natsoc never worked dumbfuck. That's why the US and USSR destroyed the nazis.

and to stormfront

The glorious Reich was simply overtaken by the Semite-controlled nations. Our führer was born too late, the Semites had already taken over by the time the Reich rose to power.

Garbage bait with your fellow ratboy salting the convo immediately. This is why we hate you inbreds.

Iranians and other muslim sand niggers were considered Aryan under the Nuremburger laws.

Can't we have better natsoc. Like we just take care of our own people within our borders and fuck everyone else? Without the invading other countries and Jew scapegoating?

>he fails to realize the ultimate truth of national socialism.

What truth is that retard? Most people don't like socialist degeneracy. Most want work for the fruits of labor not expect handouts like a spoilt, entitled rich kid. Shoot yourself in the face faggot.

If it's me, because that describes me accurately, don't. Racism disgusts me.

>this is what neonazi skinheads actually believe

Hah this Nazi is in jail and got 60 years to life.
Fuck Nazis

NatSoc sucks, just be a monarchist.

Well good. The führer's dream involved the complete abolishment of racism. There must be only one race, thus no ability for racism to exist.

I think you're missing the point.

I'd race mix with the likes of Brittany Venti any day of the week.

Give him this flyer when you surrender. Its like coupon for acceptance. You'll get a fair share as POC in safe space.

If you support race mixing, then you are a degenerate and a threat to the glory of humanity. Please help improve the species by commuting suicide.

Agh damn attachment is missing! Try again!
Give him this flyer when you surrender. Its like coupon for acceptance. You'll get a fair share as POC in safe space.

What are you implying? That Germany just gave handouts to people and didn't reward people for actual work? What the actual fucking hell! I swear to God, I know I shouldn't respond to you fucking losers with a fucking meme ideology that's just as bad as communism but by God I'll be damned if I don't correct such utter retardation. Unironically KYS you dumb cunt.

Well, I'm Catholic, so I'm against suicide, but what does "commuting" suicide entail?

At least I can write English properly

Many people just see the "socialism" I'm the name "national socialism" and they immediately thinks it's just Marxism. The glorious führer hated communism and he actually privatized many government-ran companies.

Well being as your an american no. No NatSoc. Nationalist Libertarian Society of Workers. Because if NatSoc =/= Com then NatLib = American Founding Fascists. To many people reject socialism and you will just drive people into the arms of the establishment.

I'm well aware. But it's not even an inability to understand with ancraps and lolbertarians. It's intentional misdirection and fucking slander. Who do they think they're fooling? Honestly, fuck these people.

No, fuck you dude. NatSoc is poison, not because of the ideas but because of name. Hitler was a fucking troll. They used red they said comrade and they called them selves socialists. Because he was trying to convince communists to join him.

Are you trying to convince communists to join you or what?

Redpilled means uniting as humans, not under boundaries created by others for a multitude of reasons. You are automatically associating yourself with ill gains constantly. You probably don't really disagree with this but you don't even begin to try and understand why nationalism < humanism.

>Hitler was a troll
Wow what a great argument
>They used red
Have you ever actually searched up why Hitler used those colors? Those colors signified Hitlers opposition to democracy as red, white and black were the imperial colors of the German Empire's flag. The red in particular was made striking because he wanted to out red the reds so to speak, catch people's attention and direct them away from the communists.
>They said comrade
And you point is what? Much like the entire concept of Hitler's 'socialism' he wanted to take words which he believed once had noble meaning and restore them to their proper glory. But then again, I don't expect an atomized too smart for it all hyper individual like yourself to understand anything about camaraderie.
>Convince communists to join them
Again, read why. He found them easier to convert because they already possessed a revolutionary spirit. They just needed their energy to be directed in a more nationalistic direction. And what's wrong with trying to convert communists? How do you expect your ideology to grow if you don't try and convince others of its validity? There isn't a huge pool of neutral people out there just waiting for an ideology to follow you know.

I'm saying you're a fucking commie in disguise.
>meme ideology

Get a .45 and follow your leader

I couldn't give a fuck what some dumb ancrap says about my ideology. No one will EVER take you seriously because your ideology is just as fundamentally flawed as the very communists you claim to hate.
K.Y.S you utter fucking cancerous meme cunt

For faggots like you.

>jew scapegoating
Get in the chamber schlomo

More people take us seriously than you fucking communists.

ancap can't handle the road problem, as soon as you start asking questions about intersections it breaks down

Nazis and people who don't like Nazis are just flip sides of the same coin...

>muh horseshoe
Go back to Sargon bitchboy
>More people take us seriously
HAHAHAHAHA. Well memed. Now seriously go KYS before I unleash my recreational nukes on you because you know we all have one or two just laying around for personal use.