Birth defects

Have you guys ever wondered why we don't just "get rid of " special needs kids, it's a strain on the tax payer as every "special" kid needs their own teacher, and if they don't go to public schools they can get a credit for private or homeschool for over 50,000 dollars in some states. I mean they won't do any thing in the future but take up resource and more tax payer money. Just so you know the us spends almost 11.9 billion dollars on people who won't even participate in society.

because we are a civilized race you filthy dog jew

>nat soc flag
>isn’t okay with eugenics


That money is all spent on industry. It creates vast markets and jobs. Get a grip.

american flag, believes jew propaganda hmmm

probably jew

People with disabilities have more strength and willpower in one finger than you have in your entire coward body. For living their hellish existence with integrity alone, they have more significance than you ever, EVER will. You are truly a disgusting vile vermin in this world and I hope you never experience the absolute horrors of disability. It will change you forever and the second your health takes a turn for the worst, which it fucking will you bitch, you will put down the keyboard and wisen the fuck up. You're a child.

If the parents pay for it, there's nothing wrong with it. Don't need to urge them to kill the child in that case.

But I see where you're coming from. In most cases it's more of a taboo to kill the cripple, than anything else.

>Have you guys ever wondered why we don't just "get rid of " special needs kids,
Hey' it's not right to making fun of Baron like that. You should be fucking ashamed of yourself picking on a poor defenseless kid.

and this is why natsocs are a meme

and you wonder why the left get so much support

>national socialist
>lets kill anyone who was unfortunate to be born fucked up

But then we wouldn't have you to make these threads OP

The logical thing to do would be to have the child aborted/euthanized and have the parents (if white) try for another healthy child. If the parents choose to keep the child, it should not be eligible for any programs that utilize tax dollars.

infact even posting this...i bet some lefty cuck has already screencapped to make us look like monsters

sort your fucking act out you child,people like you make us look like the devil

we will never get traction with retards like you ranting about killing spazsticks

there should be an incinerator in every maternity ward

You could replace "special needs kids" with "niggers" and it would read about the same

Parent of a retard detected

(((human rights)))

What extent of "special needs kids" do you mean? do you mean the high functioning speds or the complete retard downs speds

Not killing retards and genetic fuckups doesn't make you civilized, it makes you a cuck.

Do as the Spartans and throw them off a cliff as an infant

More like born with a congenital heart defect causing me to go through open heart surgery twice, once as an infant and again less than a month ago. Having health defects is hell on Earth but I know I have more character than you, you shitty prick fuckstick. Consider yourself lucky faggot, of course you take it for granted. Guess we should euthanize all cancer patients too?

I have one with Aspergers, quite severe, who is doing very well as an accounting major in college.

The college didn't want him, the disabilities lady tried tricks to get him out, but the teachers love him and appreciate his great performance in their classes.

So there really is disability, and then there's underlying ability. Sometimes it's a matter of letting the ability function by working around the disability.

>severe Aspergers
So autism?

^^^ most valuable thing anyone has said in this thread so far

Best wishes for your health, you'll improve for sure.

or very high functioning autism.

aspergers is a subset of autism you fucking retard, go back to school and get a proper education before you act so snide. You just embarrass yourself.

This. If you want to kill one of God's children, you're welcome to move to some European/African (what's the difference) shithole and do it there.

But OP, if that was the case you wouldn't be here in /pol, shitposting like this.

So I should be allowed to kill you then? Anyone who wants an authoritarian or collectivist society, government, or culture is mentally unfit for prolonged life and reproduction.

how is eugenics jewish propaganda?

also you can have eugenics without mass sterilization.
A congenital heart defect is not the same as the various trisomies, or down syndrome. You are lucid, and capable of cognition

You're embarassing yourself if you think individuals with trisomy diagnoses are incapable of cognition.

Thank you for your kind words. It really does mean a lot. I just started cardiac rehab this week, but the hardest part is sleeping at night due to my sternum not being completely healed back together yet. I miss being able to use my arms, but if I do I could loosen the sternal wires in my chest.

Anyway, I appreciate it. You're a good person to wish a stranger well. I'm proud of your son for taking the initiative and despite his setbacks making a life for himself. The world needs more people with his drive and resilience. Fuck that lady who tried to trick him, I hope she was fired.

I was born with a minor physical deformity that got me disqualified from the Army here. I had already passed the merit based tests like Aptitude and physical fitness. OP is right, if even someone like me is unfit to protect the land, we should be terminated.

they certainly can't perform the cognition that society requires of them, or else it wouldn't be classified as a disability

Why serve in the army when you aren't even facing the biggest threat?
The rapefugee

Because they are better than kikes and we aren't allowed to murder kikes (yet).

you're truly a sick fuck if you think you can power play as god and kill off whoever you see unacceptable regardless of their mental or physical abilities and contribution to society. Modern society has adapted to special needs and allows for disabled people to exist despite their lack of societal contribution. If you lack the ability to see that, then obviously you have no place in the discussion.

thank god people like you aren't in a position of any significance-- for obvious reasons I'm certain.

I would have acquired the skills to deal with them there. Also, I live in a small town where nothing happens... ever.

Objectively false. Just stop.

However, if you meant in a general sense...
It's just always something I wanted to do. It just felt right and correlated with my own interests.

Exactly correct OP I believe once we.
1. Take away all rights and privileges from white women until they are only tools for breeding.
2. Sterilize all nonwhite males and force them to do manual labour as a slave class.
3. Nonwhite females and white males will live together for romantic relationships.
4. When the nonwhite female is pregnant, abort any male fetus and leave the female fetus.
5. When the white female breeding too is pregnant, abort female fetuses and leave male fetuses.
5. The new mixed race females will be given white husbands.
6. After several generations, the world will be completely white and the breeding tools can be gotten rid of.
We can then proceed in carrying out a radical eugenics program where we administering an IQ test on every white child upon reaching age 12. If they score >105 we sterilize them.

More importantly we need to deal with our women. Right wing white men always talks about saving the white race and saving white women. They always worship the ground white women walk on. Why? What have white women done to save themselves? Nothing. There are outliers here and there, but they are just that. Outliers. The average white woman not only disagrees with the concept of "saving the white race" but outright supports the destruction of the white race. White heterosexual men to them are either an evil which needs to be destroyed or sissified and controlled to aid them in their Jewish master's quest to destroy white men. So why do you worship white women? Why do you think they're worth saving? Wanting to "save" white women is the same as a herd of sheep protesting the removal of a pack of wolves that has done nothing but feast on them. If western civilization is going to survive, white women need to be destroyed. They aren't just being "fooled by the Jews."
They were always the first to betray the side that seemed to be losing.
They have always wanted liberalization of the West.
They have always supported "equal rights" for nonwhites.
They have always supported mass immigration to the west.
They have always wanted higher taxes.
They have always wanted a bigger, more intrusive central government.
They have always been the enemy of the white man and everything he stands for.

I like you, user

White women are the enemy.

My other son had a sunken chest but had a Nuss procedure to put a bar in to "pop it out". If a Nuss is not done (or in addition to it), the other treatment is to cut the cartilage in the sternum and put in titanium pins somehow to reconnect it in a different orientation. So I have read something about what you are going through. You're on the mend.

The lady was not fired, she has tenure. The Disabilities department is weird. They have a lot of kids going there (mainly to take exams with accommodations) and there are two old women, with tenure as professors, who don't like the disruption that a truly disabled kid can bring. Easier for them to process lots of kids that are just slow and want extra time on tests -- that's what it looks like to me anyway. So they help perpetuate the idea that disabled = slow or dull. And they get enough "customers" that their cost center gets well funded and they don't have to teach classes.

The woman dealing with autism tried to be very tough on my son, counting on his bad communication skills to get away with whatever she did. That often works when dealing with kids on the spectrum. I was around enough that it was detected and, hopefully, dealt with.

We're going to cure Autism as well as all other disabilities one bullet at a time. Just like Adolf intended.

nice flag fag

I think they're less idealistic than men, and they are the soft spot for social attack. I am not concerned for their sakes, because when you make your bed you can lie in it. For example, if Swedish women get raped by Muslims they helped bring in, Swedish men (other than brother, boyfriend, husband, etc.) would have no reason to jump to their defense and, in my view, shouldn't. Those women have broken the social compact with white men, and so they're on their own.

But white women, more interestingly, are also under attack by nonwhite women. Black women attack them constantly, usually with words but sometimes even aggressively, and the white women just buckle and submit, and try to appease. So while white women are being tough on white men, they are easy pickings for black women. How pathetic!

It seems that in the white race, women are the weak link. Men have to use force (which is their domain) to keep out others who would take their women. Access control is really the way it's always done historically, not for the sake of the women, but for the sake of the men and the race.

OK you can have a black woman. She'll be your friend. Or heck even a black man!

I feel going scorched earth on special needs kids is too far, but I don't get how some parents keep these kids that end up being drooling halflings stuck in wheelchairs and hooked up to catheters and whatnot.

I saw one in my doctors office waiting room and they were just making loud pained screeching noises and it haunted me. It seems like a hellish cruel existence to let someone live.

Why? Do you not believe in true natsoc?

Please go larp somewhere else, your posts aren't even funny in an ironic way.

Prove me wrong.

Fuck off, shill.

If disability means you accept that because of circumstances outside of their control surrounding their birth you are okay with supporting them despite their complete lack of contribution to society, why doesn't that extend to, say, absolutely everybody else

Because once we lower ourselves to "get rid of" special needs people, we become soulless insects like the Chinese.

I find it interesting that you have no actual point to make and instead are basically telling me to shut up. Is it because you fear actual open discussion on this issue?

What is wrong with killing special needs people?

nigga i have aspergers n sheeit but im still a smart ass mufucka i just need special help n sheit cuz in a stupid snow nigger go fuck yourself

I'd venture to say most special needs aren't genetically related. Some are drug/alchohol related and others products of a troubled bearing or birth. My son has cerebral palsy. Genetically he's perfectly fine. But regardless, he's my burden to bear. I pay his medical bills and I contribute far more in taxes than the average parent at his school. I personally didnt speak until I was 4, needed years of speech therapy, and now Im a business owner since the age of 25 (6 years). Would you have labeled me defective? Your assumption of human value is retarded. Go fuck yourself.

So you're advocating suicide?

What's wrong with Suicide?

This. I have Cerebral Palsy and I want to end it all. I can't even hold a rifle. No one deserves this.

You would destroy weapons grade autism?

Imagine the power you'd be giving up.

Have you tried a lead sled? I get that it's not the same, but if firearms are a big thing for you there might be options.

In the old times, we did. But then, along came the Boomers. Gifted with the amazing prosperity of the most profitable time to live, work, and earn a fortune, they became utterly entitled to their lives of easy success and wealth. So when their precious darling snowflakes were being born in the 80s and 90s, they would not accept that their child was defective. They demanded gibsmedats for their "special" children, paid by the taxpayer's dime. When Gen X had their kids they just went with the flow, because that's what they do. And now the older millennials have kids, and heaven forbid that we not cater to Brayden's peanut allergy and McKayla's autism, however negatively it may impact that other children or the state's finances.

I can use a handgun but I want to at least /crusade/ with my brothers before I bite the bullet.

What kind of deformity you have to have to get excluded in fighting in middle eastern Jew wars? Also they have an IQ test? Is the passing IQ 80 because literally every military cuck is a barely functioning moron.

The right needs more brains than brawn at the moment anyways.

Are you implying chris-chan didn't contribute to society??

If you dont mind me asking what type of deformity did they disqualify you for?

Heres the thing about eugenics and killing off those with disabilities. If the disability is genetic, then unfortunately killing off the offspring would actually be the merciful way as the offspring would grow up suffering, and if allowed to breed he/she would potentially pass down the disability.

Disabilities obtained like paralysis or blindness usually arent genetic and can be worked around with, it's just usually a shittier time catching up or coping with it. That being said they can still have relatively normal lives unlike their genetic counterparts.


I dont think they should be killed as that is a little bit to barbaric. Rather just not be allowed to reproduce or if they do it'd result in a heavy fine.

Killing em would be merciful since the kid is going to grow up with problems, and carry em into Adulthood thats roughly 70 or so years of being at a natural disadvantage. Might as well spare them the suffering and the inevitableness of their circumstances.

Pretty sure my son would prefer to be alive. Many people suffer without the contemplation of death/suicide.

I agree, if you can't contribute to society, you shouldn't receive any aid, just slowly die in the corner

Not necessarily, especially a male with genetic issues that naturally puts him at a disadvantage. Females can sorta get away with it as they tend to have other qualities that can be favourable, but males basically have this: GOOD LUCK MOFO

But I also think if you want to breed and have a family, you should have certain qualifications that show you are able to support a family. If you break this, you are taxed heavily

I always believed we shoulda killed em. There is literally no reason to keep em alive except if you like to waste money
ACTAULLY- A while back I started to wish for a painless suicide option which can be aplied to deformed unthinking cretins usually spawned by jewish inbreeding

Make sure you detect abnormalities before they're born, and abort children who prove positive for retardation or physical dysfunction.

That would outright end the family unit as a whole. You can thank (((feminism))) and (((women's rights))) for already making a huge hole in the family unit.

Are really implying people should kill themselves if they don't plan on reproducing? Or are incapable of it?

Slippery slope

Learn to care for your weak or forget love and become consumed by hatred until only 1 stands alone

>tips fedora

So does the sodomy industry. Not an argument tard-lover.

I am not saying for them to off themselves, I was saying that a genetically inferior/defective male is beyond screwed in every way, shape, and form. I was saying putting them out of their misery as a baby or a fetus is better than having them suffer for their entire life.

Current education is shit across the whole board. That means men are not taught to be men and women are not taught to be women. I'd assume special children get the worst of it.

>so Jewish you steal extra chromosomes

>learn to piss away all your resources on the weak so you can be conquered by the strong

We should let the parents choose between aborting the tard or supporting it without government assistance.
Guaranteed there would be very few tards.
I would really just be happy if we stopped hiring people with speech impediments to perform customer interaction jobs.
No on but your fucking family is happy about the fact that you have a job, because no one wants to try to decipher your tard mumbling for twenty minutes to get what they came into the building for.

>11.9 billion dollars on people who won't even participate in society.

better spend it on them than on some stupid ass wall.

>he believes in the social darwinism bluepill
Look at countries with a (((workaholic))) culture and you'll see the devastation of family and high amounts of suicide.

Gotta get rid of special education too. Maybe there's a hill we can toss them down.

Learn to be so strong you can protect the weak

Dont fight women, lead them


Yeah their life isn't perfect or even good, but I still don't see that as grounds for making the choice for them.

muh all life is precious
plus keeping a retarded kids get's you good parent points with your social circle
and maybe even a sweet deal on TLC


>actually believing this
you're as retarded as your kid