

Other urls found in this thread:

How many men can Yottsun kill with his chops?
Have we finally found a weapon to surpass the metal gear?

You mean Soy Latte?
>medical knowledge
>spiked Narna candies
>laced Dahara cigarette
Koharu is the redherring.

What is her goal?

Was making a homosexual duo to shoot arrows a part of your plan?

Why does she look disappointed?

Maimai got 2 scenes of people threatening her on next episode, I am afraid

>Soy Latte mastermind
>spiked Narna candies
One of these days, I'm gonna follow you home.

Vote Space Zong for president.

/r/ing the jackass spanking pic

I'm so confused on what she's trying to accomplish here.

Where did everything go so right?

Jack and Assness aren't living up to her fantasies. It turns out that, contrary to what smutty novels might say, schoolboys aren't sex gods.

Because they failed her.

Because Jackass has disappointed her and she's thinking about abandoning them

Just save it from the other thread, you lazy fuck.

So just watched the new episode, and I dont understand. When did Mc leave village and go home?


Maimai a cute, A CUTE!

Either she gets off on watching schoolboys beat each other up, or she's wishing she'd picked better henchmen.

She read the finale's script.

Choose your own fate, fellow villagers.
Many people want a password.
So decide on one.
Many people also have different ideas on the site. So vote on that too
Remember, you have to accept Nanaki before visiting.

It's both.

It's not home. The hospital was near the village also near where Kamisama is staying.

What would sex with Lion be like ?

Would she be too tight ?
Would she say 'itai !"
Would she enjoy it ?

Yes as well as using Masaki as a scapegoat and Valkana as a bodyguard.

Sex with Jack or Judgeness sounds akward. Jackass sex sounds akward and autistic as fuck.

Did I make him look better?

Not after that scene. She torn a page out of Yuuno's notebook. Fuck her.


>not asking how Lions mate

Everytime I see "itai" now I think back to that Naanafag who cut his finger and posted it. The saying will never not remind me of that now.

More amusing certainly, user.

Loose. She got pumped and dumped in the Mikp cult. No 14 year old look like a slut at her age.

I want to hatefuck Koharun.

never forget

She's so cute!

She's yuuna 2.0 . She'll turn full man-hating dyke screaming "onna no teki !" if a guy ever mentions she wears a cute dress. Hope she gets gangraped by black dudes in a dark alley near a US base.

It will give her nice flashbacks of when Kayama-kun shared her with all his friends in the school's gym's storage room.

Every time I read 'itai', I think of that awful wrestling anime.


He's lost some of that boyish charm.

I want to rape a lion and make her carry my babies!

Someone give me a summary please, I dropped this shit like 3 episodes ago and now I only lurk in the threads.

He looks like a literal who now.

What is that small thing he's threatening her with?

She looks more resilient in that scene than the one with Angry-kun.

>Sources Notaires

>now I only lurk in the threads
You should've already gathered the information then, since everything been discussed.

Watch and find out or don't.
No one spoonfeed the faggot.

Nobody dies. Seems like this show is going for a happy ending. We may have misinterpreted the series as being horror when it was really SOL

Someone was shirtless.

Speak for your fucking self.

It would be hilarious, though. You could bring out some random household item in the middle of it, not to use, just to make Assness panic. Then you could calm him down and comfort him with your dick.


>not Wanko
You people are so gullible, I bet you also watch wrestling.


>tfw she sees your keikaku

The zongs are really battling it out in here. I actually have no idea who will win.

>he is only capable of categorizing anime as an edgy bloodbath or an SoL

That's definitely one of the charm points for me. I want to see Koharun try to make them pleasure her, but they're both such inexperienced virgins that they can't even make her cum. So she just relieves her frustrations by smacking them around instead.

Apple peeler.


Fuck, i can't help but to love Koharu. Jean shorts and hair buns are so great.

You need to edit in a sweating Nanko instead, that would make it funnier

Knowing how Sup Forums always handle this stuff, i was somehow excepting something else.

Meme magic is real and God is best boy.

Sup Forums is pure, like Assness.

Can someone edit this into that pregnancy test meme?

>not backing down
Maimai is the MC now.

Futas don't have nuts.

Almost everyone thought it was a horror anime at first. It actually seems kind of comfy now.

They probably already cummed when touching her pussy's lips with the tips of their dicks. Didn't even manage to hold it long enough to actually penetrate her.

She'll become Puuko's Adam. Maiami is already flat chested all she have to do is trim her hair.

Puuko prolly have hidden buxom breasts.


>Jean shorts and hair buns
Oh shit, it all makes sense now. She's short too.


But Assness is a hoe.

then why does Sup Forums keep trying to do lewd things to Assness?
What's his revival song?

Did not expect this epi to have so much exposition. Smoking Dahara is best Dahara and evil Piitan is best Piitan

Somebody needs to write a lewdtext of this.

Implying she would even let them use their dicks. The'd probably just force them to orally pleasure her as a sign of submission.

>marketed as a mystery
>was explicity stated not to believe the three posters
>and then we disappeared
>horror and still expected deaths despite all that
Yeah, if you're the Yuune type.

>both oakada series kicking into high gear at the same time

He's young, cries a lot and would be fun to break.

Can't bring myself to like her. She's always wearing these socks for who knows how many days, and never seem to take them off.

I am disappointed she never shows her bare feet. And even as a footfag, I think the smell must be revolting. Nope, too dirty.

This is beautiful.

It's Jack.

Y'all keep tempting me with your lewd fantasies but I will remain pure because Assness is pure. You guys can't get to me

You are thinking too much no one smells in animu land

>Yottsun is Archer
>Mitsumune is Shirou
>Reiji is Nice-kun
>JACK is a double agent and is going to let 'er rip
Find a way for the Nanakis to not get absolutely obliterated. Protip: you can't

Now we need a fanart of butch lesbian Maimai.

I think it struck a good balance of characters being funny/crazy along with providing information. Them being split into groups definitely helps.

I will assassinate Jack

And Jack seiyuu tweeted wait for his return.

He'd cry after sex. Probably before and during too.


>providing information
Yes, Mr. Plot Expositionman delivered it really well.

Definitely the best epi in some time. Also Yotsun's Nanaki was subtle but cool to see

Don't believe her smiles.

Nanko is best girl