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Crazy shed moth instead of waifu cooking moth
I can't.
Monster girl shit is bad enough, but insect girls are even a step below that in degeneracy. Kill yourself
If she was just a little less violent I would be willing to spend eternity with her.
>Being this much of a fag
She's not violent at all
No part 3.
that's not me in the picture
And btw, i never liked monster girls myself, but Moth-chan is just something else.
Dude she blows up his mom's brain in front of him. And she has definitely gotten angry to the point where it seemed like she was gonna hit him.
- pedophile rapist
- creepy hands
- isn't a spider
This is the English translation of part 3, released 3 hours ago.
Didn't she have a heart attack
uh brb
No, moth used psychic energy to explode okaa-san's brain in her skull
>wait 10 years for the boy to come back
>when he finally come back, some old hag is trying to ruin the fun
>All that shit
Burn her alive.
This is kinda scary
I always thought these monster girl meme threads were a level I'd never descend to but this is weirdly cute
I should leave this thread before it's too late
The time loop.
That guy should drag her out of the shed and release her from the 10 years loop suffering and starts a new family.
>venomoth used psychic
what the fuck am I reading
He did in part 3.
And why part 3 wasn't released on C89 btw?
Author kept baiting with pregnancy and a human form disguise but never delivered.
Fuck him.
>wanting human disguise
What the fuck is wrong with you user?
Mothform is a ok.
>She's a housewife
I was born to read this
it seems that in this new reality only darling-kun can see her true form
>the fucking milkshake song
Is it 2004 again or do I just feel that way because she turned me back into a 12 year old shota?
do you have parts 1 and 2?
I hated it.
If there is a part 4 I hope it goes back to yandere despair.
For your reading pleasure.
>Housewife mothgirl with Lingerie who wants nothing more than to mate and drink your cum
I'd honestly think I would have a mental background if this was to happen in real life because logically something shouldn't be this perfect.
fuck your opinion
Thanks a lot dude.
Is anyone else turned on but disgusted at the same time? I feel like my dick is the sole gainer reading this because her stomach area is horrific disgusting but yet inches away from uncanny ally enough to still be fuckable.
>vanilla moth loving
>we asked
>he listened
It was ok because I like vanilla, but I liked her being a creepy yandere better.
His job isn't that good.
He works long hours, so he can't go back to his perfect home.
Other than that, it's perfect.
>Artists out there aren't giving in to the NTR or Cow tit memes and making decent content
He actually does read the comments. No more shota, though.
I thought only IT and server junkies get stuck with shit working hours past fucking midnight.
But MC isn't head system admin so why the long hours for just someone who seems like a newbie employee? I doubt a company would trust a newbie with such a big project right at the beginning.
Ask him to draw sex while the moth girl is flying in the air.
Like MC fucking her at the highest tower in Japan and one wrong step leads to his death but it is okay because Moth Girl can fly
>No more /ss/
>He doesn't code for a living
>Take a laptop to the beeches or to the forest and work for 8 hours
>Or can work from home.
It's like a diet version of being a wagecuck
>Any electronic device in the blazing sunlight with sand everywhere
I cringed for you, user.
His vanilla demon loving was also great
>He doesn't wear sunglasses
that is why you will always fail user
you don't have to give me a source but is it tagged in his name on sad panda?
It's not even on Sad Panda because Jewcob is a fucking horrific bastard the likes of which the world has seldom seen
My eyes are so light sensitive I can't drive during the day unless the cloud layer is triple thick or I have sunglasses.
>yandere murder moth got pacified
Man, that blows. Shit was way more interesting before.
You are a user among anons. Have a mothgirl reaction.
OH man spiderman is posting in a moth thread, holy fuck it's all making cents now.
for some reason i read this while listening to the broforce themesong
To cute.
is it the same one though, he calls her mashiro but i thought her name was kaiko
>helping the yandere get her hyper violence under control isnt the best possible end
Why do you actually have shit taste? There are literal guides on how to not be bad nowadays.
>Why do you actually have shit taste?
I want to shake this moth's milk, if you get what I'm saying.
>This song
I'm such an oldfag
Try Hentai(dot)cafe
Housemoth better than Shedmoth
posting moth-chan
We faction wars now
Patrician taste:
>spooky shed prison
>reality warping powers
>full on yandere
>actual good horror
Full Pleb
>unprofessional printing, looks like a drawthread request fulfillment
>shits over established universe
>boring vanilla sex
Why is Kokonatsu fucking a moth?
Disgusting shota. Just fuck him when he's a grown man
>reading the comments from pirates who will never give you any money
Surprised he didn't go fuck you gaijins
Too bad chapter 3 was a false flag, since the Author said on his twitter that it will end with bad end in chapter 4.
The whole thing comes off pretty weird, it does seem like something isn't right.
She probably sheds flakes all over the place.
That was a cute comic. Why is it so hard to find on the internet? Is it licensed?
>monster girl
>insect girl
>ara ara
how is it possible to put so many flaws on one character?
Tojos pirate more than gaijins.
It's why some people like Rebis and Chinbotsu looked for a way to branch out instead of themselves to yen, comiket, and shit publishers like Wani.
I like the progression from the shed to the house a whole lot more than either.
Fucking the yandere out of someone is one of those things I like.
It's not like it's completely gone either.
anyone has shiragasane zen/tan english translation ?
>generic wife dojin
>people not liking the happy housemoth.
She got what she wanted and everyone's happy, if you don't enjoy that, you're a bad person.
Too bad the apron dissapears so suddenly though.
>happy housemoth
She's fucking terrifying!
I want to destroy this smile
Rather there is two outcomes to the story and this is the good end.
>Moth girls
>copulating with crazed homicidal monsters
Aside from this part, does anyone even remember the sex in the first two parts? Because all I can remember is how scary as fuck she can be in them.
You nailed it.
>Solopip B
God i love that asian nigga, it's like his girls are "date me or die" morality.
His last doujin translated by fakku, you can find it on nyaa reminds me of that manga Kaguya-san want to be loved
Where's the psycho moth style? Doesn't he care that the moth killed his mum?
>going from crazy shed moth rape to tender vanilla loving
I guess everything ended better than expected.
I guess so as well.
Normal relationship?
No, it's [Solopip B] I'm Not Waiting Any More
501 - 600?