Are you digital Hitlerfaceing ?

Are you digital Hitlerfaceing ?

please think of what you are doing before you do so






Closed the video as soon as I heard "digital blackface". How do you people even find this shit, why would you seek to be angry all the time? Listening to that whole thing is nothing short of masochism to your blood pressure

my folder's gettin kinda empty


Don't delete the pics after you upload them



course i don't

>gas the untermenschen BUT LOOK AT THIS LE BASED BLACK GUY
fuck off hitler

cheers m8

shut ya facehole sven

>worked with allies accross multiple nations

I aint doing it
so this is the power of radical centrism....



dunno if this one counts


Hitler was going to conquer the world. Ever see man in the high castle? The French were literally going to all be gassed

nothing wrong with that



Dat ID


>trump is hitler

so much wrong with this lel

i think i'm done

>white nationalist

Shouldn't you be sticking things up your bum?

i didn't even notice


forgot pic


Hitler, racist?

nazis like cats


niggers don't



we all do

heres a ball meme

>why would you seek to be angry all the time?
You could ask a fag who browses Sup Forums the same thing.

It's actually true though. It's the same reason why we find children or animals funny, especially when they try and act like an adult. People naturally view and treat black people as "the silly kid" or "a monkey acting human" this is naturally why we have find black people so funny.

feels good to be part of such a wholesome tread




any thoughts aboot the habbening tomorrow

kek he was like shit i forgot to heil.





Oh hanz.. into the oven you go!

prisu don't laugh at that, i literally found it by gulaging hitler memes

Keked and saved

....ya, black people having a jobs is cultural appropriation too.

jesus goy, it's not THAT funny


thats why they don't work and live off crime and gibs


is this barron in previous life?


It's fake

anyone have the gif of hitler sipping tea?

>those bands on their collars
they're estonian SS soldiers

i think even a sven would understand that

based estonians

still SS estiibro

50.000 romanians, i'm so proud

this one ?


IRL nobody wants hang around people who complain about non-existent non-problems.

Somehow this is acceptable behavior when you get on the internet.

The internet was a mistake.


god such an antagonizing tone, reminds me of dianne abott


yes thank you

reminds me of internalized oppression

The buses would be on time at least

not if there are nigs on it

D'aww. Like a goofy uncle who's wife died a few years previously

ded tred