Should I watch Haikyuu?
Should I watch Haikyuu?
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You should kill yourself.
Does it have acceptable subs yet? Last time I checked it didn't. So do whatever you want. The orange is a cute. But it feels like committing self-cest.
I read this in a new york accent and laughed my ass off.
Speak-disorders aren't to laugh about user. They could happen to you too
Yes. Then you can endure the wait to October with the rest of us.
Yes you absolutely should.
Yes for a sports anime it's pretty good. Also cute managers.
Pic related.
Isn't the manga better?
It's a superb adaptation, there's very little the manga provides that the anime doesn't. Arguably, where the anime improves on the manga is in dealing with the other teams' characters and giving them life they previously lacked.
sweet. Thanks
If you really love sport shows for sure.
It's fucking great also producing one of the best ever episodes to grace anime history.
The manga isn't anything special but the anime fucking drags. I mean, it's not worse than most sports anime and it still does a good job adapting it, but for this genre the manga is usually just more enjoyable because of the faster pacing.
Can you not think for yourself you fucking retard? If you want me to decide for you then no. It's overhyped shonenshit.
Expect lots of silly dialogue. Every other episode any given character will explain his feelings or ideas poorly or even with grunt-like sounds.
Watch it if you liked Slam Dunk or if you want a volleyball clone of SD.
Sounds pretty subjective there, user. I find the anime's pacing to be perfectly appropriate, enough that I'm never bored or feel like I'm being loaded down with filler and can comfortably marathon both seasons and not have my attention drawn away.
It's one of the best sports anime to ever exist.
It's really good. Not really too different from the average sports series in term of story but it's executed so well. It does a great job of getting you invested in the game and the characters.
And the constant stream of cringeworthy dialogue trying to be poetic about "finding ways to fly" or some shit. It's fucking volleyball, shut up.
Samefag, please. If you think Haikyuu has an unreasonable amount of exposition, I'm sure gems like DBZ would make you hang yourself.
The main character is shit but everyone else is aight.
Hinata's fucking fantastic, take that back!
Watch for Kageyama. He is the cool and mystical type, but he pulls it off without coming off as being edgy because he is so suave.
A show for cum guzzlers
>I find the anime's pacing to be perfectly appropriate
Except some matches last too long.
Except practices occupy too many episodes.
Except some of the characters will simply disappear from the action (I'm looking at you setter-kun) because they have to allot screen time to some secondary character. Worse part is just as they are brought into the spotlight, those character will just fall into obscurity in the next couple episodes.
Exposition can be rather retarded too.
>hey, isn't that the guy who appeared on screen for a full minute to serve once in some match we didn't go to?
Maybe I'm just too old for this stuff. I used to marathon sports shonen like it was nothing a decade ago.
On the plus side, the music fits very well into the action and the bits of special animations, though they will eventually become Haikyuu's 'thing', are nicely done.
He fucking sucks. It's the same shit with him every time, "Whoa, he's so short but he jumps so high!"
Take Kageyama away and he's the most useless shit ever.
Occasionally you'll get a few parts that drag, but overall it's okay. The most annoying thing is when a team's flashback is longer than their actual screen time spent playing the other team. It seems unnecessary.
>Take Kageyama away and he's the most useless shit ever.
Episode 1 proves this statement wrong, and this gets reinforced in S2. Check yourself.
>Take Kageyama away and he's the most useless shit ever.
We'll just have to wait and see now.
>has an unreasonable amount of exposition
Not that guy, but I was referring to the tone and depth of the dialogue, not the amount. I guess it's 'realistic' in the sense that 15yos probably have trouble expressing themselves so they use commonplace words.
My issue is that so far there is not a single character with anything resembling actual self-awareness and the ability to properly use words.
They are just different flavors of the interested in sports only type.
That line was so cringe worthy I felt like taking a shower after listening to that bit of genius dialogue.
>Episode 1
You mean the part where he spikes the ball out and loses the game?
And how did season two change anything? Just because he can match different setters now doesn't change the fact that he's only as good as he is on offense because of Kageyama's freak tosses. Everything else he's complete shit at.
If that guy is referring to there being too much dialogue during a sports match, he'd sort of have a point. But it's anime so it doesn't matter.
Tsukishima grew 3 more centimetres in one chapter.
just what
pick one.
>overhyped shonen
>95% of fanbase are females+fujoshi
>it has a lot of shounen cliche moments
>anime has man fanservice
If you are a female, gay or volleyball player then watch it. Otherwise it's a waste of time
Some seriously shit replies in this thread. When did Sup Forums become this garbage? It is a stark contrast to the anime thread on Sup Forums right now.
OP is just a samefagging spammer who replies to his own posts.
Wish the mod would make examples out of samefaggers like OP.
The only correct answer is yes. Ignore all the babbling anons and their moronic arguments.
>top tier animation
>great soundtrack
>likeable characters
>lets you get into a sport you may not be familiar with
Watch it. One of the best sports shows around.
I started reading the manga after having watched S1 and S2 but it confuses the hell out of me already. Kageyama was already in the team when Hinata wanted to join it.
>anime is just like the manga
That's a one shot.
>yfw tsukishima went from not giving a shit to being the best player on the team after kageyama
Took a bit of a wake-up call and some bullying by certain third-years from other schools, but it's been nice seeing Tsukishima actually starting to play to his potential.
>replying to rec threads
Fuck you.
Both their character developments were great. Best boys
One thing I really like about the series is that despite the obvious attention paid to the Hinata/Kageyama dynamic and its evolution, there's enough time devoted to the other characters that for the most part they aren't total strangers or just Space Filler #X, and that generally if someone truly talented, like Nishinoya, winds up getting left out there's usually a reason.