This is the most avant garde anime ive ever seen in a while...

This is the most avant garde anime ive ever seen in a while. Idk why I held it off for so long shows like lain and even ergo can't even compare. This show has the perfect balance that people truly underappreciate it literally tries to have the perfect balance while being a comedy seinen primarily and I can't think of a better way to pace this show than it already aired. In my truest opinion this is a 10/10 anime and fuck any mal review that says otherwise

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Yup, I generally feel the same way.


I can't even begin to explain how opm had a million still frames while at least this show was animated to such an impressive extent for what it was. One of the most progressive seinens ever made in my honest opinion


>This show has the perfect balance that people truly underappreciate it literally tries to have the perfect balance while being a comedy seinen primarily and I can't think of a better way to pace this show than it already aired.
Go back to English classes user.

I really liked it too, but for some reason I seem to forget the villain that marked the turn of the series. What was his name again?

>This is the most avant garde anime ive ever seen in a while.
>ive ever seen
>in a while


Too bad it was fucking boring and turned into absolute garbage like 10 episodes in. If this show is proof of anything it's that you can fuck anything up if you try hard enough.

First ED is top tier though

I'm glad you feel that way user.
Samumenco might've had a lot of problems, but what lies underneath is genuinely groundbreaking in its execution.


It really is. The majority like to knitpick a few underlying problems it had but what it did was truly innovative as an anime and I honestly haven't watched anything this refreshing in a while.

guillotine gorilla ?

Samurai Flamenco had every right to stay safe, keep every character that already had a bit of development in a purgatory state with an above mediocre plotline but it strived for more than that and it succeeded beyond my expectations and I really can't ask for more from what this anime already was.

Ending was shit compared to the rest.

is this the start of new great meme

No, I think it was Chopping Chimp

No joke, I couldn't stop laughing the first couple of episodes. Then episode 7 hit. Brilliant.

I think you mean Massacre Monkey.

Great series, great fanbase. Ruined by memers and bandwagoners.

Actually, it was Beheading Bonobo

Mari was raped

Decapitating Oogabooga

Lacerating Lanky maybe?

Sit down

how can memes ruin a show when they are not in it?

You are looking too hard into it senpai

Domestic Violence

It's amazing to see someone not get something so simple.

Killer Primate?

Headless Harambe

The episode with the ape that everyone always mentions in this show is proof enough honestly this anime took the biggest gamble by expanding quickly from that ep and its seriously ridiculed in the most biased way because of it. The only way I can describe this anime by comparing others would he that its a combination of gurren lagen, opm, and eva and even then the show continues to push farther than what I expected from these shows. Samumenco really pushed its own boundaries and proved to be one of the most next level parodies to ever be animated and memes really can't explain the extent this show. 10/10 one of the most avant garde anime ive ever got the chance to experience in my lifetime

Sorry for the typos but I'm heavily drunk and am emotional by the state this anime has put me in. Long live flamenco


Is this worth watching past episode 3?

>avant garde


What are your views on the prime minister of Japan?


there will never be a samflam anymore

from what i've seen seems like a gayer inferno cop without the brisk pacing


Best character in the show.

It doesnt need any knowledge in the japanese prime minister to appreciate this gem of a show all you need to know is "Muscle Rider" desu senpai

I've tried to enjoy mayoiga like I enjoyed samurai flamenco but it just isn't good enough

How do you like your rollercoasters?

>Not Mister Justice
>Not Okazaki F Shintarou
C'mon man

do you believe in god?


No dude mayoiga, erased, rezero they really cannot compare because all they do is use a cheap gimmick to support their shows even tho if they implement something thats off kilter at times they mostly play it safe and offer nothing different comparing to an avant garde showing such as Samurai Flamenco.

Samurai flamenco is a comedy parody anime, if you watch it for anything else than that you're retarded and if you don't understand it's a parody then you might as well kill yourself


Samurai Flamenco is a legit amazing show.

I swear, seeing you guys all freak out about SamFlam makes me regret dropping it by like episode 5. I'm still not to sure i know what happens after it picks up, but I figured Guillotine Gorilla and other wacky thread titles were just temporary. After the fact I learn that it was an incredible ride and I'm left in the dust.

Some people think parodies can only be mean-spirited and ironic.

I feel it tried to do two things while failing at one. It at the one hand wanted to make a point about how superheroes are just throwaway clones of eachother that no one remembers. Like the one scene where the director didnt remember one of his old shows. Or how axeman actually was made up by chance.

but these were only two or three scenes. Which was a waste


>After the fact I learn that it was an incredible ride and I'm left in the dust
When he said SIT DOWN, he meant it.

I'm almost finished with the series. After Goto's secret I don't think I can take anymore twists, my heart can't handle it.

Every frame is still you idiot.

Lots of body language in SF.

The greatest scene is upon you nigga, I envy you.

The ride doesn't end until the final episode.

Confirmed for having dropped it during the flamengers arc.

You never know what might happen to you in the final episode

I already said it was a comedy parody

Finish it and tell us how you felt.

Who would win in a barehanded fight between SamFlam and the Mumen Rider?

Muscle Rider but remember they're two complete different universes in anime with different directions

Watch it.