Post your most left wing agreements

>Abortion should be legal albeit I shouldn't have to pay for it
>The rich should be taxed more and the middle class less
>We should decrease military spending and spend it on fixing our infrastructure
>Gay marriage is fine with me. I don't support it, but I don't hate it either.
>Human-made climate change is real
>We should go green and strive to make our environments clean by using green energy

Other urls found in this thread:

if the government is going to tax fucking everything, all education and healthcare should be free.

omg cuck has risen to the same level as "racist" and it literally only took one year

>and it literally only took one year
Go back to r/The_dotard newfag.

Then you might want to legalize slavery again.
That's the only way it'll be free.

centrists are ex-liberals who are still playing the same liberal ego games.
They're still exactly liberals in their mindset, they just don't want to be called liberals anymore, because it's not popular anymore.
They're all followers, that just want to be right, without having to do the hard work to know they are.
So, since the left was proven to be a fraud mask for straight-up Communism, they don't bother to check out the opposition, as their lifetime of liberal programming won't allow them to.
Instead, they assume the right is just as wrong as the left, and passive weak centrism must be right.
They so badly still want that adulation from daddy authority.
They only changed what authority figures they emulate.
Jordan Peterson's the new God of the weak lost followers.

Communism is the only way to achieve a truly free society.

Anyone who holds extreme ideals are retards. If something important doesnt measure up to their beliefs, instead making theories suit facts, that's the sign of a retard.

normiest of normie threads.

Nope, just like centrist ideas. Either it's actually good or it's not, the end.

Not the way I think sorry. Black and White thinking is actually the sign of mental health issues. Life is like Jazz.


>Higher crime and poverty in minorities is partially caused by them being outside of good economic networks (not knowing the right people).
Think about it. When the only people you know are degenerate niggers, who's going to refer you for a job at an office or something?

Their lower IQ and shitty work ethic doesn't help either.

Oh shit I like this
Fuckem both

They should do good in school, use the teachers as references to get into college and then use the college teachers to get a job.

This is pretty woke for a Sup Forums thread

But extreme measures are not necesseraly black or white, sometimes it's best course of actions.

Fence sitters, almost as bad as hippies.

>I agree with everything one side says because I have no fucking brain

>I put on the guise that I am extremely intelligent because I am a centrist

Radical centrists fight for ____?

Whatever the right option seems to them in each specific situation you labelist faggot.