Coulters gone full fash


Other urls found in this thread:


it is not your right to live in America. White people deserve our own homelands. Non-Whites are NOT WELCOME.

Our /aunt/

Ann's been retweeting white nationalists like vdare for a long time now

Cool. Bring on the death squads.

death squaaads

When Trump put Goldman Sachs people like ((Cohn)) and ((Mnuchin)) in his cabinet he was only ever going to have a white genocide agenda. People like Ann are noticing this only now because they haven't been paying attention to who has been behind the agenda for the past 50 years.


Welp. God bless.

may you live in interesting times

Whats the full tweet you fgucking retard

doesn't matter, something about birth rate not making you america

Holy shit, fucking checked why wasn't this the FP??

What doesn't matter? Wtf are you talking about? REEEEEEEEEE DELET THIS PIECE OF SHIT THREAD

She's trying to shift the Meme Window, etc.
But seriously, fuck Jews fuck brown people, we can let her have the nuclear codes

chill the fuck out nigger

Here's the link:

Now everybody form an orderly line, OP is going to suck everyone's cock just like he loves to do.

>13% is "1 in 6"

Would have been more correct to say 1 in 8.

Oh wooow "full fash." OP faggot conformed

It is interesting that she retweeted jazzhands mcfeels though. I wonder if she listens to Fash the Nation.

kangaroo JACKED

go and fuck yourself ching even if this is proving to be lulzy

Anchor babies is real and not "fash". It's the biggest driver of immigration.

This is from an article in The Atlantic, so even liberals do know about this, they just put on blinders and call it racist because it's inconvenient.

she's awesome

great understanding of what's happening to the country, and everything she writes on immigration is excellent

>birthright citizenship = not a serious country
That's fucking gay, birthright citizenship just needs to be given to the right people, i.e. the founding racial stock. "Earned citizenship" is retarded and led to this mess.

it's who she's tweeting, not the content of the tweet x

she just never shuts the fuck up.

Oh I don't really get twitter. Anyway the article is from an immigration thread we had yesterday. I learned sme important things Sup Forums needs to be more aware of.

I rarely see the immigration acts brought into the discussion and they're the ones that changed everything, while the proponents claimed would do nothing. This is what we're doing in Europe right now and we have a window into our own future through the US.

The person she retweeted is one of the most active voices in the White Nationalist community.

Pretty fucking rad. It's amazing that they keep allowing her to be interviewed on Fox News from time to time. I hope that will continue.

Will she name the Jew? I love how angry she makes empty-headed Trump devotees. I like Trump but that doesn't mean everything he does is perfect.

Nice. I love Ann.


she's talked about their over representation

America isn't your homeland.

Africa is your homeland nigger


that's not fascism.

She has a beautiful soul. She really does. The only major media figure with this level of courage. It sucks she didnt have kids but it also seems like motherhood just wasn't for her. She's a fighter, through and through.

She's been writing for Jared Talor for fucks sake, of course she's with us.