Whats the point of college in 2017?

whats the point of college in 2017?

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i just go to college cause my dad says so

Getting a law/medicine/business degree

To waste money. I dropped out after one semester. Got Cisco certified instead. No debt and making $60k a year which isn't bad where I live.

Enslaving retards who don't know how to find information for themselves. 200k is a lot of money to pay off and a mongolian basket weaving degree or African Studies sure as shit isn't going to get you employment.

I wouldn't hire these fucktards to sweep my driveway:


stem is best option, anything else in college is fucking retarded

Too make good goyim.

whats the point of college for burgers anyway?

im studiyng philosophy atm, doesnt seems too bad

to exploit cattle

Good way of meeting cute guys and getting gay with them in the toilets


I started Engineering but left during the first year because the professors were retarded cunts and the program taught topics irrelevant to the industry.
I quit and started to work at Intel based only on my experience.

If I would have stayed in college I would have gotten 0 pay for 4 long years, instead I can now afford a car, a good apartment and everything I want, really.

Really? Did your college bring up the importance of property rights and the non-aggression principle? Or is it "if a bear shat in the woods, does it stink" type garbage? Because I know people with three master's degrees that involved philosophy who can't even debate an amateur like me, though arguably I've spent a lot of time on Sup Forums.

To prove to employers that you're in debt, and would be less likely to quit because you have to pay off your loans.
To prove to human resources departments that you've been introduced to other cultures and ethnicities and likely worked in projects with them.
It's basically kindergarten for work life

the point is putting u in debt so u can get an nice title... and in exchange u make some banker or bank rich... make sense ?
oh and u will get the right to pretend to be smart in the subject that u have studied... sounds good ?

Exactly, I made the mistake of getting an engineering degree when I was still a bluepilled confused kid. They taught us stuff literally 20 years outdated. Nothing actually relevant to modern times. Everything I know is from self-study and experience.

Fuck college, the internet is infinitely more useful than some retard with a piece of paper saying he's intelligent. These people are government employees! They produce no value and get paid from their students being enslaved through loans. Pure evil.

That's the key point to mention here, college is pretty much only useful if you want a government job.

Especially if you work at a nice big company.
They give you online courses in different topics like Linux and Python etc.. which will increase your value over time and grow as an asset.

To get laid

>being lazy, poor and relying on welfareand working at mcdonalds in current year

To actually be qualified to get a job.

Seriously I tried for six months to find one with only an associates degree in CS to find a job to no avail.

I got interviews, but never sealed the deal.

I'm going back for that rubber stamp that says "Yes, I'm certified by the (((education system))) to have a job that I already know how to do."

To learn how to be a doctor.

But even that is getting old. I think I'll just open a gym instead.

You can't even learn Linux through reading a book, it's a process of constant trial and error to ingrain what to do into your fingers rather than into your consciousness. I've followed a Linux college course and came out more confused than I went in. The documentation is expansive, programs and commands die off from disuse all the time as they get replaced by something better.

So what have you built and what did you show them? My first boss was mightily impressed by just having a stackoverflow account with a few thousand points on it because it said "500k people read your posts".

Managers are easily impressed, you sound like you're terrible at negotiating and presenting yourself, so you'd need a crutch like a degree.

>whats the point of college in 2017?
Playing good goyim for goyim points.

yea reading about software is like reading about how to run a marathon

>So what have you built and what did you show them?
You now many companies put HR in charge and they are only impressed by rubber stamps as about matter they know nothing.

How do I get a high paying job without a college degree?

Hopefully for jobs, or at least from what I used to see. Nowadays it seems to be nothing but bitching and complaining about non-issues, even to the tune of tens of thousands of dollars a year for tuition.

I should have gone when I was supposed to, now its goddamn impossible given the communists propaganda that campuses have been inundated with in the current year. I'm too old anyways, unless I willingly want to put up with age bias/discrimination.

I don't want to fight for social justice. I don't want to "change the world", I just want a job other than my walmart gig that has lasted for 13 years.

Required for cpa

When i was a kid i had a girlfriend that would come waltzing into my room when i was sad and jump on the bed meowing and start smooching me. I annoyed the shit out of her too, biting on her neck and pulling her tail all the time but she never attacked me and we had a bond better than i have had with most humans since. She used to wait for me every day after school on the front porch (no it wasn't to get inside there was a cat door) and I'd come running up the steps to be greeted with a sweet meow. As i grew older i became a selfish prick and ignored her more often, eventually i moved out and left her with my mum because i was flatting. She got sick and passed away after having practically been emotionally abandoned and i didn't even cry, i still hate myself for that.

is this some kind of a furry thing?

So polacks like you can actually find jobs in our country.

Go into a trade like a lot of anons here talk about. I'm thinking of doing that myself. I'm in my last year of community college and after that, I'm planning to move to Tennessee to live and do HVAC. I won't say college is unnecessary, but unless you're going in for a lucrative and specific field, just do something else. As for me, I actually wanna make a career for myself before I hit 25 instead of sitting in a classroom all day.

Kinda surprised and relieved to know that college is crap everywhere else too. I thought it was only in India kek

>ib4 talking about house cat he used to fuck

School and college are for the illiterate

College is a quality of life improvement, so long as your loans don't follow you for too long.

My mother works for a large hospital system in administration with only an ancient associates degree in computers. She's come across two people with essentially the same backgrounds, though one had a college degree, and as a result they were paid a substantial amount more than the person with no degree. It literally didn't matter what the degree was.

Trades are good, but they have little room for growth outside of management/businessownership. The degree I'm going after is essentially drafting, which is a trade, but since I will have a BS in something I get brownie points from employers if I choose to try and work in another field.

In short, there are clear benefits to getting a college degree, but you probably shouldn't get anything soft like humanities or social sciences (unless you want to go to grad school).