Do you believe Christianity is the biggest threat to the white race?

And if so, How do we stop them?

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The biggest threat to the WORLD right now is virtue signaling in ALL it's forms

Christians are the biggest virtue signalers.

Christianity can actually be our salvation if we uses it correctly (a.k.a resist temptation of the material world)

Feminism is and always be.
I cannot think of anything worst
Religions, wars, nothing can be as damaging as feminism.
It's so bad that I feel like moving to Chechnya.
It's all hopeless.

I like this one.

Show us your flag cuck, it was because of Christianity that Europe had the will to beat the Turks and reconquista


The religiously unaffiliated and "other" religions are a bigger threat

Christianity brought us civilisation, values and morals that made us the superior race, it united us and without it you have nothing.

the problem is that weak cucks only interpret the soft parts and ignore the hardcore parts.

Christianity brought us the crusades where we slaughtered jews and muslims, we were fucking conquerors

i literally laugh whenever i see "christains" support shit like divorce or fags

>we wuz
Where have I heard this before. Keep living in the past

>i literally laugh whenever i see "christains" support shit like divorce or fags
It makes me sad. They shouldn't do that, though.

Gays are only over represented by the religiously unaffiliated and "other" religions.

Atheist here. Christians are big into virtue signalling, but are far from a threat to the white race. Most Christians I know are seculars, mostly into traditions and culture, not that much into the whole jew-on-a-stick end of days stuff, and consider that being good will get you in every heaven worth getting into. They are not communism, far left liberalism or islam, so not really much of a threat.

That literally shows nothing of the christcucks who support them.


They promote death, not life.

>monks, men who give their life to the religion
>cant have sex, ie cant procreate

>nuns, women who give their life to the religion
>cant have sex, ie cant procreate

>this is somehow a great thing

Even though homos and wicked people are compared to dogs in the bible, in all fairness to Christians, we are told that it will be less painful for homos burning than the people who reject salvation.

Denying God is a far worse crime than being a sexual deviant.

Engaging in homosexuality is sinful, but we all have sinned in the eyes of the Lord in at least one way or another. The problem with homos is that they define their whole life around their sin. They march in parades and flaunt their sins to the world. They talk in a lisp to let everyone no they are sinning. We all sin, but forgiveness is available through the grace of Jesus. But the unrepentant sinner will burn where the fire is unquenched and the worm does not die.

How can pacifism be dangerous? That is doublethink.


Right Wing politics are concerned with the long-term survival of Civilization

But Christianity is only concerned with personal salvation to become part of a nebulous afterlife for which no evidence exists, and for which this world needs to be sacrificed, which is best expressed in the way early christians like Martin of Tours refused to fight enemies of their nations, insofar killing in this world could cost them heaven; this is also why more modern christians like Martin Luther said (I quote):

- "it is the duty of a Christian to suffer injustice, not to seize the sword and take to violence" - Martin Luther

When Jesus says "if they take your coat, let them have your shirt as well", "do not resist evil", "I have come to turn a man against his own household", "if you don't hate your self and your own family you can't follow me", "love your enemies, pray for your persecutors", "the meek will inherit the Earth", "those that wanna die will live", "blessed are those the persecuted, for they will be my Kingdom", "do not save treasures for tomorrow", "carry your cross so that you can receive eternal reward", "Sell all your possessions and give the money to the poor, and you'll have treasure in heaven", "it is easier for a camel to go through a needle's eye than for the rich to enter Heaven", "Woe to you who are well fed, Woe to you who laugh, for you will mourn and weep"...

... he is not kidding, or meaning the opposite, but actually setting down a morality where the world is a lie and only the afterlife is the real deal, so destroying your life in this world, "carrying your cross" as he says, is completely logical

Sup Forums "christians" seem to believe Jesus actually meant the OPPOSITE of all that, and that Jesus wants you to defend your family, that Jesus wants you to kill your enemies, to become prosperous, well-fed and rich in this world, and to avoid persecution and death!

Only a person that does not actually believe in the Heaven for the persecuted, the meek, and the martyred would actually re-interpret Christianity as a cult of earthly power which declares "the strong shall inherit the Earth", "my kingdom is of this world" and "you must destroy the enemies of your nation"

Only some one that just wanna use Christianity as an empty shell devoid of any true religious promises would claim that Paul and Peter misinterpreted Jesus when they submitted to their enemies and died to them while praying for them, instead of fighting the romans back and establishing a crusader kingdom, thing that one would expect them to do if Jesus meant "be a fighter and impose your will on your enemies" when he said "love your enemies and lend all they need to them without expecting anything in return"

But using Christianity as a shell devoid of any religious promises simply allows its poisonous morality to survive into the next generation.

You can tell your children that Jesus wanted them to be earthly warriors because "I didn't come to bring peace", but you can't stop them from reading the rest of the paragraph and realizing what Jesus wanted is for them to put christian morality above the good-being of their own families.

That would be Jews.

You can tell your children that Jesus wanted them to be earthly warriors because "Buy a sword", but you can't stop them from reading the next chapter and realizing that Jesus stopped Peter from using the sword to fight and defeat the romans, and reprimanded him for misunderstanding, all while asking him to carry his own cross (Peter, fully realizing that Jesus meant all the stuff about embracing death and his kingdom was not of this world, that angelic chariots were not going to slay his enemies and bring him victory, realized he was doomed, and would then deny Jesus 3 times)

You can tell your children that Jesus wanted them to be earthly warriors because ""Do not give what is holy to the dogs; nor cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you in pieces", but you can't stop them from reading the rest of the paragraph and realizing that Jesus was asking them, not to destroy their enemies, but to not put in risk their own moral position by criticizing others. You may want them to believe that Jesus, in the middle of a speech about not judging other people and sharing, suddenly decided that speak against the muslims that didn't even exist back then!

That is not going to fly.

Sooner or later, your "strict catholic crusader" state will be reformed into liberalism, because the Gospel will still exist, because your children, like Peter, will realize that Jesus meant it when he said "you are to be persecuted and martyred for me", that Jesus didn't say "you will live in a stable and powerful civilization, free of oppresion and death, thanks to me".

Christianity can't cure a disease it caused

Pagan Romans were fundamentally free of the chains of jewish power, so much that they almost exterminated them all in their own homeland after the rebellion of Bar Kocheba

It would be Christian Europe that would fall under permanent jewish influence, with the jewish-controlled churches banning europeans from financing and loaning, giving them as a monopoly to jews

By the modern era, Christians were so throughly judaized, that they started to actively wish for the restoration of Israel so that the end of the world would finally come around and their civilization would die!

And why would it be otherwise?

A religion which such obsession with death, with promise is the end of the world, is fundamentally a time-bomb in the basement of a civilization

Do you really believe that the early christians that embraced their martyrhood to the lions said to themselves "I am dying to this lion so that the white race can survive, fuck jews!" or any such anachronistic reinterpretation that you have decided to give to their death cult?

- there is no "white genocide", what is really going is white suicide, with christian morality as its main driver

the abortion issue is a perfect example of white christians openly fighting against their own interests by wanting to increase the birthrates of blacks and other democrat sub-groups that do abort
there are numerous other examples of how Christianity actively makes white self-sabotage, but this one is extremely obvious

Tell me: do you really believe that USA would be better off with twice as many blacks? (The entire South would be deep blue for starters)

- That Jews took control of european finances and loaning and then global finances by proxy, is another example of how Christian Morality screws whites over
If the Churches had not been issuing numerous bans on white christians from practising usury (which is simply a way of saying "high risk financing"), jews would have never taken over that niche market
far from destroyin them, Christianity made Jews the masters of Europe. The occasional progrom more than paid for itself

- Support for Israel is a third way Christian Morality screws whites over, and it is far from a recent occurance or corruption. As early as 1600s, puritans already believed that a jewish Israel in the middle east was a prerequisite for the Apocalypse

- Christianity does not allow for racial divisions among Christians either "there is no jew or greek" makes it quite clear. Citing Paul made extremely easy for the anti-segregation preachers of the 60s to get the majority of whites on their side

> inb4 Turning the other cheek does not mean pacifism. Slapping someone's face with the back of your hand was an insult for a very long time.

no it wasn't. that shit was made up by radical black-nationalist liberal theologist Walter Wink to justify social rebellion in South Africa.

There are NO sources to it outside his books, nothing of what Josephus wrote about life in the ancient Middle East mentions anything close to offering the cheek or giving to your enemies your coat being an insult

Only a christian could claim something as absurd as love for his enemies

Only a right-wing christian could take that absurdity to the next level by killing his enemies while declaring his love for them


> le pope is le anti-Pope meme
> le christianity is corrupted meme

Question for Sup Forums "christians" claiming that the Pope is the anti-Christ

How would you prove that interpretation of "do not resist evil" by Pope or any mainstream christian leader is twisted, corrupted and out of context?

The context of the story is how christians should behave the opposite of gentiles, who love their friends and families, and hate their enemies

The larger context is a Gospel where all the main figures mentioned allowed their enemies to kill them without slaying them back: Jesus, Peter, Paul

What is true context of the paragraph?

How do you turn "Do not resist evil" into "FUCK OFF MUSLIMS!"?

YOU are the Anti-Christ, Christian of Sup Forums. You deny the words of Jesus because you don't wanna give up your earthly interests.

You "christian" people of Sup Forums/ seem to believe that Paul the Pharisee and Peter the Jew the grabbed their swords and killed the romans that wanted to execute them, come on

They were well aware that their religion demanded them to be submissive to their enemies and finally die to them, that is exactly the lesson they wanted the goyim to learn

Look, I know that you actually don't believe in the whole "infinite treasures in Heaven" thing, so you are trying to justify fighting for survival in this world where you can get actual treasures, but don't try to rewrite history please

In the Greek-Roman world, love meant "common feeling of mutual interest born out of shared experiences"

Early Christians expanded it to a commandment of loving people that we don't know, that we don't care about, just so that we can fill ourselves with misguided pride about how we are friends of mankind itself

and then come right-wing christians to twist tthe meaning even more

so here they want us to believe that the Crusaders loved every single damn person that they slaughtered in Constantinople

Because, according to Sup Forums christians, Love is not about shared interest, it is about telling to yourself "how I love that guy" right before cutting his head off

dude, if you wanna hate your enemies, just do that, and stop mentally masturbating about how better and so much more heaven-deserving you are than your enemies because you somehow declared that you loved him while killing him

christian semantics are enough of a mess as they are, and then Sup Forums christians wanna add an extra layer of absurdity and mental masturbation

Agape never has conveyed any sort of violent or agressive implication

even among christian writers it has always meant means "a selfless love that is passionately committed to the well-being of others", no implication of tough love whatsoever


> thus being meek does not being being meek and we can actually ignore 'Do Not Resist', and we can actually kill our enemies

that is where the schizophrenia of right-wing christians kicks in

Christkikenity is bad, but there are bigger threats like cultural marxism and (((globalism))).

Paul was anti-natalist, as things like wife and family would get in the way of getting people to worship his jewish god

> 8 Now to the unmarried men and women, and for the widows I say: It is good for them to stay unmarried, as I do.
> Are you free from such a commitment? Do not look for a wife.
> 32 I would like you to be free from concern. An unmarried man is concerned about the Lord’s affairs—how he can please the Lord. 33 But a married man is concerned about the affairs of this world—how he can please his wife— 34 and his interests are divided. An unmarried woman or virgin is concerned about the Lord’s affairs: Her aim is to be devoted to the Lord in both body and spirit. But a married woman is concerned about the affairs of this world—how she can please her husband. 35 I am saying this for your own good, not to restrict you, but that you may live in a right way in undivided devotion to the Lord.

That christianity is about "family values" is a meme. The main concern of every christian is the spread of this virus-like cult at the expense of their own tribe

> "if you don't hate your self and your own family you can't become my follower me"- Jesus

the organic self-sustaining self-interested self-preserving society that Sup Forums wants is fundamentally incompatible with the "do not save for tomorrow, leave your family and spread my cult" dogma that both Jesus and Paul saw as the main duty of a christian


No, my friend, some sins are evidence of extreme moral sickness. Sodomy (and with it, usury) and infant sacrifice are the two worst sins and the sign that your civilization will meet its reckoning soon.

And what does the Western media trumpet more than the inherent virtues of homosexuality and the right to kill your own child? If we won't overthrow our evil society, God will.

If Christianity is a religion of earthly power, why didn't it save the Western Roman Empire then? Why did Saint Augustine wrote that it was not a christian concern the existence or not of wordly kingdoms?

Why were Christians unable to save even their fucking holy land from the Muslims, if they are the religion of earthly power that you believe they are?

Why is the North Africa now muslim, if it was once christian and roman?

That they didn't manage to screw things completely over was an accident of history, not for lack of trying

and most importantly of all questions, why has Christianity become an enabler of the muslim invasion of Europe, if it is such religion of earthly power and "the strong will inherit the Earth" as you seem to believe?

why are all the christian mainstream churches pro-refugee, if christian doctrine says "hate your enemy, and do not lend to them all they want" instead of the opposite as you claim?

The strange thing is that "christians" like you are a minority within Christianity itself that they claim to represent, with everyone from the Pope to the Anglican Churches to the Protestant Churches actively cucking for the destruction of the West

The Pope literally points to the same verses that I do to justify his doctrine, yet you come here to tell me that he is wrong, and I am wrong, and even damn Jesus and paul were wrong tho, because some medieval crusader decided to recreate christianity as a earthly cult of power in order to sack Constantinople!

Jews are a very successful group that has become successful by monopolising finances through ethnic networking and promoting ideologies that demonize their own actions so that the goyim won't copy their success

so they promote anti-nationalistic Communism among the goyim while endorsing Zionism for themselves

that is why they promoted universalist Christianity among the goyim while keeping Judaism for themselves, and including it as the Old Testament within Christianity, so that they would remain the most important people of the world.

So there is no real contradiction once you understand how Jews work: Do as I say (Christianity), not as I do (Judaism, Old Testament).

then christians wonder why Jews dominate them!

Hitler was LARPing as christian for conservative support, in reality he was pantheist all the other National Socialists confirm it.

> le Jesus was violent this one time so we have to ignore "love your enemies" meme xDDDD

Sup Forums christians are right that Jesus didn't promice peace and niceness, he promised suffering and war

The core of the issue is what are the targets of the sword of violence he promises:

- people of your own household. Father against Son. Mother against Daughter
- money changers that were not hurting him or attacking any of his followers at all, and were the only way people that lived in a far away places of the empire could exchange their money to local currency and donate to the temple. Money changing has nothing to do with Money Lending. Money lending would not become the main economic function of Jews until 600 years later, when the Church banned the goyim from high-risk financing

For your enemies, he wants you to love them and to lend them everything they expect to you.

When his enemies arrived to arrest him, Peter tried to defend himself with the sword. Jesus reprimanded him for misunderstanding him, and then promised that Peter would deny him 3 times that night .

And why would Peter do otherwise?

Peter realized that he would die: "holy fuck he really wants us to die for him, his kingdom really is not of this world"

Of course he was going to fear for his life. He realized that Christians were never supposed to get power.

The religion never worked like that. His kingdom is NOT of this world. That is why Paul didn't try to create a crusader state. Because the only stable, non self-contradicting position christianity can take is the one of a pacifist paranoid minority that is protected by the weapons of someone with will to power.

"The meek will inherit the Earth" becomes a declaration of suicide when adopted by the strong

>Jews and Atheists supported gay marraige.
>Catholics ruled against gay marriage but supported it anyway.
>mainlines supported, opposed or didn't rule depending on denomination, and at best their flocks were around 50%
>Evangelicals ruled against gay marriage and opposed it.

> le JEWsus was BASED and his teachings were corrupted by KIKES meme

Literally all the followers of Jesus, and Jesus himself were kikes.

Among his followers there were many zealots, the most radical jews of them all, that wanted wars against Rome
But sure, he was "le anti-semite non-kike that kikes hated" right?

Now you are going to talk about how he disagreed with pharisees or whatever.

But why would the pharisees be discussing mosaic law with a non-jew? Never mind, what exactly did he denounce the pharisees for that makes him not a kike? Have you actually read the Gospel?

Can you point to a single value that Jesus denounced that wasn't valid?

Because the denounciations of Jesus were idiotic, insane, even marxist

There he denounces the pharisees for wanting to punish a slut! (Jesus didnt like slut shaming, quite liberal if you ask me!)
There he denounces the rich pharisees and promises the earth to the meek and the poor! (... and marxist)
There he denounces the pharisees for wanting to live, instead of embracing death like him!
There he denounces them over a disagreement on how Mosaic Law is applied! (but Jesus was not a Jew I swear!!!)

You blindly may say "he disagreed with the kikes" as if that was something we needed to applaud!

I have to ask you "christians" of Sup Forums, what are these supposed teachings of Jesus that supposedly got corrupted by kikes? "Hate your enemies"? "Save treasures for tomorrow"? "DO resist evil"?

The opposite of everything Jesus said?

I mean really, is "but kikes killed Jesus" your only argument?

Muslims are hated by Jews as well, but Jews are smart enough to use them as a tool. The same way they use the insane anti-morality of Christianity to corrupt the ancient world and give themselves a privileged financial spot!

But if Jews don't like the own poison they created, that means that we shall drink it, according to you!

wtf I guess I love ISIS now!

> le Christianity made the west meme

absolute insane nonsense

western law system are based off Roman Law, which existed before Christianity existed

western languages are based on indoeuropean languages, Malta is the only western country with semitic languages root

Most of the religious symbolism of the West is pagan as well, christian trees, easter, etc

heck, the american constitution never ever mentioned Jesus anywhere, and has the separation of state and church as one of its most explicit declarations

the founding fathers and most of western people for the last 1000 years have been deists. Whenever they tried to take Jesus seriously, things went wrong very fast.

> le Christianity made Europe meme xD

Christianity made Europe... a mess...

That "conversion" of Europe involved a lot of killing of whites and destruction of history and art, even worse, it involved silencing scientists (i.e. Gallileo, Copernicus, Servetus) that went through the Middle Ages, so much that Islam got ahead of Europe during this period

> bu... but the surviving scientists were christians and even talked well of the kike Jesus!!!

> According to the poll, just over half of scientists (51%) believe in some form of deity or higher power; specifically, 33% of scientists say they believe in God, while 18% believe in a universal spirit or higher power.

Now that not being a christian is not a death sentence, most scientists don't give a fuck about pretending to worship a kike

Certainly, if Christianity was pro-Science, it would not be anti-world, and it would have not allowed Islam to get ahead of Europe and almost cuck it completely during the Middle Ages


Is that the religion that you claim "made Europe"?

You believe in an era where the Islamic World was ahead of Europe, so much that our word for complex mathematics is ALGEBRA, an arab word!

But then, Jesus the Kike promised that.

He said clearly that, while men would love their enemies, men would have their enemies in their own household, so it is no wonder europeans were killing each other until well

> le Jesus wanted you to use swords against your enemies meme xDDD

Jesus stopped his followers from actually using any sword to attack their enemies, and reprimanded them for misunderstanding. When Peter realized that he would go "holy fuck he really wants us to die for him, his kingdom is not of this world" and denied him 3 times.

You may notice that Jesus made two sword references: the second sword reference was very explicit about what would be the target of the christian sword: Jesus didn't promise war against your enemies (that would contradict everything Jesus had said up to this point).

He promised war against your own damn family: "I do not come to bring peace, but to set a man against his own household"

Which is exactly that historically happened, Christians were extremely successful at killing each other and killing white pagans, all while completely failing to recover their Holy Lands from Muslims.

The sack of Constantinople by Christians and the Wars of Reformation between Catholics and Protestants weakened Europe so much that Muslims would occupy the balkans for 500 years,

All of this comes from the fact that Christianity is an inversion of reality, and the only way to claim otherwise is to actively ignore everything Jesus said except 3 or 4 quotes entirely removed from their follow-up verses or any context whatsoever.

You really believe that Paul was supposed to slaughter the Romans and create a crusader state of This World?? That all those christian martyrs got their own damn cult wrong?

ITT: Extremely deluded people that wanna follow the commands of a Jew that promised to make their families divide and even asked them to hate themselves and their own families (!!!!) so that they may perhaps-- have a slight chance of worshiping a Jewish War God for the rest of eternity

They'll counter with the fact that in Table Talks and other things Hitler supposedly backpeddles and says He was pretending for the normies.

Then again, I don't derive all of my thoughts about everything from what one man in the 1930s thought. Fascism is wholly compatible with Christianity to the extent that Christianity itself is predicated on Natural Law.

> muh synagogue of Satan meme

Revelation 3 provides no way or form to know who these "fake jews" are, as everything in the Gospel it is vague and contradictory

So you randomly have decided that the synagogue of Satan is the modern Jews, as if that would change anything at all

Jesus himself said that the world is of Satan, and he made it quite clear that the only way to oppose "Satan" is by opposing the World. Which is INSANE if your main concerns are the survival of a WORLDY civilization into the far future. A concern that Christianity makes completely pointless

Why are you even here? You have no skin on this game. According to you, the Jewish War God will WIN no matter what and slay your enemies

There is nothing on the line for Christians

They gave up on this Universe

Europe being Islamic or not is completely IRRELEVANT for a christians that believes in the plan of God

The plan which promised that God would come back after 1000 years of oppression and persecution of his followers

A christians wanting to oppose the oppression of his people is going against God's plan

And it is not some sort of twisted interpretation by the Pope or evil catholics:

- "it is the duty of a Christian to suffer injustice, not to seize the sword and take to violence" - Martin Luther

that liberals agree with Christianity is very easy to prove: they always attack the poor christian understanding of Science, but NEVER the morality of it

That is how liberals are so successful at portraying republicans as hypocrites for believing in a republican Jesus that loved guns and loved the rich and wanted lower taxes

if only Christianity was only about believing the Earth is 6000 years old!!

the main problem is that christians believe that a Jewish War God will destroy the Earth to save the people that "mentally talked to him in the correct way" whatever the FUCK that means, and then bring them to an utopia where they will worship him every damn second of eternity

who the fuck would want to live in such a jewish dimension of eternal servitude is beyond me. Even death and vanishing forever sounds like a superior option.

ONly reddite likes to write.

>Fascism is wholly compatible with Christianity to the extent that Christianity itself is predicated on Natural Law.

Christianity is a rejection of natural law

"the meek will inherit the Earth" is the opposite of "the survival of the fit"

the worldy civilizational interests of right-wing politics are the opposite of "my kingdom is not of this world"

Name one major Christkike church which doesn't have a shitskin in it.

You can't.


> Patriarch Bartholomew, the spiritual leader of Orthodox Christians, is urging Europe to stop trying to divide what he calls economic migrants from asylum seekers.

> Bartholomew is scheduled to visit the Greek island of Lesbos on Saturday along with Pope Francis, and Athens Archbishop Ieronymos, the head of the Church of Greece, to raise awareness about the troubled state of refugees and migrants in Europe.

> The symbolic visit is intended to reiterate the Christian moral duty to show hospitality to strangers, Bartholomew said in an interview published Friday. He added that countries in Europe should find inspiration in the generosity shown by Lesbos residents.

> Illegal immigrants make 10 % of the population of Greece

daily reminder that the orthodox patriarchs are exactly the same shit , and they have repeatly condemned right wing movements like Golden Dawn

But why would it be otherwise?

Christianity rejects all wordly concerns altogether

It was the biggest threat 2000 years ago. Now we're stuck with it forever.

>it is the duty of a Christian to suffer injustice, not to seize the sword and take to violence" - Martin Luther

Christcuckoldry in one sentence

Early Christians seemed to believe in what you call "fake corrupted liberal christianity". It is not a surprise: Sup Forums christians call citing what Jesus actually said "strawman"

Let me guess, what Jesus actually meant the opposite of everything he said!

When Jesus stopped Peter from attacking the Romans and asked him to follow his example and carry his own cross instead, do you believe that Jesus actually meant the opposite?

That he actually wanted Peter to start a revolt and start killing Romans? That he wants his followers to be assertive and defeat their enemies military?

When Paul said that you should never revolt against your Government, Paul was talking the opposite as well? That people were supposed to fight against The Romans to create the Kingdom of Earth and Deus Vult?

It is you who has created a religion in which Jesus always means the opposite of what he said, and early Christians were wrong

yet you call me pointing that out, strawmanning somehow

Do you even know what a strawman is?

Plebbit spacing

I already pointed numerous examples of how Christian Morality itself sabotages white survival

Do you really believe that USA would be better off with twice as many blacks as it has now?

Abortion alone has split black birthrate in a half, otherwise we would be talking about african levels of black birthrates

What do i recommend instead of Christianity? Simple: Pragmatism

To recognize that what matters is the here and now. That Gods won't come to save us

That we are alone

That only ourselves can save us

Otherwise, it is game over

And Jesus is not going to cry about it, why would he? All he wants is to abolish the Earth and create a paralel dimension where everyone worships him 24 / 7

Our desires of this world, our need to fly and colonize the stars: Gone

I find it interesting that for something "divinely inspired" Christianity does not give us any insight into the Universe. If the Bible had mentioned there are 8 planets in this System, that there are worlds beyond that we can actually inhabit, that Stars are made of Hydrogen, which is part of what water is composed... May be then I would be believe "holy fuck it really is God-inspired!!!"

If Paul had made some huge scientific discovery thanks to this "revelation from the creator of the Universe", I would actually give this pharisee some credit

But all we got is endless pages of social critique, about how rich is evil, strong is evil, resisting evil is evil

I can guarantee you, there isn't a single chapter of the Gospel that I can quote that you would not call left-wing nonsense if it was said by a modern leftist instead of Jesus

(with the probable exception of some of the very trippy chapters of the Revelation)

>mfw people autistically take things jesus said in the bible out of context to make him sound like he wasn't a peace lover but a war monger and people autistically take things muhammad said in the quran out of context to make him sound like he wasn't a war monger but a peace lover

4channers attack the argument

r*dittors in denial attack style choice and then virtue signal about it

How come atheists vote left then?


>reffering to anosn as "4channers"


>"There is no Jew nor Greek"



Atheists support immigration

A large amount of American Atheists are actually secular Jews

Contrast that to Czechia and Hungary, both with high amounts of non-believers (see:, are some of the most based countries of Europe.

Sweden is also highly atheistic, and cucked; yet Italy, Greece and Malta have high amount of believers and a large amount of cuckedness

Poland is of course, highly religious and based

it is a mixed bag

kek, you think it is an accident the percent of exactly the same as the percent for jews?


> A large amount of American Atheists are actually secular Jews

You said Christianity is incompatible with right wing politics. Yet evidence that I showed, and some that you showed prove otherwise.

> that meme image


"Atheists" are Marxists, and Marxism is just Christianity 2.0, meant to fix those anti-Semitic bugs in the first iteration of the goyim-destroying Utopia.

"good christians" are the most disgusting perverted view and mainstream acceptance of christianity today, so maybe. With true christianity this world wouldn't be the same, but it died with the crusades

No paganism arthnd fedoraism is the world's biggest threat , pagans and fedoras don't breed.

>muh meek will inherit the Earth

Define what meek means in the context of Scripture you just quoted. I'll wait.

>british christfag makes false flag threads
>hurr durr pagans are degenerate

Catholic Poles are outright ignoring what the Pope says, rejecting Papal infallibility in the process

Poland is based in spite, not because, of their Christianity

Indeed, what kind of argument could Poland even make to argue that they are behaving in a christian way, and the Pope isn't?

A question I already asked here:

I don't understand why people are constantly barfing out the words * stand with israel* and so on like it some kind of fucking prayer, without ever questioning why in the fuck would anyone stand with israel

We are not based. We are bluepilled on other fields than westerners. An average Pole sees no diffrences in for an example races, and hates immigrants just because they are muslim.

You mean in the context of the Sermon of the Mount, an extremely anti-world chapter where literally everything good about this world is attacked by jesus?

Or do you mean, in an imaginary, made-up context that completely ignores the Gospel and then declares that Jesus means the opposite of everything he says?

>"the meek will inherit the Earth" is the opposite of "the survival of the fit"
You've got it backwards, human natural law is "the meek will inherit the Earth", look who rules today, none other than the most merciful and reasonable race upon the planet - not Mongol barbarians, not niggers, not native American savages, but whites, the founders of western civilization.

Survival of the fittest is the law of Satan, the law of the wild beasts, of the material world, but men are of God not of Satan, our law is "the meek will inherit the Earth", the tempered and reasonable man will always reign supreme over the savage.

There is much within contemporary Christianity which I disagree with, but not this.

Nt Writ said the same thing. So much for "only one source" Liar

>but it died with the crusades

Why were the Crusades true Christianity, and the Christianity of Paul and the Modern Christians isn't it?

What is the key element that defines "true Christianity"?

>I deny context because it refutes my childish worldview

Since you've demonstrated you cannot be reasoned with, there's nothing left to do but insult you.

I'll also note that we've shifted goalposts from saying Christianity is positively bad for nationalism to stating that it's "a mixed bag" because the Czech Republic (child porn capitol of Europe and home of most European porn stars) is "based" and Atheist but Poland is based and Christian.

Here is party affiliation by religion, and once again atheists are among the most left.

Nt Writ is a massive cuck that believes in complete racial integration as requirement for true Christianity

he literally quotes the same insane anti-boer christian (Walter Winks) so Walter indeed remains the only source

> This leads to your question about non-violence and creative resistance. As the notes make clear, in my exposition of (for instance) the material in Matthew 5, I was borrowing from Walter Wink’s fascinating exposition. Turning the other cheek, going the second mile, and so forth, were not a summons to ‘be a doormat for Jesus’, but were themselves a call to (non-violent) resistance, not just non-violence. I am perfectly happy with your proposal that Jesus’ feastings and healings (and, in my book, a good deal else besides) constituted acts of, and pointed to a programme of, creative non-violent resistance. My whole exposition of Jesus’ kingdom-stories and kingdom-symbols (JVG chs. 6-9) was designed partly to explore this. It would be good to work towards further convergences at this point.

The confidence you morons have in outright anti-white wackos is incredible

again, can you be bothered to answer what the "true context" of the Sermon of the Mount is?

Christianity is indeed positivily bad for Nationalism, if Poland actually believed in the Pope, rapefugees would be flooding in

meant for

BTW I know that you christians try to grab one single lie and run with it, so I will be adding a link to the article posted by Nt Writ to the copypasta

The only reason my copy pasta keeps growing larger is that you christians keep making up new lies




> ITT Christians defend their religion by quoting openly anti-white preachers


He's just going to say "muh atheists are actually JEWS so it doesn't count tee hee!"

Despite the fact that based on my anecdotal experience, almost all Atheists I know are interested in social approval, cumming, and getting high in that order. Atheism is judaized Christianity. We know this because the early heresy of Arianism was basically unitarianism/humanism. Arius was a jew (or at least taught by 2 jews). Arianism looked a lot like modern humanism and is what led to the morally hedonistic decline in Rome as the aristocracy became Arian to avoid pain and suffering in life and enjoy the fruit of the world.

>gimme context, I'm too lazy. I'm also too lazy to give a specific reference to what you have to contextualize lol so you have to disprove the entire sermon and the burden's on you

Christ was teaching on how to behave within the confines of the polis. Your enemy was a personal rival you didn't care for, not niggers who want to rob you and hate your way of life.

>papacy is true Christianity

Church Fathers disagree with you there, but that's a nice sharpshooter fallacy.

Who cares? Left-right division is pointless in 21th century.

The problem is that these "christian right wingers" are globalists. And globalism vs. nationalism is a real conflict. Right wing globalists are as bad as left wing globalists.

I don't know who or what it is you're talking about, I'm saying a calm and reasonable people will destroy a barbarian people with ease, this has been the case all throughout history, the most ingenious and stable society outlasts the barbarians every time, it is even more the case today because we have things like nuclear bombs and unmanned drones and they don't, because we had the patience and ingenuity to develop them while they were fighting each other with sticks and rocks for eons.

Christian pacifism is fucking retarded and totally unfounded, Christ literally praises a centurion, Christian pacifism is a modern and clearly Pharisaic lie.

> not even 20 % of evangelical whites think race integration is bad

What is that supposed to prove?

That they are marginally less cucked than secular people, among which jews are overrepresented



>out of context quote

You're either so hopelessly retarded that you should never talk about Christianity again or you're being deliberately disingenuous.

In the next line Paul says "there's no male or female." How could he say that if he also taught about sex differences and women's place in the Church as opposed to mens? Because you're a massive faggot and he wasn't saying there's no distinction. He was saying you're not going to heaven just because you have a cock, it's circumcised, and your skin's white.

Trump as a candidate, was the most nationalist mainstream canidate in modern history. Christians voted for him and atheists voted against him.

wut? thoguht both you and feminists have a thing in common: wanting to exterminate the whites

> almost all Atheists I know are interested in social approval, cumming, and getting high in that order.

Except that is an american thing.

That is not a "context", that is your bizarre interpretation, which has very little to do with the Gospel

As such, No where in the sermon of the mount Jesus says anything close to "Guys, this only applies within this polis okay?"