The Confidence Crisis: Why Women Feel Unwanted

> Men are cowards. Why are they so afraid to ask girls out?” she asked as she stirred her coffee. “Guys are like parking spaces. All the good ones are taken.”

Why don't men want women?

> Become a feminist
> Destroy family
> Fucked up life
> 434535345363 partners
> Cant raise a child


Answer is always - jews.

Have you seen modern day women?

Many men choose the asexual lifestyle, because today's women are worthless jokes

>"Men are cowards. Why are they so afraid to ask girls out?” she asked as she stirred her coffee. “Guys are like parking spaces. All the good ones are taken.”
Is this satire?

>t. virgin

Jews run the porn industry and Jews run the feminist movement.

>men are liek partking sopaced. all the good one is taken lol

Women are like whores. That's the punchline.

Are you misogynist implying that it's womens fault for having too high standards? HOW DARE YOU!!!

>All good men are taken
heh, nothing personnel neets

Why don't they ask guys out? There's only so many times you can put yourself out there before you just feel defeated.

Too bad faggot

Tough luck. Man up and get a gf.

half of women are fat or stupid

>Make feminism the law of the land
>allow women to ruin themselves
>complain when they hurt themselves in the society men created
Its mens fault and feminism is a male allowed cancer

Stop circumsizing boys you retards, it traumatizes them into submissive feminists at birth

>t. burger-jew

> t.roastie.

Seriously address the issue. It's women's fault more than men

If she aint a virgin, shes only good for being a slut pretty much

Feminism is the law of the land, act suprised when men just stop playing the game that is stacked against them.

t. shitter shattered roastie

>Guys are like parking spaces. All the good ones are taken
You could say that the sam applies to women

Women completely lack accountability and reason, instead of taking responsibility for their disgusting behavior and poor decisions in life roasties love to blame men for everything.

I bet you the woman who said that was some 35 year old career whore who sucks her boss off for promotions, and she's also burnt out after pissing away her entire twenties by jumping on 1000s of cocks.

It feels good reading articles like these because this is a testament to how women are not strong and they most certainly can't live an independent existence forever, nobody can.

Women are like parking spaces. They've had truckloads of guys in them.

It's simple. Men who actually put an effort in their lives want nothing to do with degenerate slores, who, after riding the cock carousel since 16 years old, decide they are "born again virgins" at 28.

Most smart Men, marry an 18 year old church girl from a good family at the age of 25.

Single 30 year old women need not apply.

They do, and I have to tell them I have a lady.

Then they look all pissed at me, like I was false advertising.

>be modern woman
>50 lbs overweight
>sex partner number in the 40s
>"why won't anyone date me?"

Why won't you guys man up and date these sluts?

>good ones

>Getting defeated by women
Lol, if you dont hit on multiple females a week searching for 1 worth making love with, youre a low willpower beta loser

Why don't women just become polygamists?

>feeling unwanted

>t roastie

>t.ass-blasted roastie

Nobody is fooled. Continue blaming everyone else for your disgusting lifestyle

>chad gets lonely one night and pumps and dumps a random average girl on tinder
This average girl now thinks she is worthy of chad and will accept nothing less than that

Married to a beautiful traditional Ukrainian woman, and have 2 kids.

Your argument is null.

Its mens fault for creating feminist jew controlled nations


Women want to be kept. They want access to high paying jobs, but they really don't want them. The female dream is the same as it was before feminism ruined everything, to find a rich man who can pay for everything I want and I have to do nothing. Women could at least settle for a hard working man that could support her while she did a few hours worth of chores a day if she couldn't tie down a big bread winner. Feminism changed that and they either cant see that they are the architects of their own destruction or are just too arrogant to accept that they brewed their own poison and then chugged it down happily.

A man can't support a woman on his own anymore, the value of his labor has been whittled down by a massive influx of labor in opposition to a shrinking job market. What is worse, she lacks the very basic skills that she could offer as her fall back. Cooking, cleaning, etc. are not hard jobs. They are in fact basic life skills that any half way competent man can perform.

Women had the easiest role in the game, and they decided to take a shit on the board and ruin it for everyone instead of enjoying their charmed life.

To a point they already are...
It's a lotto system for them.

Friendly reminder if you're an incel or only occasionally getting laid after the age of 25 it is time to swallow your pride and just fuck prostitutes. Regularly fucking a decent to high tier prostitute once a week does wonders for your confidence and makes interacting with women a whole lot easier.

>All the good ones are taken

Yeah, we got married to better women in our mid twenties, suck it.


Virgins are worth protecting with ones life. Breaking a virgins heart is evil

Women are equal to men and shouldn't be held to traditional standards of feminine behavior but men still need to cater to women's unique needs and uphold THEIR traditional gender roles


tough shit

That's not even what the article says...

>be a guy
>ask woman out
>woman screams sexual harassment
>ask another woman out
>she desperate and gous out but regrets because jews told her she can do better
>she accuse you of rape
>fuck that
>not asking women out anymore
something like that I guess

Feminism makes women physically repulsive. I've seen it happen first-hand to many of my female friends over the years, there's no denying it.

The rest should be obvious.

I have a tinder profile and I bait roasties into thinking im just ''looking for some fun and a good time'' and then I berate them for being useless whores with daddy issues and suggest rethinking their role in this world. I top it off by saying ''yolo right? so why use that one life and live the life of a hooker but without the pay''


Women like that are a genetic dead end.
Even if they do have kids after 30, the kids will be autistic or retarded.

>tfw 29 and starting to go to church for a virgin wife
Just dont fall for the cuckoldry cult and learn the good teachings of christ

Heheh, good one.

Just wait until artificial wombs and sexbots get advanced enough, and watch the female chimpout that ensues.

>Stop circumsizing boys you retards, it traumatizes them into submissive feminists at birth


How the hell have people not put that together, yet?

ex chad here. I have fucked 50 odd women in my 10 years of sexual activity, starting at age 15. Multiple long term relationships went to shit because my partners turned out to be cheating cunts.
I deliberately locked myself in, deleted my social media and cut contact with generally toxic people, and I have never felt happier. Walking my dog makes me feel better than hatefucking ONS's ever did, so does shitposting here. I don't think I want to hitch with anyone anymore, masturbation is just as effective.
Sure, I'd like kids, but I'm unwilling to risk losing real estate my grandfathers built because some cunt decided to fuck me over legally.

you can either believe me or not, I don't care.

unwanted by ultra chad.
The other men are disposable garbage

>Not having sterilized sluts as sex mistresses and a loyal virgin wife you value above all else as the mother of your children
Yellow fever beta/10


I'm afraid of asking girls out when I perceive them of being out of my league. I don't want to have an embarrassing moment.

If shes already used goods and no diseases/kids were made, Chad did nothing wrong

Not even the Jews are safe.

>A man can't support a woman on his own anymore, the value of his labor has been whittled down by a massive influx of labor in opposition to a shrinking job market.
This has happened even earlier, when women entered the job market, they were truly underpaid, like illegals, so wages went down. Women could take underpaid job because husband was still making decent money, and because muh fucking freedome and career.
This could go on only until hitting shit levels, ofcourse. Now everyone is on slave-wage, just like the jews planned.

>Why don't they ask guys out?
Women can't handle rejection. They've spent their entire lives shooting men down without a second thought but the moment it happens to them they lose their shit because their ego can't handle it.

>why don't I have 6 gorillian Chads all trying to kiss my feet at the same time? (sad emoji) (sad emoji) (sad emoji)

You are doing God's work user. Also checked.

>be woman
>practically every male you interact with every day makes more or less subtle signs of wanting a relationship with you
>reject them all because they're not literal 10/10s
>complain about being unwanted
Poor roastie!

What about aids?

Women will also never date down the career ladder, so you have women with master degrees who will only date someone who is more qualified or making more money. All while some rich or highly educated man doesn't want some stuck-up (((educated))) woman and rather date some hot young girl. It doesn't help that most people in college are women as well.

Bang them and then tell them to change their life for the better after the orgasm

Then crush the relationship so they never forget and it sticks with them until they learn that being a slutty whore destroys society at its core

>Regularly fucking a decent to high tier prostitute once a week
You need high funds for that, that can be a problem for most people, and definitelly for wagecucks.

Most women are useless sluts who have spent their good years collecting STDs and illegitimate children.

They don't cook, clean, babysit. They'll use you as a door mat.

Never trust a woman who weighs more than you do.

They're absolutely right when they say "all the good men are taken". But it's because their standards of what makes a suitable husband and life partner haven't adjusted in the last 50 years, when the role of women has changed so dramatically. The job market has been flooded by women; they're now in direct competition with men for jobs. Their expectations, however, for what qualifies a man as a suitable partner is still; someone that earns more money than women, someone that has stability of assets, someone with a higher social standing than them. With women taking on men for jobs, this is impossible. There literally isn't enough of those men to go around. You can't be a "careerist" AND hope to find a man earning more than you AND hope to have the satisfying family life. Whether women will ever accept a change in what men *should* be is a big question for future marriage and birth rates.

Personally I don't want to get falsely accused of rape, nor to I want to devote a great deal of time/money/emotion into a relationship when the subject of my affection could just be using me for whatever meager wealth I have.

I don't think these type of threads reflect the reality, in the sense that is as widespread as the many examples make it seem. I base this entirely on the Mean World Theory, which for those not familiar with it, states that the more bad news you hear, regardless of statistics saying contrary, alters your perception into thinking that the bad news you hear is far more prevalent or likely to happen to you than it actually is.

Of course I'm poor and ugly, so I can't say I'd make for a tantalizing mate anyway.


>swallow your pride
>it'll do wonders for your confidence
I don't think that's how it works

Jewish matriarchy in the west and islamic patriarchy in the east

Yin/yang used by the same secret society elite families to destroy humanity and establish a martian ruled NWO

2014 was best

The author clearly states that all genders are currently plagued by a lack of confidence. The evidence can be seen in this thread as the more insecure males have taken the article as a personal insult. Classic projection.

Its true

Just go out and search for mother material and dont get frustrated though

God sends angels, they just arent always on time

Feminism has achieved its goals

>meanwhile, sexdolls...

Not blaming chad at all, just explaining the mentality of these women

My prime child spawning years came and went and I was screwed out of them by my ex. But to be honest as the years wear on I find myself increasingly repulsed by the human form. People secrete fluids and odours that are frankly quite offensive in a world awash in artificial aromas.

That's not to say sex doesn't still feel good because it does but there are certainly less repulsive ways to have an orgasm. What I miss the most though is cuddling and holding hands, the sensation of warm skin against my own. In writing getting it almost seems worthwhile to endure the disgusting, oozing human form just for a nice soft warm cuddle.

But I'm past my physical prime now and women's expectations only get stricter as time goes on. So even if I did again endure the soul crushing gauntlet of rejection that is dating what prize could I possibly await me on the other side save for partial responsibility over the feelings of somebody who will inevitably disgust me at some point?

So fuck all you lonely bitches at 30+. You are waiting for a perfect man who doesn't exist and even if he did I can assure you that your used up body disgusts him to no end.

A few men do, but white women in fact are taking part in the sex strike against White Genocide. White women have stereotyped—correctly—white men as being sick and self-hating white anti-white traitors. Why would a member of the weaker sex want to be intimate with someone who likely has something against her for her own white race, sick and self-hating as he is?

No, she'd rather take part in the white women sex strike against White Genocide ( #WWSSAWhiteGenocide ). It's true that white marriage and white fertility will decrease during the sex strike, but white women participating in it feel it's worthwhile to get their point across. I say give them what they want; so White Genocide must stop.

Think about it, O.P.. Why, when Daddy tells his white daughter to get educated and get herself a career, she obeys; but when he tells her to find a nice white man to marry and have babies with, she disobeys? White women are taking in part in a sex strike, and it's against White Genocide (the flooding of millions of third-worlders into EVERY white country, followed by policies pushing "assimilation" ie. racial intermarriage). What do you think about the white women sex strike against White Genocide, and what's a good way to stop the anti-whites from ever committing White Genocide again?

I didn't even read that trite desu

Don't sweat it bruh. Look at orthodox Jewish birthrate, they're breeding like frigging bunnies. So yeah, libjews are dying out, and are being replaced by natjews.

What's the story behind this one?

I am supposed to desire a creature that looks in this style.?

Chad shouldnt be getting laid at such a young age, he ruins girls before he learns to be a man

Female age of consent should be 15

Male age of consent should be 25

Fathers should defend their daughters with guns

Women are cowards. Why are they so afraid to make a man a sandwich? he asked as he drank his beer. "Women are like children. They have no idea what they want."


{{{ }}}

>Double labor force
>Wages cut in half
Men allowing jewish banks and feminism makes me like white genocide

What is webm related?

women nagged men about feminism until they got it

Isn't this meme a big contraction of itself? The Virgin is having sex which means he's not a virgin...

Wrap it up and shower/take a piss afterwards

Tell her its because shes a filthy slut and you dont trust her

There are some.

I'm female and I agree with them. Women have made themselves into a sick joke with their retarded Leftism, feminism, naivety. They've joined the forces of evil against their own culture and people, why the fuck would good men want them? You can still find good women, but if you have to ask "where are the good men?" you're not one of those good women and you're not living the kind of lifestyle that attracts good men.

>be typical unrepentant whore
>completely unable to pair bond with a man
>still expect him to treat you like you're special
>still expect him to care about you
>still expect him to invest in a life with you
>still expect him to be sweet to you
>still expect him to get excited about having sex with you
>can't cook, won't clean, self-entitled
>him not being interested in you is his fault
Hahahaha. Ok. Enjoy your cats.

It's a terrible shame to see a whole generation of women become irrelevant. All that squandered potential. All those cheerful housewives, happy families, and doting mothers that'll never be. It'll eventually be regarded as an enormous tragedy.

tell her your dick is a white supremacist and needs a hood

all the instagram alerts