If California got nuked today and Trump did his best Führer impression on live television announcing a draft what...

If California got nuked today and Trump did his best Führer impression on live television announcing a draft what would you do?

Drink tea

trump would try to fight a nuclear war with ground troops


Eat some spinach and get my affairs in order.

Depends who nuked Cali and why

Wait until they nuke New York

>For liberty

Is that why we stole all of Germans best scientists after WW2 for our own use? We always fight for freedom love and nothing in return.

I dont live in cali so i dont care. half of the popular youtubers would be dead too. i would miss good mythical morning but i could get over it.

Probably die as I'm in California.

Report to my nearest naval recruiter, lets fucking go.

No fuck California

Not wait for draft numbers to be pulled and enlist. What do you think don't tread on me means?

>use his get out of draft free card and claim to be confused about my gender

Think about how good the final Star Wars will be now that everyone who made the first two in the trilogy are dead, then play Xbox and go out for burgers tonight because I'm already in the military.

I don't qualify for the draft: 24/7 caregiver for wife, already have acquired mental health issues from it, and we have young children who rely on me for their support. And my son is too young.

I could get drafted for domestic medical staff and telecommute - that'd be cool.

prepping for war because like it's in their brainwashed minds they will fight the wrong enemy as usual

It's for a good cause

I would enlist.

Join / killemall

>Cali destroyed
>Nationalism ushered in
That's just win-win Sup Forums, I would break out the good Scotch.

Probably just continue doing what I'm doing since I'm studying to become a history teacher.

be dead from being nuked

I probably laugh about California for a day or two. And then I go back to my normal day to day. California? No great loss.

If cali got nuked I would consider that new years day

FDR had Pearl Harbor, LBJ had Gulf Of Tonkin, GWB had 9/11, Trump will have a NK crisis

Reclass into infantry

XD bring a coward is great. Fug da jooos

>we nuked them
Best false flag ever

Maybe you shouldn't have married a fucking retard you faggot