You wouldn't a Darkness.

Other urls found in this thread:


She would probably have more feminine abs if she joined the Axis Cult.
If you look at Yunyun and the Pretty Priestess of the Axis Cult, they are both very feminine. Why? Because they are Axis Cultists.

I thought Darkness was supposed to be ripped? Why does she look flabby in the OP?

Oh yes I would! I'd just have to work a little harder given her M tendencies.

She looks pretty soft and feminine to me. Any more and she would be fat.

Those abs are doing things to me


Who are you quoting?

Is that Lalatina? So damn cute and beautiful, I want to cuddle her.

Where are her defined abs?

I would not a Darkness. Nor a Aqua or a Megumin.

Wiz I would, I would a Wiz.

This is the darkness thread.

What you posted isn't the sound of silence.

I love Aqua-sama and rue the fact she's not the main girl

She already have soft body, thanks to Eris Goddess.

Also Yunyun more to Eris Cult than Axis Cult, She just happen closer to Axis cultist because Megumin.

Then allow me to post someone better than Darkness, my old friend.

you are right, I would a megumin.

>that concave ass
Am I being memed on right now?

Who the fuck made this? Takami Akio?

Is this a darkness thread?


>chooses an image that hides the ass entirely
Don't lie to me

I might a Darkness.

I bet she'd leglock a man, preventing pulling out while feebly/playfully pushing him with her arms saying things like "Don't come inside" or "I'm not ready to be a mother" to fulfill her own perverted fantasies.

Damn user, you really know your shit.

s-spoiler this...!

why is Konosuba so comfy?


How can one just train their abs without having any back, arm or pectoral muscles? In fact, shouldn't her breast's fat tissue become muscle tissue by now?

I would a Darkness more than a Megumin. Probably more than an Aqua unless she offered to sit on my face.

Because it seems like a very easy place to live in.
Even if you disregard how shitty it is over there.

I want to fuck Lalatina but I'm also a sub.

What do?

I'd an Aqua sama. And Megumin and Dorkness too.

Isn't it necrophilia?

The best kind of necrophilia user.

Lazy edit, the could have rewritten the "Sample" at least.

I'm behind a counter. A one you cannot even approach weeb.

Do you really think that counter is going to protect you?

From shy little boys like you? Yes.

Wiz in my mouth

Some fit girls still have boobs

I think the more confusing thing is having some lats but no arms

More like Jizz.

I'd like Darkness more if she toned down the masochism a bit.

Doesn't matter since Wiz is the best anyway.

Saggy breasts. That is all.

>that episode with Aqua's saggy tits flapping everywhere

Which one? I don't remember this.


But yeah, sag.


Even Aqua's tits are rather saggy.




>walking NTR bait
Fuck no.

>get off on getting ploughed by someone other than her significant other
>get off on being treated like a cock sock
>get off on you being sad/mad that she cheated on you
>get off on getting impregnated and making you raise the baby making you resent her

Good point. No, I would not a Darkness.

What color are they today?


Vol 9 preview is out.
At the hands of the evil god Wolback, the Royal Capital is facing a crisis. Having heard the news, Megumin drags an unwilling Kazuma out to the frontlines, because it was a known fact that Wolback is also an user of Explosion Magic...


Also, the cover.



Stage 1: denial.

>back to the capital

Time for more Iris
>tfw nobody has good pics of Iris

Wiz is best anyway.

Stage 3: bargain

not 6 but 8, holy shit.

That pussy is cold and rotten inside.

Saggy bloated corpse.

how long til OVA?

Sometime later this month, though no clue when and how long it'll take to get on nyaa translated

awesome, thought it was next month
The new volume drops with it also right?

>dat dainty Megumin
fapperius maximus

no more pdfs then?

>darkness thread

Shame on you OP, Dorkness is meant to be neglected and forgotten and you're giving her attention.

Dorkness is a worthless shit that brings nothing but trouble.

That:s Byakuren you dumb dumb


Wait what
Am I missing something

>the whole town is fapping to her
Vanir could improve their business by changing the nature of their shop.

>"Don't put your fingers in thERRRRRRRR"!


More please.

That fucking ED.


>tfw you will never go on adventures in RPGland with a comically incompetent party


Why is Aqua such a best?

She's too tall to not have a dick though.


Solidly built woman.

Of course I would.

> Solidly built
> More loose flabby fat than a MgRonald's double mgBig

You know what I just realized. Darkness would miss every important erotic spot. Everywhere. Even her vagina probably wouldn't grip the right spots as a testament to her character. She would be all tight at the entrance and all loose on the inside


DanMachi > Konosuba > Netoge

Can we all agree?

Konosuba > Netoge > shit > DanMachi

Konosuba > Danmachi > shit > Netoge


> Chris
> Not smooth like a goddess

> Danmachi in charge of being good at anything

Those aren't pubes.

Yes I would. While I prefer a Megumin, I'd not say no to Dorkness or any of the others.


Truly Kuzuma.

If that's true it's time for kazuma to show his stuff at the capital!

Or die a horribly embarrassing death. Again.