36 days to go


If you watch 1.22 episodes a day, you can finish the entire series before July 11


Good chapter tonight

>tfw you will never perfect papercraft with Chiri.



Looks good


I want to properly tie up Chiri and do lewd things to her.




>The return of Perry



>Kafuka straight trolling


The tree really worked

That's all for today. Someone else will have to cover next two days for our shitposting dumpanon.



I'll dump for the next two days.



Every day until you turn pure.

Someone have a list where these can be found? I only know chapter 180 and 190.




Thanks for the dump, user.

What is the best release for this?



There was a change of plans so that I'm actually around to translate this after all. I'll have it done by Tuesday.

so are we going to watch the whole series together when the day comes or what?

You're the man

No we all have to laugh, retard.




It's a really good chapter. I could probably have the script done sometime tonight if I stay up a little.


Why does he have 2 left hands

one is a bent pinky finger.

>Can't unsee now




Whatever you can get.

Thanks for this. Thought it was too late to start watching at an episode a day.
Only 44 episodes? Sounds about right but I thought there were more.

That sounds doable.


I am so fucking ready.

I have refrained from laughing all these years just for this moment.

I don't evem remember why we're supposed to laugh

I am not sure on the exact details. They are at the end of each volume from 22-23 onwards.

That's great! Although it looks like redrawing on my part will take time for some pages.

I plan to have Kumeshort ready by wednesday BTW.

how prophetic

This panel looks slightly reminiscent of aokiume's style. And it just made me realize that I'd give anything to see a chapter of SZS redrawn by ume-sensei.

Or maybe Shaft could animate a SZS episode in the Hidamari style?