Companies can fire you for expressing right-wing viewpoints on social media

>companies can fire you for expressing right-wing viewpoints on social media

How did we get this way?

As long as you arent disrupting the workplace, they can't legally fire you for your views. thats an easy lawsuit

You can be terminated for any or no reason. Freedom of association.

It's called freedom of association, you anti-free-market commie libshit millennial

Jyuu-senpai took over the media! Sue goy! Raitu wingu no jobbu!

Political beliefs aren't a protected class under federal anti-discrimination law

not true. many civil rights laws and hostile workplace that say otherwise.

Capitalism. Companies can do whatever they want nowadays except refuse service.

Then why are no people ever fired for expressing left-wing viewpoints?

Yea unless you want to not serve niggers or faggots

You can't fire or refuse to hire people for being niggers. You can't refuse to sell housing to niggers. Freedom of Association is a joke and discrimination is a weapon if it's only used against white people and traditionalists.

Because left wing viewpoints are protected by law.

(I'm a degenerative faggot with AIDS who pozzed people on purpose and am going to march naked while buttfucking my boyfriend in a pride parade!

So brave!

My CEO donated to and voted for Trump. If anyone is getting shitcanned it’s the Hillary cunts.

in my country you can legally fire or even kill people expressing left-wing viewpoints like homosexuality or women's rights

well then that is bullshit.

yeah, but you also have the death penalty for blasphemy.

It actually is.
Remember the Google shitstorm?

And here I thought Canada was progressive.


As a small business owner, I appreciate that I can get rid of someone who reflects badly on me or who is a potential lawsuit waiting to happen.

It isn't about left/right viewpoints. It's about a business having the right to employ who they want, and minimize their risks.

How many restaurant Yelp and Google reviews have been destroyed because some SJW or racist said something stupid in public? Why should I have to accept that risk for their stupidity?

at this point, I don't even care if we're getting Islamized.

It's better than most alternatives, honestly.

Corporate America looking for ways to fire you so they can hire cheap labor. Dirty business practices getting dirtier.

>Corporate America looking for ways to fire you
Are you fucking retarded? The thread is about how they can fire you for any reason, or no reason. They don't need to look for anything dipshit.

gas the kikes.
race war now.

>Mfw I was fired from a job because of my poor vision

Guess they really can fire you for anything.