Why do his followers insist that he isn't a Jew?
Why do his followers insist that he isn't a Jew?
They dont, roleplayers here do. And its because they want to justify hating jews while worshipping one. They also like to pretend the jews aren't the same as the "ancient israelites" despite all evidence.
Why do his followers insist that he isn't a pedo?
I have a better question:
If Jesus was a Jew and his father was God..
Doesn't that make God Jewish and thus proving Judaism the only religion which is correct?
No offense Christians, I'm just telling your story.
There's the good jew, which is Jesus, and there's the bad jew, which is the modern day khazarian and sephardic mixed breeds occupying palestine mandate and the Anglo cleptocracies. It's quite simple really. You just have to weed through all the misinformation on ((Sup Forums))
>The Mishnah (Kiddushin 3:12) states that, to be a Jew, one must be either the child of a Jewish mother or a convert to Judaism
you're only a true jew if your momma is a real jew and not some randome shiksa
Jews are still waiting for their messiah.
Because modern Jews follow the Rabinnic tradition of the Talmud, which in itself claims that Jesus is eternally boiling in a pot of shit in hell (not even making this up). Jesus criticized the Pharisees, who were part of this Rabinnic tradition, sometimes downright burning them by questioning whether or not they've actually read the Old Testament.
Where do you think "Christians" comes from? It comes from Christ as in Jesus Christ. Jew first then Christian. Got it?
no offense taken
but Christ's actions and words whenever he engaged any of the Pharisees and Sadducee religious sects pretty much confirms He was anti-legalist.
Paul's (reformed Pharisee) letters expand on why those sects were/are wrong by using the very law they were founded in
>tl;dr Christianity is rooted in Judaism but not a part of it
>Jesus is a Jew though (Hebrew royalty through mother's side, earth father is from Aaron's priest lineage)
Because today's Jews aren't Jews anymore. God choose them to receive the Messiah. Some accepted, some rejected.
Guess which club makes up today's Jewish population.
Yes, but salvation is of the jews, according to the character in your fables.
It's jews all the way down, buddy.
no, it means that jews still holding onto Judaism are denying their savior
It was from the Jews, because Jesus was jew.
After Jesus, jewishness is irrelevant.
He was Jewish. No one dismisses that. But he was more then Jewish. He was the Lord. The Jews reject him, and piss on his grave. Why do you think Jews are cursed with genocide and forced exoduses? Because they deny Christ as the Messiah, and for that they suffer for it.
then what's all the crap about the Jews in Revelation? Particularly where it says God will honor the old covenant?
Not in Revelation.
Hopefully the antichrist doesn't come for a while, then
The fact Evangelicals are enraptured by blasphemers is specifically because they say he was a Jew.
>le chosen people don't have to believe in Jesus
Heretical shits.
The antichrists exist since the beginning of Christianism
I do have part kike in me but it isn't enough to consider me as such
Because he is completely antisemitic
Read the Bible and I promise you will not continue adoring a pedophile bedoin.
God wants for all souls to be saved. Including Jews. It pains him to create souls for the likes of Satan. It probably feels worse than living in a communist regime.
christianity is redpilled. the most important event was a jew getting killed
This is true. But in this instance, we are taking about he one Jew who didn't deserve it.
Judean != Jew
No offense taken. We as Christians are the real Jews, so there's that. Jesus called the Pharisees (today's "Jews") the Synagogue of Satan.
Antisemitic Christians do because they need to keep the Old Testament Jews they like separate from the Jews they don't like. It's a rationalization that keeps the cognitive dissonance at a safe distance. They lack the intellect and courage to embrace the truth.
>We as Christians are the real Jews
This is true. Today's Jews are the Pharisees. The Old Testament is not their main book but the Talmud.
"You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies." John 8:44
"You have let go of the commands of God and are holding on to human traditions." Mark 7:8
"For you have taken away the key to knowledge." Luke 11:52
"You serpents, you brood of vipers, how will you escape the sentence of hell?" Matthew 23:33
Today's Jews are followers of the Pharisees whom Jesus btfo. Jesus was from Galilee, practically Lebanese, and spoke Aramaic, not Hebrew. Even the Jews of the time didn't consider him a "real Jew".
Anyway, the Romans killed most of the "real Jews", killed all their priests and destroyed their temple and the religion and its society were basically wiped out. After that they basically dispersed.
Most modern Jews aren't even really Semitic. They basically originated in a small population of Europeans who revived Judaism as a sort of criticism of the Christianity of their time. They did this so they wouldn't have to follow the laws obligated on Christians while still remaining part of the society. In other words it is a big scam.
Why do you insist he was?
>Jesus was from Galilee, ...spoke Aramaic,
More like a dialect of hebrew/aramaic.
But indeed, he was dispised because of his origin.
That is the reasoning of a child.
The Jews of Christ's time were not those of today, user.
the one anti-christ as John says.
Probably a guy who will claim to establish the millennial reign.
>the one anti-christ as John says.
I don't agree with this interpretation, this is more a general statement about what is an antichrist.
Also don't forget:
"For he is NOT a Jew which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh: But he IS a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter."
"For we are the circumcision, which worship God in the spirit, and rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh."
"And I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan."
The answer is so simple and clear in the Bible, so sad many people miss it.
>The answer is so simple and clear in the Bible, so sad many people miss it.
People don't read it... a shame, really.
Well he was a Jew by birth but his ideology strayed far from being Jewish. He was Jewish in the sense of culture.
I dont see how one can interpret it any other way bro.
Antichts WILL COME but EVEN NOW there are many antichrists
Nooo. The Israelites have always strayed from the path of God. Israel means "He who struggles with God". It's the theme of the Jews.
They are successful when they follow God, then they're inflicted with disaster when they stray.
All their great patriarchs were men who reeled in the tribes like naughty girls and put them back on the path of God.
Jesus was the Jew the Jews needed.
"41 And when he drew near and saw the city, he wept over it, 42 saying, “Would that you, even you, had known on this day the things that make for peace! But now they are hidden from your eyes. 43 For the days will come upon you, when your enemies will set up a barricade around you and surround you and hem you in on every side 44 and tear you down to the ground, you and your children within you. And they will not leave one stone upon another in you, because you did not know the time of your visitation.”
and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time
Most don't. They either deny its immorality or defend it as "it was a different time." Most don't claim Muhammad didn't marry a nine year old.
Mary was a Jew, descended from the house of King David.
Because He is God.
>Jesus was the Jew the Jews needed.
"He came to his own and his own received him not."
The sickest part is when they mockingly screamed to him on the cross, "COME DOWN FROM THE CROSS THAT WE MAY SEE AND BELIEVE", even though he already showed them in the temple.
Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof.-Matthew 21:43
Judean Nazarite = Actual bloodline ethnic Jew
Modern current understanding of Jew = Converts
Largest amount of "Jews" in the current world? Converts. Fake Jews. False chosen ones. Judaism following Ashkenazis that deny Christ.
The Council of Nicaea had Bibles improperly translate Judean as Jew and published.
So what is the word of the day, lad?
Jesus was sent to reform the Jews and make them non jewie. those who followed him became Christians, those who didn't are the Jews of today.
he never existed, but if he did, he'd be a kike. only pedohamed is worse, he would have been a nigger animal. kill all mudslimes.
>but if he did, he'd be a kike
Ofcourse he isn't a Jew. He is a Roman Pagan. Pic related
heyyyaya a
We don't.
I'm not arguing that Jewsus wasn't a jew, I'm just saying that god isn't one.
Judaism didn't exist 2000 years ago. That word had an entire different meaning.
I've heard it explained that the KJV mistranslated the Kingdom of Judea as Judah and somehow that got construed into all of the Children of Israel being Jewish.
Which whether right or wrong doesn't matter that much if you accept what people here have been saying that the current people who call themselves Jews just usurped that title hundreds of years ago and are the false Jews of Satan's synagogue mentioned in the Bible.
It's all fucking crazy, I've read the Bible and feel like I barely understand the tip of the whole thing, nevermind the depths. Need to read more books I guess.
why does Islam not follow his teaching?
pic related 1/2
Because the Quran is fucking mental and goes from "Jesus was a prophet but not My son" to "Anyone who thinks Allah would create a mortal man from His immortal splendor is a Kafir" to "Kill all Kafirs, if you are Christian or Jewish go hang yourself" on a page by page basis. It's almost like Muhammad was a power-hungry despot who was just easing into the concept of "kill all the unbelievers" as his developing schizophrenia worsened.
He was an Israelite of pure blood.
The jews of His day were mixed with Canaanites and Edomites.
Show me the scripture where Jesus claims to be a jew.
Because the only theological difference between Jews and Christians is that Jews don't think Jesus was the son of God. Jesus repeatedly said he was the son of God, according to Christian scripture.
Because Christianity is incompatible with Judaism. It does away with ideas like Israel being the Kingdom of God and the Jews being God's Chosen People.
Calling Jesus a Jew is equivocation. The Ashkenazis of today are not the Israelites of the Bible. Those people were scattered about and don't really exist anymore.