Why is 3d anime always so shitty?

Why is 3d anime always so shitty?

Ajin was pretty good.

Why is anime always so shitty?

Aku no hana is decent

no it wasn't

I still have PTSD from Sidonia's ending, please have mercy

Why is 3c anime always so shitty?

>not knowing the difference in 3d animation and rotorscoping

Your mom's pussy wasn't good fag

Sidonia is pretty good in 60fps

I can see why anyone would compare them. I doubt Polygon Pictures has the resources for mocap in house but there are libraries that you can buy from mocapped animations like walking cycles and so on.


You're shitty

Literally nothing wrong with the way the manga ended.
Shipper fags are just sour that Nihei literally gives no shits about ``character drama"

Mostly because they're trying and failing to imitate 2d animation. This results in showing all of the shortcomings in their models, animation, direction, and that retarded choppy framerate thing that they think looks better but just makes it look many times worse than it would if it were fluid.

Instead they should be focusing on picking a good art style that fits CG instead of attempting to imitate 2d, and then capitalise on the advantages. Even the best they had to offer in the 2d imitation department, Bubuki Buranki, was barely animated for half the series and failed to capitalise on any of the advantages 3d offered. It could have been easier and looked better in 2d.

Fireball had the right idea.

Any shots of her ass? I might watch this if there is

Sidonia, Ajin, and Bubuki Buranki were all good though.

fuck off kuberick a kute

They certainly lack the experience to imitate 2D art in 3D, but it's not impossible, you can adapt the style to your needs

I still don't know how to judge the 3D animation that Polygon Pictures uses. It's like, when the shows airs I say to myself "yep, this is definitely in 3D", but then shortly after I completely forget about the show being in 3D and just continue to watch it like a regular show. Is 3D animation cheaper than just animating it normally or is it just some type of gimmick?

The problem is imitating 2D with 3D properly takes way more time and effort than they can spent on a TV anime.

3D animation is expensive to do, but it pays off if you can reuse assets in the long-run. In the end it's just a different form of animation really.

Yep this could be the main factor, doing really good 3D animation is a process that takes time and requires revisions here and there that TV time constrains wouldn't allow, even Rakuen Tsuihou looked kind of shitty and theoretically they should have had more time to produce something better with a movie budged.

>Izana will never sit on your face
Why live?

They cheated with Ajin.
They're having three movies. The first one was to solve the major details and get a basic cash flow, and then start fixing shit in the anime.
The second movie is episodes 6-12, which means that that the terrorism arc is going to be even better in theaters.

Post more butt

>start fixing shit in the anime
I haven't read the manga but did they fuck it up or something with the anime?

I translated part of the movie so I'm more familiar with the details.
They changed almost nothing.
A few lines were moved around, and the wording was changed to make more sense.
That's it.

The difference between the anime and the movie is in the details. For example, the movie does not have the kidnapped girl in the van in episode 3.

They really did nothing but finish in the anime what they started in the movie.

That is, the difference between the manga and the movie/anime is that they moved a few lines around and changed the wording. Execution is identical.

I don't really care as long as it doesn't look like late 90s/early 2000s-tier shit but the low framerate shit is fucking killing me.

That just you op.

Tron: Uprising by the same studio actually looked pretty good once you got used to the art style. It didn't use 3D animation for face close-ups, and i think that worked out well enough. It also had better frame rate. Probably just a bigger budget overall.

3d rendering for cartoons, at least in Japland, isnt on point; yet

>Why is 3d anime always so shitty?
No 2D waifus.