Brazilians are Africans?

They look Ethiopian, seriously us mudslimes compared to them are aryans

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Jesus that's a lot of blacks

depends on the region
the north is nigger, south is "white"


brazil had 3times the amout of nigger slaves as the entire US

and after they abolished slavery they literally intermixxed so much that there are no niggers left only a race of disgusting mulalatos

>south is "white"


Ive met plenty of brazilians over the years and its hilarious what they consider to be "white." 95% of the time they are not white

pretty much this
you could cut a straight line through the middle of south america, and basically all the whites would be in the bottom half

case in pointthis is what brazilians consider "white"

Arabs are raciallyncloserbtoma whitebrhan a mulatto or quadroon, uf you consider br white then from morocco to india is white.

Highly doubt it , South Brazil has lebanese and syrian roots , you were home to more than 16 million lebanese/syrians
>Pic those are south brazilians , do they look more arab or germanic to you? they look arabic to me

The US only received about 400,000 slaves while Brazil received 5 million of them.

You're still closer to the niggers.

that's why i said "white"
they i still whiter than the rest of shitzil tho.
they have more european genes tha the rest

I'm not saying we are white european , because there are white arabs , but we certainly are whiter that the average south american , nothing agains them ofc , I love brazil for hosting my arab comrades in the xx century , 16 million to be exact went to live in south brazil

Whites in Brasil are "trapped" inside unofficial "for Whites only" areas (and a few cities).

It is ironic because their previous generation were the retards that did the most to end the military dictatorship. They got too much "Honey&Milk" and started to go leftard/utopian/do-goodist...exactly what is happening all over the White West.

>you were home to more than 16 million lebanese/syrians
wot in tarnation


My sentence came out retarded, I meant to say Arabs are racially closer to a white than a mulatto or quadroon is to a white.

arabs are a ridiculous minority here.
less than 1%

Ive met plenty of americans over the years and its hilarious what they consider to be "white." 95% of the time they are not white

Yes...but you never want to host anyone in your nations. It's always the same shit with you darkies and are exactly like the parasitic Jews, want Nationalism for yourselves but Internationalism for others.

You know your country wants in on the Arab League right?
Your president is lebanese or so I'm told


>what does the "average" Brazilian look like?

More lies , arab descendants are counted as white in Brazil and you know it, only recent migrations are counted in as Arab

any white latin american is whiter than you.

>south brazil is white

I don't think so Im arabic not white , that girl on the picture is a octaroon or quadroon
You need to realize you are not white , you are more amerindian , african etc

They're spanish rape babies who are also arab rapebabies.

I've always suspected this. Many of the "Portuguese" Brazilians look way too swarthy to be even Portuguese.

brazil has 250 milion people, dude
15 million is nothing


South Brazil: niggers

North Brazil: literal apes

It depends, there was a lot of migration from europeans that came to the south of Brazil, and they formed colonies where they didn't race mix, however it still happened, "real" whites probably only make 5% or less of the population instead of the 45% showed in graphs, due to a lot of people having a light toned colour and "identifying" as whites.

That's because they are not , Latinos biggest european heridtage comes from Iberia and Italy and almost none of them can pass as white mediterraneans , they barely can pass as north africans as well

>I don't think so Im arabic not white , that girl on the picture is a octaroon or quadroon
>You need to realize you are not white , you are more amerindian , african etc

No, I am 100% white like 220 M of Latin Americans

The average woman here doesn't look that african.

Spain is not arab rape babies.

We all know that data is self-reported and fake, quadroons,octaroons and mulatoes try to pass as whites all the time in Brazil

Kek lmao
Brazil is Angola

Spain is white.

You again, Mex*cunt?
You can't prove you are white by posting a pic of your hand
Spain is not Mexico
Mexico isn't 66% white (80m)
Chile and Argentina are better than Mexico.

>north italy
feels good to be in Venice.

they kind of are.
Their language even mixes in several arab words

there is alot of white mexicans, you'd be suprised.

it was not self reported, idiot
it was a genetic sudy

I could post a picture of my arm since I have white skin but that wouldn't make me white now would it? You need to get over yourself , you are mixed raced not european
You Latinos are the biggest self-haters I have ever met , Asians Identify as Asians, Arabs as Arabs , and we are in the 21st century and you mixed raced latinos are still roleplaying as europeans , shameful

You're all niggers, end of story.

The South of Brazil is full of German colonies...probably more white people than Canada at this point

Gisele is whiter than 80% of Canada

> Brazilian
> Misses his population count by a large margin

Just like English uses alcohol an arab word and other shit.

the woman looks bleached african and the man looks like a more crafty and violent man from the mena-region, nice mix you get there UMA

You have african blood in you nigger.

hello I am pure white brazilian


An afro-marrocon projecting his own condition on europeans, is always do laugh.
spanish nd portuguese are not related to arabs, they are europeans.

Acually DNA-ly speaking you from Northern Africa are more European than Arabic ,you score 5% western european and 4% arabic
You were invaded by moors you are not the moors

I'm from the middle-west. The only difference of they from us, it's that they are wearing suits.

they use arab words alot more than english
several of their cities were named by the arabs

Careful, that might become the new mix of Sweden too.

Not over half of them like Juanito Taco Man claims.

Black genes are so strong they overwhelm any other admixture.


Mexico is 50% white, but there are 80 M of white mexicans counting white mexican americans living in USA.

Per the 2010 US Census, the majority (52.8%) of Mexican Americans identified as being White.[26] The remainder identified themselves as being of "some other race" (39.5%), "two or more races" (5.0%), Native American (1.4%), black (0.9%), and Asian / Pacific Islander (0.4%).[26]




>Rio de Janegro

>210 million hues
>100+ million call themselves white
>~40 million are 90%+ european whites
not that you guys would believe me, but that's pretty close to reality.

Fake , Gisele doesn't represent Brazilian people and you know it , South Brazil is not-white it's more lebanese than you would like to admit

Saudi girls are uma delicia

No we weren't, just invaded them for them 700 years.

am i white?

youre ugly thats for sure

jesus christ
stop eating soy


You latinos are truly delusional , you know damn well your "white" people are quadroons , octaroons and amerindian mixed but keep larping

Iberian are 3% N.A on average.
1~2% in the East
3~5% in the West
Those values were higher before the Islamic invasion.

you are making yourself look stupid
lebanese are a ridiculous minority here and most of them are in SP, not in the south.

Its hilaruous you think self reported spics count as white . Get a DNA test.

>a dozen words lmao
More 90% of spanish,portugese, french languages came directly from latin

lol calm down, just stating facts.
You wouldn't be arab even if you wanted, you're still the rapebabies of spanish rapebabies.

The largest Lebanese population, even greater than Lebanon is situated in Sao is the largest Japanese community outside of Japan

You really should visit Brazil before you talk bullshit

It is the same as if I would come on pol and tell everybody that Saudi Arabia eats more KFC than the Americans and everybody fucks camels

We wuz arabs

skin wise you are white , but your nose looks berberish niggerish

St petersberg usa confirmed russian, the south of spain was arabic speakers, so they named things in arabic, just like Sudan.

indio and niggers mongrels arent white

They are more white than you north mixed shit.

You're some of that nazifaggots from Curitiba?

I wanted to reinforce what you said, because here in Porto Alegre most are brown these days.

So do you

Lebanese and Syrians are a minority here, and they are mostly in the city of São Paulo.
I live here since i was born, and i rarely see people with Arab names.

how? And i have italian citizenship by the way.

Pure white latin americans exists. We are whiter than you.

Not an argument.


True, Sao Paulo has a bigger concentration of Lebanese people, even more than Lebanon!

Lots of them in Paraná as well, Foz do Iguaçu is full of lebanese, t*rks etc

Captcha: mann for sale

U fucking cunt there are retards who think that but most of them are people who fled from the war in the 20th century I have Latvian and German descent but none of my ancestors are niggers my family's 100% white so yh lots of us have a Germanic mindset


>Pure white latin
latin are not white by definition.

explain the r1b then.

see. only turkey, italy, and greece are arabs.

so do them