This is Disneyland on May 28, 1966

This is Disneyland on May 28, 1966

Notice something?

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Every man has a collar, even the boys.

i see alot of latinos & cubans.

This is Disneyland on May 28, 2017. Notice anthihng?

the chick on the left with the open mouth likes it in the ass.

Pretty sure that's in Russia, look at the writing.

Had a lot more Cubans than I thought in the 1960s

I know your american but holy crap the image is flipped

It isnt russian writing, just INFORMATION backwards.

Why does everything have to suck?

Holy fucking shit!
Russian is inverted english.

not sure if retarded or b8

Йec ви дид

Walt's hugging a ching chong

Are you sure? The people look normal, and that first letter looks very Russian.

look at the fucking flag man ofc its re... oh sry

white supremacists tour the nigger exhibit, may 28, 1966.

i notice the cigarette walt had in his hand next to that girl's face has been photoshopped out



Walt isn't dead yet, so that means it must be an enjoyable experience for everyone.

Quiet! Do you want whites to put themselves together or do you want to eradicate them? Think, man!

>any worse

Noone's looking at the camera

I know you're Canadian, buy holy shit know your differences between your and you're.


two decades after ww2 when the infiltration had already completed. It was already too late by then.

they reversed all the text in the park. but why?

Underrated post.




what do you mean? They all seem to having a great time

OP don't be a faggot, tell us what you see in this pic.

>protecting segments of the anti-white conspiracy in order to be a more vocal anti-jew militarist
user., you have to go back.

Waffen ss soldier is walking alone right there in top corner

How will I have any children though with a trap?

ohhhhh noooo that sucks

>white women are for non-whites
In your opinion, but it's not really true.

How do we go from THIS to THIS Where did it al go so horribly wrong

fuck drumpf and fuck white """people"""


Opening day of Disneyland 1955. Guess who this is Sup Forums



Looks Like Leo

Show your flag, coward. :^)

how come? they look like they are having fun...

SOME white women are indeed for nonwhites. They sort of like the variety...

No, it's Russian.
They just hacked your mind, bro.

user., in your opinion, that's true. In fact, it's wrong.

The '68ers
AKA the boomers
pushed by the kikes
AKA the zionist kikes

Western governments have become so corrupt and disgustingly anti-volk that betrayal, collusion and absolute wastefulness/selfishness is totally accepted now.

"It's the government, what are you gonna do? Just live your life."


This is actually a pretty funny bait post, 9/10

This doesn't look like Disneyland. Maybe one of the satellite parks in DisneyWorld, but not Disneyland.

all the rich niggers love to fuck our white peoples?

Soon as any nigger gets money, the first thing they get is some rims and a white girl.

You haven't justified your claim. I limit myself to look at the picture and judge that if they are all together at an amusement park taking pictures of themselves, then probably they are there because they wanted to have a good time.

probably the only dude in the group thats getting pussy

Hide post.

>being this new

I noticed OP. Apart from the obvious takeaway, a few more:

1. They're not trying to screw each other over by skipping in line.
2. Qt chicks wearing bras on their head have a crowd soothing effect.

L.O.L. Nice meme. I wish looks were everything, then my people wouldn't be where we are. Still a good meme.

>green-texting me

Sorry user. I wish you could also enjoy some free time with some cute ladies. Some people are luckier than others, I guess.


2nd Chance Sup Forums Same guy. Who is it?

OLD old tag here; when I brought my boys, their mother, & my daughter there for the first time in 1978, I could go to the bar & grab a drink, walk to the tobacco shop, buy a nice pipe & their house blend tobacco, enjoy both while waiting for them on rides, then join them when I was done. Went again in 2010 with my grandkids, & to be honest, it 2as a miserable more tobacconist (much less souvinere pipes), no more alcohol outside of designatedareas, & a lot of niggers. There were Asians even back then, but no niggers.I don't even like getting things from the gift shop now, as everything is just 'ducked up' can't explain it. My two cents

>yes older than you
>I've been here since smartphones came out &

How long have you been anti-white and do your friends know about your possibly secret life making anti-white posts on the internet?

America was fucking ugly

Some dude that sold out his friends to advance his political career.

Well, actions have consequences, lad. Political Correctness is a false religion.

Show me something better.

Ronald Mcdonald?

Ronald Rheagan

As someone who lives near Anaheim, this depresses the shit out of me.

Shit asian boys be takin' our women. How can white bois compete???!!!!!

too fucking old to proofread your blog, faggot?

we all know theres literally niggers everywhere

I wouldn't say anti-white, but pro race-mixing. I mean white guys still get most of the white girls anyway. It's perfectly fine if some girls just happen to like non-whites.

Must have been nice back then when this was the county's idea of a chimpout

I see a doctor, an engineer, a philosopher, a rocket scientist, a phycisist and a lawyer.

go away grape nigger

Srsly Disneyland was always some sort of weird abomination idolicyng all that plastic fantasy, would not be surprised all that garbage damaged the brain an soul of the ustaters, slowly turning them into degenerates, I see all that garbage as the catholicism, a religion based on images, apareances and idoles.

>tfw Disneyland costs like $90 a ticket now

That would be one of the greatest Presidents in history.

>t. some third worlder that hates Catholicism because they got touched by (jesuit) missionaries

What a diverse group, I see plenty of Italians, some fine anglos and Germanics, even some Hispanics, if my eyes are correct on such a low resolution photo. Some look better off than others,and but all are dressed respectful. Little tykes look like they may be up to no good!

Ofc given the date there aren't any blacks, but times have changed.



include me in the screen cap

Ronald Reagan.

Just take a look at the interiors of Serbian churches.

No :-)

This is why Disney animation was really bland and lifeless?

Anti-whites are disqualified from such consideration, user.

Would fugg the 3 in the middle desu

This is what Orlando was like only 30 years ago.


What? Cant you see all that madness with a huge miky mouse walking around, and some girls dressed as princess, all that "you are in happyland" message hammering you again and again? Instead people would have done some sports whith theri family, exploring a vaste land with great natural wonders and such..but no, better lets take a ride in

Weekdays are $97
Weekends are $110

And that's for one park, add about $50 for both.

underrated post

whites asian and hispanics, yup not surprised


Before the U.S. turned into a disgusting human zoo

No diversity. A boring society.

You see those groups in Disneyland.

I went there this week and it is shocking to say, but it was 80% white the whole time I was there. Very middle class and overall nice weather.

Maybe saw 6 people and three of them were older whitewashed black guys with their wives.
