post em
Meme ball thread
WTF jevs were never white ,they are variety of colours like shit (sand-darkshit)
Jews are not White
>Jews have higher IQs than Whites
Jews are White though
This is a real meme. So much of the open borders racemixing propaganda is spread by the Schekelstein Schlomo types. Who's going to check the skin color behind an internet article anyway? These articles are written from the perspective of white people. And when it's necessary they switch back to Jewish identity.
Every time you see an article about how "As a white man, I think other white men should pay reparations!" you can bet your ass the author's name is Muriel Greenberg
They don't even really hide their Jewish names when writing the articles, but just push this really obnoxious "hello fellow whites in a free and diverse democracy" shit until someone puts the brackets around their names.