I think she's going to beat you up, user

I think she's going to beat you up, user.

Oh fuck

I'm fine as long as she beatas my dick up with her tonight pussy if you know what I mean

Sadly I don't.

The only person from that show I'd let to beat me up is Touka.

She can try

Fucking finally

there are worse ways to die

Please let me nap, Nibutani-kouhai.

not if I beat myself up first, bitch

Looks very comfy. If only the fan turned on.

Would you like to be buried, or cremated?

G-go ahead.



man, what is she, like 90 lbs?

That's heavier than the average Sup Forumsnon

I want her to gently beat me up

Why does Sup Forums seem to have so many skeletons out of all the boards?

Lots of lolis.

Little girl reasons

I'm like 135 lbs and 5'11", I could beat the shit out of Shinka easily. It's the deko you have to be worried about.

Oh yeah? Good luck, bitch. I'm turbo/fit/

You're already dead.

Preparing food cuts into our anime watching and shitposting time.

>not watching anime and shitposting while cooking
What are you, a crossposter?

Nah, it's not as skinny as it sounds. It's just normal skinny, but it's not Africa-tier skinny

115 pounds, 5'6"
Shinka could beat me up easily, which is incredibly arousing.

>he thinks 135lbs at 5'11 is normal skinny

user don't delude yourself.

>115 lbs

You sound pretty cute, those are some serious waifu specs right there

>tfw 5'7" 425lbs

no bully


No, like, trust me. I had a friend in highschool about an inch taller than me who weighed about 115 lbs, he literally looked like he was dying. I looked like a fucking fatass next to him, you have no idea.

>I had a friend

So, you like kicking butts, do you? We'll show you, little girl!

how's nibutani's ground game?

>pretty cute
Th-thanks, user.
I'd like to be someone's waifu.

What's wrong? You have a friend too, you know. right here

I hope she doesn't notice my boner.

>425 pounds

Dude, how the hell are you even alive, that's like twice my desk's weight

I am 6'7'' and over 400 lbs and I feel like a total blob. How are you even functioning?

>14 cm shorter than me
>double my bodyweight

I can move around the house just fine (except for one doorway that's too narrow), and my mother buys all the groceries anyway.

The real shame is my mother has to wash me because there is no way in hell I can reach more than 25% of my surface area. If I don't wash often the rot sets in.

>I had a friend in highschool about an inch taller than me who weighed about 115 lbs

Hey, that's me.

Fucking disgusting. If you tell me where you live, I can come put you out of your misery.

I don't even know what to say.

I don't think Shinka wants to beat you up anymore.

Have you... Considered liposuction friend?

How..how old are you user?

>mfw 5'6 95lbs

I'm a little understanding at the opposite extreme user

Do you live in Auschwitz?

102lbs. I still have a chance.

I could fit 4 times inside you.

Post proof pls

Jesus fucking christ, and I thought my 200 lbs were the end of the world.

Healthy 85kg at 180cm here.

Get fucked all you fatties and hungry skeletons

same, even though that post it's a lie it's nice to know that others are more miserable.

Keep telling yourself you're not overweight.

I`ll get to you motherfucker, I will.

It went down since i started squatting and deadlifting, but I binged on junk food.

You're making this shit up

user I'm 5'10'' 150 lbs and I'm skinny
who are you trying to fool

Nothing wrong with being 200 lbs if you're also 6'4"

i know, but i would feel bad about it if i was 6'4" now would i?

keep working hard senpai

Well, the last time I got weighed was like two years ago so I might have had some gains, honestly wouldn't be surprised if I were like 140-150 lbs now

Inverse of this guy, 5'7, 100lb. How do I stop being a fucking skeleton?

I don't believe you

To be honest any male around her age should be easily able to beat Shinka in a fight.

go weigh yourself then fampai

Eat a hardy 3 meals a day consistently, and lifting. All about calories in user.


I don't have a scale though

I want to beat her in bed

>serious mass
>2lb jars
Never gonna make it

Nigga I'm 10kg lighter than you at the same height and I'm already a little flabby.

>With her tonight pussy
user, you okay buddy?

A bullet to the brain is a viable option, here.

why not? i thought everyone had a scale

They wouldn't be able to withstand her punches.

Can you fit your penis entirely inside her tiny little cunny?

Nope, and I don't feel like getting one

Probably. My dick's rather tiny.

>never measured my height or weight since I was 16
>tall enough that most girls are shorter than me
>skinny enough that there's no noticable fat on my stomach

That's all you need. Ignorance is bliss.

I'll prepare my anus.

>never measured how big my dick is
>It's tiny as fuck when not errect
>feel like it's still small when errect.

Good thing nobody will ever see it .

Probably not. She's pretty fucking tiny and I'm not small.

You think if I told her my weakness was rubbing her feet on my dick she would fall for it?

If there's one thing I've been taught, it's that you can always make it fit.

>tfw 1.69cm, 60 kg
Should i kill myself?

You should be as wise as this user

True. I didn't even think about cervical penetration. Thank you user senpai.

You can't really penetrate the cervix.

You could still try

That's pretty close to mine. It's fine, but I wouldn't mind putting on more muscle mass.

Too lazy to hit gym though.

You have a very peculiar weakness.

Not with that attitude, you won't.

I'm also particularly weak to having you wrap your anus around my dick as well, you can trust me I'm a lawyer.

Eat plenty of milk and cheese.

Shinka is strong enough to do this.

That girl could probably break nearly anyone's fingers in an instant...

If you impregnated Shinka, would you take responsability? Or make her abort?

I would marry her.

You're a big guy