Why Berserk cannot be truly adapted as anime

The subject matter - rape.

Even by Japan's standards, the subject of sexual abuse is still taboo in mainstream culture.

I'm well aware that The Black Swordsman Arc is being adapted. But it'll probably stop there. I mean, The Count's backstory is rough enough.

Anyone whose reached the point in the manga where Gut's party goes to Qliphoth should understand why such graphic imagery cannot be animated. Unless, the studio wants to push the boundaries of what is acceptable...

Any thoughts on this?

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I think we can stop having 10 berserk threads a day, especially since they do nothing but attract crossboarders.

especially because berserk sucks ass more like

Berserk is babbys first grimdark.

it's 'Guts" y know

I think the problem is how weak the majority of people are, not that it's "too graphic". We can take it in easily. We are intellectuals hardened by the internet. We have moved beyond morals. We have seen child porn, gore and real rape. None of these things would faze us anymore if we saw them in real life. From the ordinary mortals, lower Humans, we are separated by our ability to not feel empathy. Our brains have used these freed resources for an even greater development of intelligence. Our mirror neurons have been freed from identifying with all other people to identifying with people that we want to identify with. So we learn the movements of Jackie Chan by merely watching his films. We can beat the stars of WWE using their own movements. So in a battle of one on one we are absolutely invincible. Even in the early childhood, we noticed that we are different. The others didn't understand us, and we didn't understand them, after all there was a gap of 60 IQ points between us. While the others talked about how two-stroke oil is expensive, we were reading Sartre and Nietzche. I understood that egoism and hedonism lead to the best possible outcome from the point of view of the individualist. When were quietly sitting in the Church attendance during school, others saw the miracles of Jesus, while on our retinas returned visions of raped ponies and split skulls. The stupidity of the others was our asset. I noticed that Wikipedia developed my intelligence and I memorized all of it. The Tibetan monks could sit in the same spot for 12 hours, me 24 hours. While I was enjoying personal development, I eradicated from myself the evolutionary adaptations such as empathy and conscience. Emotions cause irrational behavior, so I'm behaving rationally by removing them. Now I understand that there is no good or evil, there is only good or bad. We define good or bad. All the values are subjective. We define values. We are the superhuman. We are the anonymous. Expect us. Fear us.

In fact, it's the only manga I could not put down (currently on Claymore), I ain't hiding that fact.

So instead of flexing your pointless otaku abs with how much from darks you read/watch, maybe contribute the fucked up manga that has been adapted, eh?

OP, you know, they can just not animate rape. Also, they animated Casca's rape, so I dont know, I dont think japanese people give a fuck.

Interesting point about how we've become desensitised. We are in a day and age where we can push for the acceptable. Not sure about the rest of your waffle though...


To add however, this is the Internet's attitude towards things. This attitude cannot be reflected on what's shown on TV. There are are shows Netflix that would never be shown on CBS for instance.

This is my point though. Sexual abuse is integral part to Berserk's story. Without it, it's not a 'true' adaptation. Also the animation of Casca's rape was limited by the rather poor animation quality itself. With today's current animation quality, it's a different story.

>With today's current animation quality

the only rape in Berserk is in the eclipse

What are you trying cuss me for? The animation quality or my choice of grammar?

His name is GUTS

Rape definitely is not a taboo subject, there have been many anime with rape scenes. That will not be the problem of the adaption, the terrible CGI and lackluster designs will be. You just can't properly transform the awesome art into anime, at least not without a huge budget.

Read. The... Manga.

FUCK.... YOU....

other than guts getting blacked, when it also happened?

thats patently wrong though. true, the series isn't wall to wall rape, but a few stories still rely on it

stop reading memes in berserk threads and actually read the fucking manga you dope. you're everything that is wrong with this board

>no capitalization
Fuck off.

>few stories rely on it

such as?

>asking to be spoonfed
>on Sup Forums
Like everyone is telling you, just read the manga.

it's almost like I don't have the kanzenban from this

In the movie they literally show Casca getting raped and mindbroken, I don't see the problem.

I wouldn't say many. Maybe a handful. Bear in mind the animation quality as well.

movies can do things tv can't

The 1997 anime also showed the raped.


The animation quality of it was so poor it was acceptable.

Lost children. Rape= 0
Tower Rape = 0
Millenium Falcon = kushan killed people rape =0
Fantasia. rape =0
Ship, Rape =0

truely a manga full of nothing but rape

What intergral part does sexual abuse play? Far as I can tell, the cruel, dark setting can easily be replicated with gore and slavery parts. The only real relevance it had was breaking Casca, and the anime will be continuing from the Golden Age arc, no?
>today's current animation quality

>it was acceptable
How old were you when it released? Don't you remember the backlash at the time?

oh wait i guess troll raped people in fantasia, so in that regard i'm wrong
still anime will reach beginning of Millenim falcon at best

Stop responding to it. Holy fucking shit. He's clearly going to use any excuse he can fathom to disagree with you.

I was 5. Didn't know about our lord and saviour Miura until 2010.

Sorry to disappoint you.

>What intergral part does sexual abuse play? Far as I can tell, the cruel, dark setting can easily be replicated with gore and slavery parts. The only real relevance it had was breaking Casca,

Clearly you lot have forgotten about my nigga Wyald.

The movies forgot about him too.

He was never introduced in the 1997 series or the golden age films.

Why do you think that is?

r u a troll, cos the trolls that show up like rape
they fully rape people and the babby trolls eat their way out

surely they can just heavily imply it/just show two people rasslin, most rape in berserk is to show how dark and immoral the world and demons, its necessary for the overall story

*tips fedora

he's cool and it's a good fight but i guess he's not that big a part of the story as zodd tears him in half not long after he's introduced

Heavily implying rape is not what Berserk's all about. It shows frame by frame how horrific sex and violence is. This is why I'm arguing why Berserk can never be truly adapted.

This thread is retarded.

kids wont understand their to hyped for the edgy3dtrain to roll in, the anime will never live up the manga no matter how many reboots it gets

>their to hyped

They pretty much censored Wyald's story by scrapping him completely - proving that Berserk manga as a whole cannot be truly adapted.


But Guts is his canonical name, user. I hope you weren't being serious.

IKR. It's almost heartbreaking.

There's been no graphic rape since the trolls in the manga, which took place over thirteen years ago. Crossboarders and newfags should try to understand that as Guts becomes more settled and happy within his new group the manga is distancing itself more and more from this type of subject matter, to the point that even the newer chapters aren't nearly as gory as they used to be.

Or, they can fuck off. I'd prefer that. This used to be a country for Cascafags.

Ive realised the tone of Berserk has lightened a little as it progresses. I attribute that to Guts' character development. It also shows in Miura's artstyle (lots of white space).

The manga has turned into a shed load of monster-slaying, with a bit of human-apostle drama to fill the inbetween.

Remember the track record of the studio

Literally how do you go from doing moeshit to fucking Berserk?
Who thought it would be a good idea to give it to that studio?


What if the new berserk anime has the pacing of a teekyuu episode?

Too bad there's just no topping Teekyuu.

dumping fresh oc

The rape is not actually shown, but Jill ran away from home because her father was raping her in Lost Children.

There is pic related too, but I don't know if it counts.




Zepek never raped Jill. Just smacked her around.

Kel. Is this some sort of abridged translation.


Yeah, my bad.
He tried, though.

Pretty sure that was her father's friend.

>not Milipenis.png