Unnecessary circumcision should be illegal?
Unnecessary circumcision should be illegal?
we wouldnt have circumcision if it wasnt for the jews. probs only good thing they brought because most of you retards would have constant dick cheese without it.
Constant dick cheese? Are you retarded. Maybe if you don't shower for about a week.
genital mutilation
no thanks
Give me one rational explanation for keeping unnecessary genital circumcision against unconsenting male babies legal that could not also be used to justify making unnecessary genital circumcision against unconsenting female babies legal, assuming the same gender-equivalent sensitive tissue is removed in both cases.
when did the uncircumcised meme start? uncirc guys are gross. your little foreskin wasn't going to add inches to your little pecker.
Yes it should be illegal. I thought a knife cutting a baby's genitals would be considered wrong a normal human being by default.
Not for adults who want one.
Kid pisser chops should be discouraged/ prohibited.
in a time before abraham even.
And God said unto Abraham: 'And as for thee, thou shalt keep My covenant, thou, and thy seed after thee throughout their generations. This is My covenant ... every male among you shall be circumcised. And ye shall be circumcised in the flesh of your foreskin; and it shall be a token of a covenant betwixt Me and you. And he that is eight days old shall be circumcised among you, every male throughout your generations ... And the uncircumcised male who is not circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin, that should shall be cut off from his people; he hath broken My covenant.
nice meme
fuck off foreskin tastes amazing
It's obviously communist and therefore wrong. You can't treat an infant's private property as something you have the right to extract.
At best, you can argue the infant is too stupid to know what's in it's best interest. In which case it falls to the parents. But even so, if you can argue parents are too stupid to make decisions regarding FGM and child vaccination, then obviously they would be too stupid to make decisions regarding MGM as well.
lel drydicks will defend this.
A circumcised dick looks cute.
>caring about what parents decide for their children
Both circumcision and a nose job are esthetic surgeries, but it's illegal to make a nose job to a baby while it's legal to mutilate a baby's penis
I don't care what others do to their stupid kids, but I for one rejoice everyday at the majesty of my succulent foreskin! My son will also get to keep his, it's the righteous thing to do!
I got circumcised when I was 20 :^)
So, you're for gender neutral upbringing then? Or just literally turning your kid into a tranny?
I bet your pro life though right
There literally is no fucking argument here I can't believe this shit still happens. Sorry for all you cunts that where abused at birth over some shitty ideology. It's not your parents fault.
I don't care what the nigger down the street does if it doesn't affect me. Is it morally wrong? Sure, but I'm not their God and they'll have to answer for it. It's not up for the state to dictate everything that's where morals kick in.
>"The health benefits of male circumcision include a drop in the risk of urinary tract infection in the first year of life by up to 90 percent," she says.
>But there's a much bigger reason to do it, Blank said. Circumcised males are far less likely to get infected with a long list of sexually transmitted diseases.
>"It drops the risk of heterosexual HIV acquisition by about 60 percent. It drops the risk of human papillomavirus [HPV], herpes virus and other infectious genital ulcers," she says.
>It also reduces the chances that men will spread HPV to their wives and girlfriends, protecting them from getting cervical cancer.
ewwwwww the disgusting way uncirc penises look is literally a biological warning to stay away from all the diseases they carry
It's fucked up when you realize the reasons given for the practice are made up health concerns. The question should be, why was it ever legal in the first place? I mean it's not cultural practice to mutilate newborns any other way, let alone the genitals. Somehow this became normal in the US. And people will still parrot the jewish make-work explanations about hygiene and aesthetics. I find it abhorrent the latter is even broached as a justification.
Just cut your dicks men. Don't be a pussy. We like it that way.
>no religious reason why it's done (unless your muslim or jew)
>No real medical reason other than "it gets dirty sometimes!"
Don't do this to your sons. End the cycle.
There's no reason to do it in the vast majority of cases, and there are many reasons not to do it, one of which being that it makes sex better for both partners. Nature didn't design human males to need to get their foreskins cut off. Mechanically, sex without a foreskin doesn't work as well. Why do you think lube exists?
>born in spain
>end up in the hands of the one (((doctor))) within 200 miles
>suggests circ to parents
>mother believes jews are gods chosen people
>snip snip, there goes my tip
It is a fucking bizarre cultural practice, but i don't really give a shit.
Jews should be illegal.
Do we have to have this thread everyday? We get it, fucking KIKES. Fucking JEW dicks
>dick cheese
Do you not shower at least once a month?
Regardless it's something backwards americlaps do because muh greatest ally, the rest of the (white) world doesn't do it because it's not something whites should do.
no, freedom of religion. even christian faiths practice circumcision, it is also an old school thing done for health and well being.
Savagery from Africa, pure and simple.
You have never had a real orgasm.
>even christian faiths practice circumcision,
Like who?!? Tiny minorities in countries conquered by Islam a millennia ago are hardly representative, either of Christianity or their own original state.
>for health and well being.
Brainwashed fool. If your flag is really where you're from, you're an ethnic Briton, and this barbarism is NOT part of your heritage.
Yes, it has to be illegal when unnecessary.
For that, it has to be a part of the MRA (Men's Rights Act).
So make a petition for men's rights in the US
Women only need to fake orgasms with mutilated men.
see : and
It should but the Jews, Muslims and those they fooled won't let it happen.
The religious practice itself is cruel and unnecessary. Medical circumcisions are mostly fine since they're done later in life when the patient is old enough not to find the procedure traumatic. Awareness of alternative treatments could be better though.
t. Snipped for medical reasons.
what constitutes "unnecessary" circumcision?
You should let sandniggers pratice female genitalia mjtilation too then. They should be free to pratice their religion.
Oh wait...
won't do it to my kids.
dick works fine though.
how could anyone feel good about doing this to their kids, so fucked up
The Soviets basically banned it. A fair number of Russian Jews in Israel are uncircumcised.
When the person doesn't have phimosis or any other penis condition
The excuses are always:
>It's cleaner
>It looks nicer
Americans are pretty much the only European descendants who do this en masse, it's not very popular anywhere else. The whole practice was shoved upon them as a way to prevent masturbation, but they'll try and reason it away with "women prefer it" as if that is true or even matters.
This is a myth backed by poor science. UTIs are uncommon in male infants and are easily treated. They're more common in female infants, yet nobody can cut off their labia. You can't even study if cutting off the labia has an effect on UTI prevalence.
>The religious practice itself is cruel and unnecessary.
I consider my circumcision to be my first experience with rape. Real rape. Not this "I choose to get drunk and lay down naked next to Chad" bullshit feminists go on about, but a rape resulting in permanent and irreversible disfigurement.
I was indoctrinated into rape culture by a literal act of rape, yet still feminists could give a fuck. Because I have a penis.
having all of my dick is fun
Hey, you see fig. 3? I can pull back the 4skin, have no sick idk, "extra skin mass" behind the head it's all smooth, and she's now got the best of both and my head's desensitized so I don't need to worry like u other sensitive head dicks of the 4skin go let the water in the shower hit ur head till u can start rubbin it LMFAO circumcision is stupid! I basically have both! It ain't flubberin like rubber rollin back like a back carpet either
The child is essentially an owned animal, like a pet, therefore it is ethical to mutilate it as you please.
If circumcision makes you fucking immune to HIV infection then how come there are more AIDS un the US compared to Europe or Latin America?
>yank cuckolds literally make their dick smaller
You already have small cocks, stop giving the rest to jews
Conveniently, nobody seems to address this.
Unnecessary physical assault is.
>Having a dong below 7x6"
nothing good about forced body mutilation, unless you're some kind of abbo primitive then people just tolerate it because you're obviously a deviant savage sub human
We import uncuts on the daily. Try to keep up.
so basically according to this if I walk by an east asian woman I am likely to impregnate her?
8x6 master race checking in.
The mark of the slave. Unfortunately the Jews forgot to remove 1 Corinthians 6:19 from the bible.
>Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own.
Don't fuck with the temple bro.
too much legalism, I prefer to allow people to circumcise if they wish and not if they don't wish. It is just a cultural tradition. It is not like the jew is getting sexual pleasure in doing it.
Nope. Communism demands the complete abolition of all private property.
Therefore, your foreskin belongs to the collective, and shall be at their mercy. It matters not that Stalin was uncut.
Circumcision is amazing. I'm glad I don't have a ugly and stinky dick. Thank you mom and dad.
>should it be illigal
>can you grow your skin back
>are you less of a man after circumcision
Yes. Your manhood has ceremoniously cut according to a religion were your considered a slave. You will always be viewed as a "jewed" man which lowers your status vs a full skinned man.
The meme scientist with no sources reporting in.
But, what if I was never raped of my foreskin?
>Circumcision is amazing.
amazingly profitable, you would be surprised what some people will pay for a product made from other humans, a twisted fetish indeed
B-but don't want double foreskin.
illegal just to piss off the feminists
Why do non-jews/muslims get circumcision?
Solomon was the first communist
A penis is not "private property." It is a body part.
Say HAIL TITUS so you can give the new foreskin to a mutilated acquaintance?
>needing one more inch of skin to be a man
They're usually duped into it with promises of "health benefits" or hygiene.
A biologic warning? Are you retarded or just a jew, because that's how we evolved. If nature thought it was more healthy to be circumcised then we would be born without foreskins. I feel bad for you guys who will never experience a true male orgasm.
As some one who was circumcised for no fucking reason, it should be illegal. My parents and grantparentsare not jewish or muslim. Why did they slice up my genitals? Because a doctor asked and just thought he knows best? Fuck.
see : and You will never experience a true human orgasm. I feel sorry for you.
Amazing just like tattoos and ear gauges. You'll be paying good money to undo circumcision someday, just like those idiots are paying to undo that damage.
Unless of course you're some kind of poorfag. Which clearly you are, since your foreskin was sold for thousands of dollars and your idiot parents paid for the 'privilege'.
>so you can give the new foreskin to a mutilated acquaintance
Just sue your parents, they're the ones who agreed to your dick mutilation.
Sol is our true deity tbqhwyf
big deal, also if you feel that bad about it you can try to pleasure me
Please give new foreskins to those that need them.
Waste of time. Better to get a progressive shrink and demand an uncut penis transplant.
sorry for your loss
Honestly, I'm glad I'm circumcised. Looks ugly with the elephant trunk foreskin.
do you walk up to people with tatoos and say sorry, that must have hurt?
Did you know that in the mid-20th century US doctors would literally just mutilate children after they were born and add it to the bill without even getting the parents' permission?
God damn, what kind of gum is she chewing, I want a piece.