Do you prefer anime or manga/light novels?

Do you prefer anime or manga/light novels?

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Toradora! FTW

In my opinion it's anime. The only reason anybody reads light novels or manga is because the anime is over and they want to continue the story so it's that or nothing.

Why do you think fate fans are crying for a heavens feel anime adaptation? If the source material was so great nobody would care. They just want the better form of entertainment. This is only one of many examples.

Light novels don't have music.

I think that's thread.

Mango > Animu > shit > light novel

If I'm gonna read a book, I'll just read a real book.

Anime for the art, light novels for the story. Not really in to manga very much, its the bastard child of animation and books.

Define a "real book". I would also question that you have ever even read a real book or even a light novel.

Manga > LN > VN > Anime

I prefer good series over shit like you posted.

>anime for the animation
>light novel for the story

The problem is when you're reading light novels you're basically reading books and imagining the characters are anime. Why not just read a real book that that's better and pretend in your head the characters are anime?

You're so edgy.

I'm an intellectual so usually read books like The Great Gatsby, 1984, The Process, The Cather in the Rye and Ulysses. Haven't found a single light novel that I even dare to compare against such books.

>Define a "real book".

Not a "light" novel

>The Great Gatsby
>Catcher in the Rye


Im going to guess that you are the same person. Im also going to point out what a doofus you sound like right.
>I'm an intellectual that only reads intellectual books for intellectuals like my self.
You should kill your self for spewing such cliche and lame shit on Sup Forums. Even worse, go back to tumbler and die from suffocation in a fat womans crotch. You are even more lame than the kid that only watches adult anime for cool edgy adults, like Death Note and Elfin Lied. I dont know how you even look at your self in a mirror in the morning with out shooting your self in the head. Id laugh at you but im far to nauseated.

.voice acting

Manga/light novels
.reading with pictures
.sometimes colored

Anime wins by default right?

Unless you're comparing a good light novel to a bad anime but if it's a good anime to a good light novel the anime always wins.

>I'm an intellectual
>on a taiwanese pottery sculpting board

Get over yourself.

I suppose pic related is the reason light novel readers watch the anime 100% of the time without fail even though the source material is "superior" right?

Matilda is the reason people watch anime adaptions of light novels? I suppose she is magical but I dont think thats the reason.

You know deep down in you're heart you know exactly what I meant.

>le real art is only what falls within my own definitions
*tips Fedora*


I just realized Matilda is technically a typical live action magical girl loli. Now that I'm thinking about all the live action magical girl loli I'm realizing America loves this shit. Is the only thing separating us from the normies reality vs animation after all?

You can just look to this post. Anime brings new elements to a story, such as sound. It also brings in other peoples perspectives of scenes, people and objects. For example. Heavy Object, the objects designs in my head were pretty shitty thanks to the rather crappy representation the LNs had for them. The anime did a much better job bringing the objects to life and filling in the blanks. You can be a brat and whine about how the anime didnt get your one favorite moment right or you can enjoy the anime for what it is as long as they dont completely butcher the plot.

>light novel readers watch the anime 100%
I'm not defending LNs, but you can't prove it

Manga would be my preferred medium because of it's greater potential to tell better stories, something that comes from the author being allowed to have larger creative freedom. The art in manga is usually more detailed then in anime and there is a greater verity of stories compered to the ones that are made or adapted into anime. I'd also say that anime is better then light novel but that is mostly because while I like some light novels I am not familiar with many light novels that are not generic crap that most often tries to appeal to people by following popular trends.

Anime will always be superior for me, Just having OST's and glorious VA's is too hard to beat.

I find it hard reading manga for long periods of time because sometimes it just feels so uninteresting because you're reading it and you can't feel anything or get hyped about text on the internet.

You guys, just think about the most fun you've ever had reading a light novel and compare it to the most in you've ever had watching an anime. Which one was better and why was it anime?

Because I didnt know The Slayers was a book and the book was not even translated.

I just watch good old anime and read actual novel. Who the fuck thinks light novel are good? Manga is too fast to read so I don't bother buying any (fuck off with your online reading)

>reading manga or light novels online

That's truly some regressive caveman type shit if I've ever heard it.

So far we have an intellectual and a guy whos manga expertise is reading it online. I feel like ive stepped in to the Reddit Zone!

I guess that's one small bonus to buying light novels. You have a collection.

When is Japan going to start selling anime movies in the form of character driven flash drives? I thought this was the future?

I'd spend a lot more money on anime. Especially if there was
Limited edition versions.

The Three Musketeers is considered light fiction. Don't be a retard.

Seriously, read this shit:

>"That is to say, you are in love with this lady as you were with Madame Bonacieux," said Athos, shrugging his shoulders contemptuously, as if he pitied human weakness.
>"I? not at all!" said d'Artagnan. "I am only curious to unravel the mystery to which she is attached. I do not know why, but I imagine that this woman, wholly unknown to me as she is, and wholly unknown to her as I am, has an influence over my life."
>"Well, perhaps you are right," said Athos. "I do not know a woman that is worth the trouble of being sought for when she is once lost. Madame Bonacieux is lost; so much the worse for her if she is found."
>"No, Athos, no, you are mistaken," said d'Artagnan; "I love my poor Constance more than ever, and if I knew the place in which she is, were it at the end of the world, I would go to free her from the hands of her enemies; but I am ignorant. All my researches have been useless. What is to be said? I must divert my attention!"

This is LN-tier writing. And that doesn't make it any less of a classic and a good story.

live action by gaijin is the best form

I know you're just trolling but I like dubs better than subs most of the time. (Especially with railgun)

The sad thing is manga readers can't even bitch because they read everything dubbed.

(They most likely hear the voices in English in their head as they read the subs as well)

This is why you learn Japanese.

Novels are the best.

I wouldn't go to the trouble of learning Japanese just so that I can watch them in a different language when I already speak the best language in the world. What's the point? I actually heard learning Japanese can mess shows up for you because most people can't even tell if a Japanese voice acter is bad because they don't speak Japanese. It can mess up my favorite weeb music as well.

>subs better than dubs most of the time
You just have a shit taste.

Most voice actors are good though. The bad one you can hear without even learning the language.

I agree. Subs are better than dubs ALL the time.

There are some exceptions but I'll stick my dubs, especially in comedy anime.

Wow, you totally fit in user. Good job.

>I already speak the best language in the world
Is that the excuse people use who are to lazy to learn other languages?

Most decent people can use multiple languages. There is no "better" languages that's subjective. So the real question is not why learn a diffrent languages but what languages you're going to learn.

And if you aren't a newfag but a real Sup Forumsutists who watches a ton of anime,reads at least as many mangas and reads many light novels than Japanese can only be beneficial.

I'm probably stuck with this media for my whole life so it would be a waste to not learn Japanese.

Well i'm not sure if this is sarcasm but i don't think subs are better than dubs all the time but most of the time.

>I stick nails in my ears because im a unique snowflake.

Good for you user.

I will literally never need to learn another language in my entire life. Until the day they stop creating subs for anime I'm not even going to try.

You're probably one of those fags who faps to dubbes hentais.

Dubs died with the invention of the DVD.

There's a lot of untranslated stuff you might like though. If you're going to have this hobby until you die then it's a worthwhile investment of your time.

You enjoy monogatory so I don't respect your opinion.

How about all of them?

I assumed that. I said decent people can use multiple languages so i was excluding you.

People who only do stuff when they need it are in general weak subhumans.

Don't you mean soon to be translated stuff? I mean unless it's garbage and in that case I wouldn't waste my time only it anyways. It's sort of like an auto filter.

Lurk 2 years longer newfag

I prefer anime as a medium, but I often find myself enjoying manga way more than their anime adaptations.

LNs and VNs are just an extension of my anime experience so far, but I might try out HakoMari at some point. I don't wanna bother too much with VNs though, they take way too much time.

Damn, this is Komeiji all over again.

Right now you are the mercy of other people's tastes. You don't decide what gets translated.

Sorry if I offended your garbage series.

I do plenty of things I'm not required to but I'm not about to waste my time learning another language. If I only spoke Japanese or something I'd consider it but I guess whatever makes you feel better about having a useless talent you worked hard for.

Good anime adaptions are the best, followed by light novels and then bad anime adaptions.

Manga adaptations are bottom of the barrel trash 9 times out of ten.


How is it a useless talent? Do you even know where you are?

You're only offending your own intelligence with the things you write. But then again it seems like there isn't much to offend.

I'm in the U.S. on an English speaking image boardboard.

Not that it even matters because everyone in this room has yet to speak another language no matter where they're from.

Are you pretending to be retarded now?

And you are acting like you made a unique achievement that makes you better than him. Guess what, you aren't.

Maybe it's just bad translating, but LNs always read like the shittiest of fanfiction to me. I can never read through even a chapter of them, they're terrible, or at least whatever ones I've tried reading.

This is a English speaking imageboard user. You do know that right?

>being able to watch anime without bad translation
>being able to watch anime before most people
>being able to read manga and light novels which aren't translated yet
>being able to play visual novels without waiting for shitty translations
>being able to read japanese news and now much more about the inner workings then most people
>being able to understand Japanese music without having to watch the video with subs
>being able to interact with all Japanese people

Yeah it's such a useless talent. You don't really seem like someone who is into anime user if you really thing being able to understand Japanese is useless.

Maybe you should consider going back to your homeboard.

Yes, but what is this imageboard about?

Light novels would be better if they were audio books accompanied with dramatic music that would be used as if in an anime, and then VAs read the characters lines.

I think it'd be pretty sweet to listen to an audio book and then hear the instrumentals drop at rhe dramatic segments.

Yeah i think i'm better than a newfag.
Do you have a problem with that?
Do you think newfags are equal?
Do you think people who have only watched a double digits amount of anime are equal when it comes to understanding of anime?

Where do you think we are?

Your post makes me think you have been here all summer.

You don't know me reddit.

Anime but there is an anime board on 2chan as well. Maybe that's where you belong?

I've never had a problem with with any of the points you've made because Instead of always trying to get the latest scoop on anime I'm usually more focused on watching anime itself. I probably still know more about anime than you user. Do you even actually know Japanese?

Wonderful story. I've most likely been here longer than you and the amount of anime I've consumed in my lifetime would probably make you sick.

You all need to go back to 2chan.

Do you mean 2ch or futaba? An oldfag like you would know right?

>I've most likely been here longer than you
>the amount of anime i've consumed in my lifetime would probably make you sick
>can't spell Monogatari

Is there really any use in trying to prove anything? You do realize I'm on the Internet right now right?

>being able to focused on watching anime itself and getting a better experience
Thanks for adding another reason why Japanese isn't useless.
Thanks for ignoring all the other reasons and showing you don't have an argument against that.

I mean Gaia. Go back to Gaia.

I could literally look up the answer to almost anything in Desustorage or google even if I was new. I really don't like how you kids on Sup Forums today think just because someone's been here for a while means they're automatically considered "cool" there is plenty of people on here who started when this image board was just a baby who are just as big of idiots as guys who just bearly started.

Not true. While both may be idiots, at least one of those idiots is more attuned to the customs here and has some level of board etiquette.

I can focus on the anime just fine? That's like saying driving an automatic is better because you can focus on the road better.

You literally just posted an American cartoon.

Driving an automatic is better. People shouldn't have to die on the road so that you get can an ego boost fiddling around with your stick.

Novels >> Manga > Anime >>> LNs

If you'd been here long enough you'd know why that particular one is acceptable here in small doses.

Can you show me the statistic that says Manual drivers get into more accidents?

Novels >> Manga > Anime >>>literal dogshit>>>>>>>>> LNs


What's the difference between Novels and LN's? Is it just novels are longer?

VN > manga >= anime > LNs