Are white people the greatest product of evolution?
Are white people the greatest product of evolution?
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Toss up between White and Brazilian for me.
The entire world hates yet also respects whites.
They want us to die out yet they also want to respect us and worship us and fetishize us.
Really makes me think.
no, it's jews. they have evolved to be a metropolitan people.
If white women are so great then how come they age like milk?
Since when were Finns white?
no such thing as (((evolution))) faggot
>we were created by the creator in his image, all other races were rough drafts
cosmopolitan not metropolitan*
Is this even a question
Evolution does not exist, we are from the 8th day creation.
Evolution doesnt exist.
God created Adam and Eve , and since then, humanity is only degenerating, not evolving.
>niggeranon here
I don't know what I would do if women this beautiful did not exist...
>fuck a black chick?
No thanks...
No. North-East Asians are.
Higher IQs and more cold-adapted than whites. Also uglier, but looks aren't everything.
No, the Negro is. It is a dependency population that can never be fully controlled, never be fully replaced, and thinks collectively.
The Negro will eat its own like cockroaches to survive, abandon its women and children, and leeches off of more successful civilizations only to steal their shit.
The ultimate product of evolution, the ultimate bio-weapon.
They don't, the only women that seem to age better are asians but that's because they're so thin and eat leafs throughout the day. If any women would do that from another race they would age well too.
Make up user, makes your skin dry as you age which results in more wrinkles.
>a leaf actually says something right
It depends what you mean by evolution. If you mean the most advanced being then perhaps. If you mean the superior being that cannot be destroyed no matter what you throw at it, then it has to be the blacks. No disease, war, natural disaster or politic can destroy the black man. He conquered Africa. He will conquer your wife pretty soon.
>Gets sun burns for staying 15 min in the sun
>Blue eyes and green eyes have weaker eyesight
>Not the best race in terms of physical abilities
>Not the smartest race
>No1 race Responsible for mass genocides, so lack of empathy
Wh*te "people" are only successful because they where lack to be in a rich environment and that is it
Well yeah, duh.
>No1 race Responsible for mass genocides
>Not master race
Pick one and genocide yourself nigger.
No,whites are gods greatest version of humanity.v2.0
were lucky *
>shut you nigg...
Of course, Wh*Te subhuman would think genociding people is a good thing. Great example of the point I made, Lack of empathy
White women never come off as attractive to me. I'm glad I'm not attracted to them because of how many white women are willing to cheat, lie, and/or steal from their partners.
T. Mixed fag
Oh I forgot important point. they are too egocentric that they started worshiping themselves( aka Nazi, KKK... ect) They even made a Middle eastern religion made by a ME man all about them LMAO
science says yes
that is the best image ive ever seen. 10/10 amused.
Take a look at this
> Greatest product of evolution
> Can't even breed
> Allowing themselves to be replaced in their own habitats
HAHAHAHAHAHA this Wh*Tes are the definition of sub-human
theres bacteria that eats plastic
>being this much of a religious slave
>be black in africa
>be good at breeding admittedly
>80% die
The pinnacle.
what is her name?
>be Potato Nigger
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Go prep your Gf's bull you low-test faggot
East Asian iq is a meme. Notice that all of these iq studies differentiate between east Asians and southeast Asians, as well as Ashkenazi with other jews, yet all gentile whites are lumped together - Irish with English, northern Italian with southern, and all of the rest. It's also interesting that they never include the variance of each group in their findings.
nice try jew
I think that one may be.
Anglos are not white.
Anglos weren't even in Britain at this point, though.
ha jokes on you i dont have a gf!
It's ranked by country too and China/Japan/Korea have the highest averages.
I'm Asian and I think so. All Chinese women and Korean chicks I know secretly wished to be white.
Go to any Phillipino supermarkets you see 600 diffrents types of lotion body wash that has ultra-whitening labels on them.
My race is pathetic.
I used the incorrect term, thank you for the correction.
The Britons are not white, having Briton ancestry negates any claim to whiteness.
t.fat american, don't try to hard sweethearth
Anglos are the only white race left, the rest of europe as turk descendets
>black people have yet to realize that by liking white women more they admit inferiority through their actions
Indians and Arabs fit in too by the skull logic
Source? They are also more racially homogenous than most western countries.
Not really. Their mixed kids, producs of cultural enrichments however, will be.
her name is Anna-Sofia Ali-Sisto from finland. yea.
Nothing else comes close to bacteria.
>white people
>greatest product of evolution
Not with nigger tier cancer rates. Fuck those shitty genetics.
>Are white people the greatest product of evolution?
No, abos are.
They don't though. There is a reason all milfs are white.
Race is a social construct and invention of patriarchy user.
This basically proves that jews are superior to huwhites because jews have a bigger skull and nose.
Compared to the other groups, we are by far the most diverse one in terms of physical characteristics. The world has a love-hate relationship with us. They love our physical traits and try to emulate them, yet they resent us for it. It is not as if we declared that our appearance was the gold standard, they decided by themselves that it might be. So I would say that, by popular demand, yes. We are the greatest and most envied product of evolution. Add to this our cultural and intellectual diversity.
It's a retarded meme. I'm surrounded by 50+ year old white milfs out here in the country. I can't go to the grocery store without getting a boner.
>some are ugly, so they can't be like us
Typical /poltard/
If you look at a map of genetic clusters it basically proves that anglos arent actually anglo, but 1/3 of brits have an anglo haplogroup. Brits are basically just irish/ scottish with a bit more anglo dna.
Digits confirm. British arent white.
they don't
What the hell?
Ancient British of the Roman period were Celts, basically the same as modern Irish. Anglos and Saxons are literally German tribes which came later and replaced the population of Southern Britain after the withdrawal of Roman power.
must have a 12" personality
Can I have a source for this that isn't from "The Black Man: His Antecedents, His Genius, and His Achievements".
He noted in his Gallic Wars that the native Britons were pretty advanced technologically, obviously not as advanced as the Romans but certainly not bumbling retards. Also stop speaking our language you foreign dog.
Eh, second greatest.The first spot HAS to go to the bbc. The isn't a white woman alive who couldn't cum from a bbc pounding.
this also that charismatic six-figure allure
repeating Roman butthurt as historical fact, the British decend from the Etruscans who desend from the Khumry. look up the disctribution of Haplogroup R1b1a2. Brits were Egyptians and shit, and Romans αΊƒre jealous
>Niggers opinion is invalid. Muh dick.
This kid looks like a nafri
>T. Mixed fag
Not something you needed to clarify with that flag
Heh, take that back
Brits are mongols from Germany, Italy and Scandavia. Practically all Northern Europeans have ancestors who were cucked and raped either by each other or Southern/Eastern Europeans and now Muslims are raping ya.
Daily reminder that London, the capital of Britain isn't even half white British anymore. The majority are Eastern Europeans, Indians and shitskins.
No, they're successful like rats are successful. They need infrastructure created by humans to thrive in. Otherwise they'd just be standing in a desert jewing each other out of rocks and bits of twig.
Whites are successful because we build our own environment wherever we go and create desirable standards of living.
Non-white females fetishize whites,
thus non-white males want to kill whites.
>There is a reason all milfs are white.
It's because it's a fetish for whites and their mothers are white as well.
Japs are descent. But China's IQ is as fake as everything else about them.
Read up about the concept of "Face". Truth means nothing to them. In fact they regard it as a fast track to failure.
No, Jews are
I'm happy for them.I hope they make a lot beautiful white children.
>Wh*te "people" are only successful because they where --lucky-- to be in a rich environment and that is it
You have it backwards you dumb chimp. Whites evolved in ice age covered europe. We had to get smart because conditions were so tough. We had to learn to conserve resources because of long periods without food being available. We had to develop the ability to think ahead. We had to develop abstract thinking to be able to navigate through a constantly changing landscape. The list goes on.
You idiots lived in an essentially unchanging environment for thousands of years where shit just fell out of trees for you to eat. There were never any environmental stresses to force you to develop higher cognitive skills. That's why you cunts can't form long term objectives. Or delay gratification.
Which is why you punch now due to anger, but we'll sit on our anger and purge you later when we can get all of you in one go. Literally the only thing stopping us from purging you right now is other white people who haven't come round to our way of thinking yet.
the brightest flame is the shortest lived.
And Asian women women age worse.
By your logic i (arabian man) am white
fellow member of the Caucasian race yes.
All whites are Caucasians but not all Caucasians are white.
The bright green is where caucasians are/were naturally found.
Real question : How many kids are You planning to have?
Hive mind, rolling for digits before the 23rd GMT... God please do your thing
it's up to us user's
This man knows his place.