Naru saved the tsundere archetype.
Thank you Ken Akamatsu
Naru is great, but LH was 18 years ago.
When did you guys realize that Love Hina is actually a terrible show and a mediocre Manga at best, but you still love it though ?
Naru can be my waifu
What? Naru is the one who dragged the archetype into the mud. She probably still beats the shit out of Keitaro after they married.
Love Hina was kinda fun for the first 10 chapters but then it went to shit fast after that
Also Naru is hot as fuck but she's annoying as shit...give me Chitoge anyday
>was 18 years ago.
What am I doing with my life?
Naru was my first waifu. She still is even now.
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.
There's barely any difference between them though. Naru is the stronger character with faster development. As a whole, Nisekoi is a poor man's Love Hina.
She should be added to this.
>good tsundere
Naru is not my waifu (that's another brown-haired tsundere with some violent tendencies), but she was definitely my first real 2D crush.
Pic related made me go doki-doki.
list invalidated, thanks
Weak bait, but I'll bite anyways.
>There's barely any difference between them though.
>Naru is the stronger character with faster development.
It took Naru 'till the end of the series to realize she loved Keitaro
It took Chitoge like 30 chapters and she stopped being violent over time unlike Naru
>As a whole, Nisekoi is a poor man's Love Hina.
The other way around homo
Nisekoi is what Love Hina should've been
The first 10 chapters of Love Hina were comfy and then it went to shit with needless bad drama
Nisekoi never strayed from it's path on the other hand(for better of worse) and as a result is much more fun to read(not to mention that it has way better girls)
Only good tsundere there is Chitoge
>10 chapters
More like 10 volumes.
Now that 16 years have passed can we all agree Naru wasn't that bad?
I'd let her punch me any day.
More like 10 chapters...actually scratch that more like 9(best chapter is chapter 9...that fucking chapter still gets to me)
Why couldn't Love Hina continue to be that comfy?
Too fucking bad
Naru was a cunt but I wouldn't mind getting hit by her if it meant I could hit that pussy
The manga version of her though...the anime version is ugly
Anime Naru was weird in more ways that just the art style.
Friendly reminder that the best Ken Akamatsu manga is still "Itsudatte My Santa"
>It took Chitoge like 30 chapters and she stopped being violent over time unlike Naru
I stopped there. There's no way in hell you aren't baiting when it took hundreds of chapters for Chitoge to be less tsundere and realize her love for real. Her abuse lessened, but didn't go away until towards the end of the manga. Chitoge's relationship with Raku was static for the most part until recently, and it's the same for Raku until he recently realized his feelings for Chitoge. Naru contemplated about her feelings a lot and her struggle was focused on. All that was done in less time that didn't drag out the story like Nisekoi did.
That's Kanako masked as her(she also does it in the manga) but you already knew that you shitter(
Chapter 8-9 is one of the first instances of the "drama" you seem to despise, and then it goes right back to comedy for another slew of chapters.
I don't understand your criteria of comfy.
It should be obvious by now he's trolling and pulling crap from his ass.
>Now that 16 years have passed can we all agree Naru wasn't that bad?
Best girl. Then, now and forever.
>best girl
She was good.
But Motoko was best.
It took Chitoge 30 chapters to realize she loves Raku is what I meant
Naru never got less violent
And also Love Hina felt like more of a drag considering how bad it got after Mutsumi got introduced
And Naru's and Keitaro's interactions are straight garbage
Everytime they're about to kiss Keitaro conveniently touches her tits or some shit and gets punched to the stratosphere
Sorry but Love Hina is garbage and Nisekoi(though not great by any stretch) is lightyears ahead of it
Only ones who think Love Hina is still good are nostalgiafags
Nisekoi is a poor man's Love Hina. Love Hina dies the childhood promise and who's who better and in half the time. To be fair though, Love Hina is a poor man's Tenchi Muyo.
Chapter 8 and 9 is not the "drama" I'm talking about
That one was just Keitaro feeling down because he disappointed the girls and that he had to go home
I'm talking about the garbage with the love triangle and Naru and Keitaro behaving like immature shits to each-other when they fail the test and whatnot or later shit like Keitaro going to a fucking island because he failed the test or that one where he breaks his leg and Naru doesn't go visit him at the hospital and that sort of shit
That happens in volume 8 and 9.
>Love Hina is a poor man's Nisekoi
I'd rather re-read Nisekoi a 100 times than ever re-read Love Hina again
Every time I try to re-read the latter I tend to drop it either at chapter 10 or when they go to Okinawa...I just can't re-read it past that it's so fucking shit
>he doesn't like the Okinawa arc
No pretty sure Keitaro and Naru being shits to each-other happens in like chapter 15 or so...I'm talking about the scene in the cafeteria(?) or whatever that was and then when they see each-other in the train when they don't have their glasses(and later on when that ditz Mutsumi kisses Keitaro and Naru starts crying)
Chisame from negima was a much better tsundere than naru and chitoge could ever hope being
Mutsumi is shit
You have issues. Maybe you should see a doctor about that.
Negima was shit but..
Is Chisame a tsundere tho? She was an improvement over Naru at least(and I liked that nerdy side of hers)
>pot calling the kettle black
put a sock in it
The pub scene is actually one of my favorites and I hated how they completely ruined it in the anime.
As for the other things, that's just standard romance stuff. If you don't like that then why are you even reading LH?
She was, and a great one. I can't understand why there aren't more like her
She was very high in the polls even
See I hated this fucking scene
It felt like such forced bullshit
The writing in Love Hina is extremely annoying
Just when it seems like Keitaro and Naru are getting along some forced shit happens and breaks it off...I really hate how he uses the same storytelling technique over and over and over and over
By the time I see Keitaro and Naru mess up their like 5th attempt at a kiss cuz of Keitaro tripping and landing on Naru's tits or some shit I've just about had enough of that bullshit
>30 chapters
Except she didn't. And Chitoge is still even tsundere for hundreds of chapters.
>never got less violent
Except she did. At the beginning being in intimate and lewd situations would have her react with physical violence, but over time that doesn't happen as much, and eventually after her feelings for Keitarou allowed her to decrease to the point she only does it when Keitarou acted out of line or did something really stupid or ecchi (misunderstanding or not) that even the other girls would hit him as well.
Naru is like Chisame, or rather Chisame is based off Naru, where she has kuu characteristics and that part of her takes over most of the time, and it's actually her dominant personality. Naru is normally only tsundere due to the fact she has affection for Keitarou, but have inner conflict regarding her feelings. She's down to earth and chill during her time being kuu to Keitarou, and they get a long well even when they bicker and laugh together. They build up a rapport and have fun with one another. One can say Raku and Chitoge does the same, but they took a longer time and suffer from needless interruptions from other girls and the need to deal with other chidlhood friends that keeps popping up one after another.
Your opinion is pretty much worthless. It doesn't help you make it clear you're just baiting.
>why are you reading Love Hina?
Love Hina was like one of my first Harems
Even on first read some of the big problems were apparent but I enjoyed it at the time(sort of) mostly because I wanted to know what happened next
But whenever I tried re-reading it years after that I just got exhausted shortly from all the bullshit
It just doesn't hold up at all on re-reads
You must rage and foam at the mouth when you read TLR and Nisekoi too then.
>Your opinions is different than mine so you're baiting
Seriously, you have issues.
>It felt like such forced bullshit
How? They're sad and disappointed that they failed their exams, they get drunk, they have an argument that sets up the next story arc. What part of that is forced?
Because there's hardly any forced drama on those
Heck I don't really remember any drama in TLR at all that shit was just borderline silliness
>made false claims that aren't correct
>sticks to it like he's right
You're obviously doing it for the lulz or reactions.
I don't know man, although Love Hina had a fucking slow paste, it still felt comfy the whole way through. Nisekoi on the other hand has the paste of retarded snail trying to move backwards and isn't comfy at all. Love Hina defined (i guess you could say that) the slow, retarded "comedy" harem genre. While Nisekoi just copies it. Badly, that is.
I think "pace" is the word you're looking for.
I have issues because Love Hina is shit?
The argument is forced
It's just there to create pointless drama
Before that Naru's and Keitaro's seemed to be finally getting along and Akamatsu just brought it back to the status quo so he can extend the manga with cheap drama
And he does this shit over and over and over
It gets tiring
>ITT delusional nostalgiafag
Muh kokujin.
>Forced drama = drama I don't like.
TLR and Nisekoi have drama. You would know if even you actually read them. But that's besides the point, you seem to have a problem with cockblocks and hentai situation from accidental gags, both of which Nisekoi and TLR does in spades constantly.
My friend gave me his physical copies of Love Hina in the seventh grade. They taught me that you could love manga.
Also he told me that he used to read them in his grade 7 class (we went to different schools) but some kids saw the nude pages and everyone started calling him "Porn Master" for the rest of the year.
Love Hina = good memories.
Didn't feel comfy at all
It felt fucking depressing as shit
How many times do I have to see Keitaro fail his exam and him go full on depressed mode?
How many times do I have to see Naru's and Keitaro's relationship revert back to the status quo?
Nisekoi on the other hand is more of a Slice of Life thing most of the time which is different
Love Hina didn't define shit
Romcoms have long existed before it...even Harem ones like Tenchi Muyo
>violent bitch
>her only characterization is beating MC 24/7
>basically responsible for the whole tsundere=violent bitch cliché
>called good
She was the one who ruined that archetype and you know it!
If Keitarou and Naru got along right away then LH would be really short and incredibly boring. Same thing if Keitarou's studies went smoothly and he passed his exams on his first try without and problems.
Nisekoi doesn't have much fanservice beyond the early chapters of the manga so I'm guessing you never read the manga and only watched the first season of the Anime
What I hate is the constant resetting of Naru/Keitaro's relationship and how freaking immature/frustrating they are
>argument is forced
Can you even explain why?
>If Keitarou and Naru got along right away then LH would be really short and would actually be decent
There was no reason for LH to be longer than 20 chapters
Their Hot/Cold relationship is annoying to read and feels repetitive as shit because Akamatsu can't write a decent long series for shit
Woah calm down user
Billions of harem could do it right.
What we got in LH was a girl who constantly beat the shit out from MC and an ultimate beta guy who always gotten into accidenttal pervert situations.
Both of ruined the harem genre for near two decade which had shining diamonds like Tenchi Muyo before.
I already did
Naru and Keitaro were steadily getting along over time in the previous chapters
All that development just got completely shattered just like that with a might convenient argument
I didn't say Nisekoi had a lot of fanservice. Reading comprehension, cockblock and accidental situation was obviously said respectively to Nisekoi and TLR. You should know that if you read those series. I was testing you and you failed.
A lot of times she hit him when he didn't even do anything
Somebody should have told her to calm her tits...Jeezus
>he thinks there exist a tsundere done right
It's not so much the "cockblock" it's how Akamatsu fucking does it
Raku being retarded and calling Chitoge his "best friend" after risking his life for her is funny
Keitaro and Naru about to kiss and then Keitaro ruining it with a boob grab or Keitaro and Naru getting into a very pointless argument just to drive them apart on the other hand is just annoying
I would have pure rage sex with Naru
Oh shit. Yeah. Thank you.
get the animated version of this image pleb.
That's all she's good for
>tfw all of the girls in Love Hina are kinda shit...except Mitsune but she's a drunk
They got along since they were comrades in the same boat trying to pass for TU, but Naru didn't love him and didn't really approve of him yet, not at that point anyways. Naru thought he passed when didn't make it, leading her to spiral into depression and anger, thus why she acted cold to him shortly after they checked their score. Naru was depressed and upset, and she lashed out at him. She did all this when she was partly drunk. The next few chapters were dedicated to showing that their bond was strong and didn't break from the time they spend together. So basically they had a fight and then they made up. I don't see a problem here.
I don't get how you can say that's bad or forced but not think the same to the several times Raku and Chitoge went through their ups and downs that lead to drama or misunderstanding. Eventually they always make up the same too.
>But these are all best girls
Top. Kek.
>he thinks I will go through the effort of posing good things in this shit thread
>Dat guy sperging at beloved classic that is at Love Hina
I came here to laugh at you.
I'm going to re-read my copy of Love Hina omnibus and enjoy the it immensely, especially for Naru and Kanako.
I never said she loved him...I just said they were getting along
They got too angry at each-other for pointless shit
Once again...very immature and frustrating characters which really annoy me
Raku/Chitoge is nowhere near as up and down
They have their moments when they fight but it's not the basis for their relationship like Naru/Keitaro
And instead of repeating the same shit over and over Komi instead makes "filler chapters" often focusing on some of the other characters(and btw Raku's relationships with each of the girls is far better written than any of Keitaro's relationships)
>reread Love Hina omnibus
Y-You make me want to do the same.
>She tries to stab Keitaro several times
>Literally tries to murder him
>Not worse than Naru
Why not just re-read Nisekoi?
It's basically Love Hina with better characters and art.
I didn't know there was an omnibus. How does it differ from the original release? I have the entire set by Tokyopop.
>It's basically Love Hina with better characters and art.
Mah nigger
I liked it because Keitaro was never the cluless type of mc and actually hardworking
>implying that Keitaro didn't deserve being stabbed several times
Wow, you have to try to be that wrong.
No thanks. I prefer Love Hina.
Naru deserved it more
Read a good romcom like Kodomo no Omocha instead
Now that is a classic romance manga
What he said is 100% factual
The girls
>Better in Nisekoi
Keitaro vs Raku
>Keitaro is more annoying somehow
Chitoge vs Naru
>Chitoge by a landslide
Likeable characters
No Kanako
But it did served a point. Neither of them originally got along and they always had some tension between them. What happened when they were drinking was a heat of the moment. Naru was upset, depressed, and not in the right mind at the time. And immature was part of the point, and it was something they got over and developed few chapters later.
Raku and Chitoge's ups and downs are a bit more tame, but only because their problem are more geared towards teen problems with depth that fits it. Due to that, they feel less complete as characters written to be fashioned like people by comparison to Naru and Keitaro (slapstick antics not counted).
It's pretty obvious you're biased. I don't think there's any point to go further so enjoy your opinion then.
>Neither of them originally got along
Neither did Chitoge and Raku and yet they never were anywhere near as insufferable
So true. I mean, look at this slut, she tries way too hard to be a Belldandy.
And Keitaro and Naru are both teens too(Keitaro is 19,Naru is 17)