Guilty Crown is a five year old show
Guilty Crown is a five year old show
This is what got me into anime. Fuck im so old already
Five years later and there's only one other show that prominently features a wheelchaired girl.
This post is real. It's not ironic shitposting.
What the fuck. Please mods ban this faggot
Well it was the first anime I watched I guess you can say if you don't count dbz
>Mfw I just realised I have been into anime for over a decade
time flies
>ive been watching anime for over half my life
>im a wizard
This is what made me lose trust in anime completely.
Fuck you for reminding me.
Yeah, it sure plays out like it was written by five-year-olds.
Its nearly been a decade for me as well, just a couple more months to go.
Nice quads, desu ne.
Inori was my first waifu
Who's your waifu now degenerate?
Mein Kamerad.
As shameful as it is, gotta admit it.
It's part that he says how old he is that is repulsive
You failed her.
>first waifu
Fuck you. There can be only one.
Get ready then because I'm gonna fight you for her.
>Kill la Kill is almost 3 years old
>Guilty Crown is almost 5 years old
>Code Geass is almost a decade old
>Neon Genesis Evangelion is over 2 decades old
I have no one now. Loving imaginary character is just pointless
I've wasted so much time.
I believe you've misunderstood me.
She's not my waifu. That being said, having a second waifu or dumping one waifu for another is scummy.
>Loving imaginary character is just pointless
C2 best grill.
>Neon Genesis Evangelion will soon be older than you
GC is enjoyable
I don't think math works like that
It will always be either older or younger.
Love is love.
I'm a space traveler, though. Relativity of time.
Darker than black is 9 years old.
Time for them to make a second season already.
Guilty Crown was one of the worst animes I have ever watched. I unironically think that even Sao was better than this cesspool of shit.
Let's not get too crazy here. It was bad, but comparing it to SAO is an insult.
Which one would you fuck?
The slut
You need to be more specific
Thats the le joke
That's not a girl! That's a monster!
She died. Shouldn't user be released.
>There are people on this board RIGHT NOW that think they're getting old, but weren't even around for the Madoka episode 11/12 shitstorm.
It will one day be a ten year old show and you'll still be here making dumb threads like this one about it.
Psshh kid that ain't old. When the first Kaminomi episode aired (that's how we called it back in the days) boy,that was a shitstorm. All that engrish (if you know the term) was glorious and EPIC (yes it was)
I don't care if many people think of her badly, Inori is a pure and beautiful lady.
Still counts
Nurse-chan was the best girl and she deserved better than this.
But he's right!
Anime is contemporary fast-lived media.
Neon Genesis Evangelion is anime.
Because Neon Genesis Evangelion is anime, it is fast-lived contemporary media.
Things that are contemporary fast-lived media age faster than things that are not, like wine.
You are a man.
Men age like wine.
Because you're a man, you age like wine.
Because you age like wine and you are not contemporary fast-lived media, you age slower than fast-lived contemporary media, of which Neon Genesis Evangelion, as an anime, is a part of.
Therefore, you age slower than Neon Genesis Evangelion.
Things that age slower will soon be younger than Neon Genesis Evangelion.
Because you age slower than Neon Genesis Evangelion and things that age slower will soon be younger than Neon Genesis Evangelion, Neon Genesis Evangelion will soon be older than you. QED.
I haven't watched any anime of the "Gear" series, but fapped to all of them.
I'm 26 and have no life.