ITT: the most triggering thing you've seen in any anime

ITT: the most triggering thing you've seen in any anime.

Other urls found in this thread:



>fork and knife
>not chopsticks
What is this shit?

Hey, what's in this Japanese "burger"?



Keep your triggering shit out Sup Forums you sjw pussy.

this tbqh familia

I don't get it



>the most triggering thing you've seen in any anime

Threadly reminder that you should stop posting that because it's a thing.


>eating with your hands like a primate
What are you, a monkey?


Here's a two-fer.


Most triggering thing i ever saw

That wasn't annoying until they showed it the 4th time in under 3 episodes.

Dropped that shit halfway through episode 1. Completely predictable and annoying/boring as fuck.

Dank screenshot.

>Nico Nico NOSE

>that color spectrum
How do people fail that badly at screenshots


Judging by the replies, I think we got a winner in the trigger.

Wait why isn't he watching it in full screen if he's not multi-tasking?

>every rage thread ever

So why do peole draw characters like characters like that is it to trigger people or something.

Because they're bad at drawing, but still think people give a shit about their work.

If you really wanna trigger DBZ fans you just gotta post the Death Battle thumbnails.
Those videos have triggered DBZ fans SO HARD they've decided to argue anyone vs Goku since in some desperate attempt at making sure he is the strongest in Sup Forums since he can't be the strongest period.



>So why do peole draw characters like characters like that is it to trigger people or something.
They want to make everything else as ugly as they are.

Why is all anime such trite garbage? It amazes me how one of the largest boards can be dedicated to a medium where every series has the same characters with different names and looks faced with the same melodrama, the same tropes, and the same cliches as the last season.

Is it just the waifus?

I don't get it


You should stop watching exclusively shounen.



>see this thread
>get today's newspaper
>q&a column has an inquiry about whether or not it's appropriate to cut a hamburger in half before eating it


That looks sophisticated

Is that fucking Windows 10?


>honestly thought this was Keit-ai

You've ruined me, Sup Forums.

They obviously dont want to get sesame on their hands.

What did he mean by this?

>spicy tuna rolls
>California rolls

>bad taste

Nigga if you don't like spicy tuna rolls there's something wrong with YOU motherfucker

Why is /ck/ the most racist, elitist, and easily triggered board on Sup Forums? It is just food.



They stole Max Landis's idea?

I wonder what would happen if /ck/ found out about that Canadian-style tempura sushi

Cup of noodles with random frozen vegetables thrown in?
Premade salad with brocoli, sprinkled with sesame seeds?
Some kind of bean with jizz sauce lazily thrown over?
Truly the weeb chefs have hit a new low.

I seriously don't get the appeal of sushi. Why do people not cook their fish. It's better when you cook it, that's why people do it.

wait what, you've got me hooked now tell me more

Same reason as why some people don't get the appeal of bacon.

And no, I'm not a muslim.

Max Landis wrote Keit-ai?