Is there such a thing as too big, Sup Forums?
Is there such a thing as too big, Sup Forums?
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Of course, but there's no such thing as too small.
Yes, and my god those are unattractive.
No. Never.
No, but random boob jiggling is trash
These too big, just admit it, user
Those are fucking cringeworthy. Someone actually likes breasts that big.
As long as they continue to be well dawn, then no.
The problem, at least from my non-artist perspective, seems to be that it gets harder to draw breasts well the bigger you make them.
Flat is literally better in every way.
Actually, if you think about it, the humongous ponytail offsets the weight of her fuckhuge breasts
>not liking tiny girls with huge breasts
What kind of faggot are you?
It only works if the rest of the body is equally large and round.
Those have nice shape so they're still acceptabl-What the fuck is up with her hair?
Slightly too big
Those are ignoring gravity.
Can't have a boob-job from a flat. They're weaker from a utility perspective, even if you find them more appealing.
wtf pls no
wtf pls no
>Slightly too big
>wtf pls no
I believe this picture addresses both of you complaints with my posts.
That's disgusting.
That's one way of putting it...
Actually desu, that one is kinda lewd because of how defenceless she looks, even if it is a complete departure from reality.
Yes, that's too much hair.
oh mama
>even if it is a complete departure from reality.
Why would you force yourself to be constrained by reality when discussing 2D?
The one on the right is a great example of big tits done right. The one on the left isn't even human.
Sauce? Sad panda gives me nothing
Dunno, saved it in a previous tit thread on Sup Forums.
Try iqdb
No such thing.
Depends on art style and proportions
Depends of how skilled the artist is, really.
There are ways to make them good ol' balloon tits appealing but you need to have total comprehension on how to style the body to look proportinated and 'okay'
There are stuff that are meant to be appealing only on a super exaggerated and almost cartoonish way, sadly, anime is not a very good style to make it work without it looking awkward.
Size of the head
Chifusa is a goddess.
Never too big.
Never too jiggly.
How can jiggling can even be attractive ? That's just random, unnecessary, never nicely animated, and just look like shit overall.
>How can X be attractive!
Spoken like a true newfag.
sauce ?
Yes. Slightly bigger than head-size is my upper limit for tits.
So in the case of your gif, her size is quite nice. The silly animation makes it very difficult to find sexy though.
Hinata-sized tits are the best.
Current one?
>Current Hinata
You mean the flat-chested one from the Boruto manga? No. Hinata in The Last was fucking perfect though.
Big boobs are fine, but when they're selling harder than Shawn Michales vs Hulk Hogan you've got a problem
One of the strengths of that OVA was that the big tits were offset by a flat chest.
What other anime have a duo like that? Cow tits and gentle with DFC and domineering.
no u
Not anymore. The new guy doing the Boruto manga seems to have a grudge against breasts and attractive females in general.
Pic related is the way that Kishi drew milfnata. They toned her down in the Boruto movie, and then turned her into some sort of downs syndrome child in the new manga.
Yeah, fuck the new Boruto manga. Hinata in The Last had a perfect body.
Kill yourself.
who /mom/ here
First post best post, and 100% accurate in this case.
Bump for tits
the best kind of bump
Any big tits of Ryuko or Satsuki?
She's as flat as her personality now.
yes, that ponytail is ridiculous big
Yes. I've dated many girls with tits that big and they are almost always bitchy. Of course, I'm sure I would be too if I had that much weight strapped to my chest all day, everyday, constantly being harassed by guys.
but flat bitches are bitchy too. You can't win either way. May as well go with the ones with large racks.
Not for 2D girls, they can be whatever you want
Sket Dance
Never ever
>small and thick
The best combination.
>112 KB
Random?, they looked very coordinated to me.
what about alternate breast sizes?
Are these the biggest tits in anime? Not counting a giant girl properly scaled tits.
Anime sauce?
Highschool of the dead.
This. I hate it.
No such thing as too big.
Kagaku na yatsura
good luck
What are some older series or OVA's with purple Eiken proportions, regardless of random jiggling
Jungle Ikou. it's fucking old and not as fun as Eiken.
As a long-time anime breast connoisseur I feel that there may have been larger at some point, but in recent history those are the largest to be shown on screen.
She's super cute too
>manga final volumes
never wver... why even live?
>Eiken manga translation never finished
>Manyuu Hikenchou manga translation barely started before being abandoned
>same with the manga is based on
>same with all the other manga about huge breasts that aren't actual hentai
I don't know at this point user, but I keep looking for a reason
Yes, your pic related.
>pic related
I can't stand this expression anymore.
I'm switching to >image enclosed
or >enclosed image
>Is there such a thing as too big, Sup Forums?
Yeah, that ponytail is *waaaaay* too big
That joke was already made
Yeah, you would be bitchy too if people only judged you as a walking pair of big boobs and ignored everything else about you.
Surprised that anime doesn't show it more often, that women with big boobs get bullied a lot.