What the fuck was his problem?

What the fuck was his problem?

He couldn't find his glasses.

His wife died and he got Shinji in her place.

Specific to Rebuild? We don't know jack, he was in on feeding his wife to the robot and his son's a critical part of his plan from the beginning.

Why is it in the Rebuilds he is portrayed as some sort of mastermind and that everything that has ever happened from the beginning was according to his plan all along?

Also, Kaworu referred to him as "King of the Lilin". What the hell does that even mean?

Because he is the guy who plans everything
And Kaworu is just being theatrical

Poor eyesight if I had to guess.

No waifu, no laifu

Pretty much this, his wife died and he did everything in his power to be with her again
A man in love

Gendo did nothing wrong. You have that one waifu for laifu and nothing can replace her

This is also shown by the fact that while he did care for Rei he never tried to make her in Yui completely
He could have just been with Rei but he loved Yui

He's a douche


He cannot connect to the Punch Dimension.

he had his dead wife turned into a loli abd his sone wouldnt goo, he wanted the d.

Anno is a hack.

He's a Madao

He found it difficult to stay under Dr. Xavier's authority and could not work well with Wolverine

I'm more interesting in why Kaworu called him his father?

I'm not even sure if he's referring to Fuyutsuki or Gendo for that matter.

>What the fuck was his problem?

Shinji not getting into the fucking robot



Hearing stuff like this thread really makes me want to continue delaying watching the rebuilds. what was anno thinking with this new reboot, chirst.

he wasn't

Kaworu is a Gendou clone... maybe, the fact is that Shinji is for sure since all pilots are clones in the movies.

There is an Ayanami series/type, we saw an array of Kaworu coffins on the moon, so there was probably a whole lot of Shinjis that Wille had to face for 14 years.

he hasn't shaved his beard in a very long time.
