Post yfw the new Berserk anime turns out to be shit

Post yfw the new Berserk anime turns out to be shit.

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why should it? The trailers look pretty good.

It's almost confirmed that it's gonna be shit anyway

Who gives le fuck

>it's been 6 months since the last chapter

We're still not really off the boat

I'm not expecting it to be good so either blank or smug face.

I'm still going to watch it.

>The trailers look pretty good.

>Lying on the internet


Nigga it looks like Tekken 3 graphics.

maybe the first trailer

looks beautiful


I didn't expected less since the first trailer.

>fucking nietzsche quote

I didn't knew 14 year old could become directors.

You can cry as much as you like about the CGI or whatever. Go back to the old anime or manga.

I'll enjoy the anime when it comes out.

Yeah, them doing the same thing as Miura is so immature.


At least they used a quote and didn't try to come up with an own german sentence with fucked up grammar and words.

btw the quote fits berserk

Go back to the shithole you came from.

It's just literally the story we already know, do you mean the animation might be shit or that they leave out oh so important scenes? I can live with just about anything about stick figure animation and I don't give single shit when stuff gets left out because it's not like the anime is supposed to replace the manga or anything.

my guess is that everybody whines about the CGI

I don't fucking get it. They make 2 adaptations of the flashback arc, and now we're getting the black swordsman arc... why not do the whole thing?

And why can't we get a jojo level of handdrawn/2D mixed with CGI? There's far too much 3d shit in here.

I can't be the only one who thought the berserk movies look awful?

>10fps 3d garbage everywhere

>if the FPS is not over 9000 its garbage

I really can't get my head around about this FPS glorification.


>Directed by a man who directed Teekyu and nothing else
I have no expectations and I will still be let down.

Just finished reading all 37 volumes, where can I get the rest? I heard that Berserk had really shitty scanlations so I've been reading the Dark Horse releases.


I doubt it will be anything short of amazing, frankly. It's refreshing to have a real serious anime being adapted for a change instead of just more moe LN trash. Jojo is the only thing that has come out in the last few years that has even been worth watching.

Look faggot the FPS should be 24.

Shit like 10 is fucking unwatchable, just because you don't understand the term like the retard you don't disregard them.

why watch the anime when I already know the story?

>mfw I was already dissapointed from the beginning

24 fps is the movie standard so its good enough for most movies and anime and all that. But having 3D animated at 10FPS makes it look really fucking awful.

At the end we are going to watch it even if we say it's shit, after all we just want some Berserk

Could it possibly be more disappointing than the manga?

ayyy my nigga ;_;

1. 3D looks worse than 2D art, in this anime style

2. 2D art looks better at lower framerates than 3D art. This is simply a fact.

I just wish Berserk was going to look like Jojo (medium wise, not art style wise). Instead of proper 2d animation we're getting Ps2-prerendered-cutscene-tier 3d shit

Are you talking about David's Jojo? Because that used a lot of CG

Well, at least the character design seems to be faithful to the manga

That new hirasawwa songs sounds great.

I can't wait for more farnese

>Nagi Yanagi will perform the anime's ending theme song "Meimoku no Kanata" (Beyond Closed Eyes)

post YFW most people who watch the anime will never read the manga and will form an opinion based entirely on the anime

>there will be people who don't know who Griffith is and how he did everything wrong

It's JoJo all over again.


Is 344 this month or fucking August?

I think the new anime will be average

They'll definitely improve on the cg from the movies I think. Didn't the movies just keep the CG to fight scenes?

>14 year olds
>knowing Nietzsche


The third one started to use it in the main scenes as well, iirc.


I won't be surprised, the movies sucked.

rude, dumb
frog posting scum

>yfw you realize it's called Berserk because it makes his fans angry with all the hiatus

Does anyone have the last chapter scans?

>That song

That actually sounds good


I could understand that they chose to use CG for scenes with too much people or heavy with movements, but it was fucking awful when they kept using it in many closeups and slow scenes. At least put some kind of effort there.