Go to jail for selling vegetables

>go to jail for selling vegetables

Only in america

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what in the fuck.

>there will still be commiefornians who defend this


talk about diversity

Those all like racial variations on the same person. They're all instances of the same dude, rendered in 3 different racial archetypes.

>You were not given a permit to sell the avocados comrade.

I love big govt.

You forget the part where they stole them.

I hope they rot in jail
criminal scum

Just the scapegoats for Jeb's criminal empire.


To be fair, nigger vegetables are some of the worst going.

Good. No one wants to eat shit that has no quality control to it.

>steal? sell drugs? rape? murder? okay, just keep a low profile.
>sell shit without permit and not paying taxes? OH NOYOU DIDNT TO THE JAIL WITH YOU CRIMINAL SCUM

As proud residents of Commifornia, they should know perfectly well the only things they're permitted to do are watch TV, vote Democrat, and pay taxes.

Avocados are serious fucking business in Soviet California.

In Soviet California, Avocados sell you.

They stole them, retard OP
>stealing $300k of a companies product

Yeah, down the river apparently.

>something made by nature
>a companies product

Average murritard education

avacados are fruit, just like you maple cuck

pls leaf, you're so irrelevant
>evertyhing nautr is free hurrrr, How could you sell muh natureee


Literally how it's always been

IIRC in Greece an old lady was arrested for selling parsley she had growing in her yard. I think she had made something like 20€ before they caught her.

Ur mum was made by naature but I sold her ass on the street

>OP confuses vegetables with fruits

Only in Canada.

You niggers want a real redpill?


>While saving seed and even exchanging seed with other farmers for biodiversity purposes has been a traditional practice, these practices have become illegal for the plant varieties that are patented or otherwise owned by some entity (often a corporation). Under Article 28 of the World Trade Organization (WTO) Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (the TRIPS Agreement), "planting, harvesting, saving, re-planting, and exchanging seeds of patented plants, or of plants containing patented cells and genes, constitutes use" and can in some cases be prohibited by the intellectual property laws of WTO Members.

yea, only they stole the avocados moron. Do they look like avocado farmers?

>a white guy, a mexican and a black guy who know each other from prison are desperate to make money, but instead of turning back to the drug game they decide to make it selling fruit, harming no one and helping the community in the urban food deserts

What kind of warmhearted Jon Favreau movie is this?


This is probably the most diverse business enterprise in the country and the government arrests them. Figures.

multiracial gang selling black market guacamole
I sense Jeb' s involvment

>in some cases

Usually when one makes a new strain.. It's been a thing for fuck knows how long. It doesn't have to be a a problem, but it gets muddy when patents get granted on already commonly used or shared genes..





They were stealing from their employer.

Takes one to know one

>Monsanto SuprGro™ seeds end up in a competitors field ‘somehow’
>Monsanto sues the fuck out of them for violation of IP on

It’s kinda fucked up when you really think about it. You shouldn’t be able to patent genes.

>avocado dealers

>California needs to buy avocado from a criminal organization.

Maybe if you fuckers didn't put avocados in literally everything this wouldn't happen.
Bunch of hipster mexicans.

If you look at the thumbnail of this pic you can see feels guy. That white space above frog's tongue.

Physiognomy is real, user.

So I spend 20 years working on a beneficial hybrid and after I sell one plant to the public, they can reproduce it as much as they want and I never get another dime?
Then why the fuck would I spend time, effort and money on a biological product and not be able to pay my rent with the proceeds, while others use it and sell it to the public for profit?
>t. Botanical patent holder
