Have you seen British girls?How does one gets so blue pilled?Can Bongs ever be cured?
Can British girls be fixed?
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>Can British girls be fixed?
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They are barbarians to the core, if the Romans couldn't civilise them, nobody else can. Same goes for the guys ofc.
t. I see them every year passing out in Benidorm
ficki ficki
>Can British girls be fixed?
They aren't broken
You're as stupid as they are if you think that applies to all of us.
I'd put a kid in that cunt in the middle
This has to be a Trap??
In Britain you're either blue piled as fuck or red pilled completely that you realise the UK is beyond saving and hate what it's become.
Yea let's just not generalize
Pretty much this, yeah.
No, it is all chavs.
Has all the nobility left Britain? I swear 99% of modern Brits are just descendants of peasant farmers and factory workers.
You're a thick American like the rest of your countrymen, of course that's what you think.
post more.
I find these pics of white urban anglo trash amusing.
Anglos used to be a synonim of class and fining years ago...
I know that well, my perfidious friend. I also go sometimes to see a group of British pensionists who live here and have Typhoo tea with them, cheers mate, I thought you were better at handling banter.
White sharia.
Lashing out 'cause my country's dying infront of my eyes.
They have to go back
nah, just british qt 3.14
Just be sure you paid your tv license
I like the way the blacks are the most civilized here.
In Poland less than 20% people pay for tv license (even though it is mandatory). Poles just do not give a fuck about that.
they're best whores. alone how they present themselves pretty much describes what vile creatures whores are.
Cheers for the compliment Manuel. Now Fuck off
grotty af
They cannot be saved. A few will don the burkha and be assimilated into the shitskins. The others will drink themselves to death leaving a trail of abortions and neglected children behind.
British upper class are now degenerate homosexuals
'guy' looks like FTM, hoe on left like MTF, slag in the middle looks like generic hoes butterface, like that cunt from Lame of Thrones. You know, that goblin.
what for exactly? to drain your NHS? some of them have been here for 20 years or so already
What's it like cleaning toilets in Italy?
they're trying to force that now, but people will sooner go innawoods than pay for a shitty politicized public tv.
Western people in general are totally degenerate.
Eh, they're just having fun on a Friday/Saturday night.
99% of people who go on a night out end up getting home without making complete tits of themselves.
Why would you want them Jose? I wouldnt want them if I was you.
what's like being such a little bitch you have to hide behind nu-flag on user imageboard?
Didn't the jews inbreed with your nobility when the empire was collapsing to keep the estates solvent?
Fuck off back to where you came from then nigger . We don't want you here
I've been to other parts of the world user. This only happens ubiquitously in the UK and Australia. Women behave a lot more in other places
But this is Sup Forums. All pictures and graphs posted in a thread represent 100% of society, no exceptions.
man, moot has really improved himself
>and creatine
woah take it easy there..
I love how hoes walk barefoot on streets when they shit, piss, spill drinks and drop food... and throw up.
>Be me
>Be brown Amerimutt
What are my odds off of hitting it off with some British chick?
That looks like Brianna Wu if he dyed his hair blonde.
I don't really mind, I get on well with this group I know, and I think Spain has worse problems than dealing with these British pensionists. Anyway it's not like I'm planning to live here in Spain forever
So you're saying the men are totally fine?
In fact, men could be argued to be worse than the women, since they should know better.
We just have an "all or nothing" mentality. Since we aren't allowed to go conquering around the globe anymore, we have to drink to excess. It's an outlet.
> virgin detected
Brit women are good fun.
100% as long as you don't stink like some nog
jesus whats the matter with them?
literally what causes this so we can think of a solution
A degenerate society. The men are just as bad.
The English Diseases is a pandemic now. Every third person is a fag, a cuck, or a tranny. They seem to be in charge.
>Self respect
What's wrong with them? They are doing what women do. The men are the broke ones letting women ruin everything. They need to get fixed. Sadly Britain men are not alone in this.
lack of parenting, shitty pop culture, easily accessible alcohol etc.
Stay strong, Estonia.
When/if we'll fail along with Czechoslovakia, you'll be probably last with Latvia and Lithuania to carry the flame.
English Disease. It is spread anally.
>that slowdance in the background
What I'm saying is why are you here where we fucking live looking down your fucking Semite nose at us . Go back
Calm down Piotr, maybe one day you can move to a Western country and clean toilets as well
Poland u cant fail!
The legend says,when British girl falls in middle of a street at night,she stays day until morning.So far not even one case of a girl getting up until the sun goes up.
we might, be ready, be white
Come the fuck off it. Look at the people around you: lazy, fat, stupid, ignorant, hedonistic.
Are you really saying that modern Britain, or the modern British, are anything to be proud of?
You know there is a problem when there is a nigger in the photo and you're still the uncivilized person
you fugin wat m8
>99% of people who go on a night out end up getting home without making complete tits of themselves.
one more time you filthy non nation monkey
I'm sorry but what the actual fuck did you just say
Why fix something that doesn't work?
Buy a new one, don't be a poorfag.
sex change, hormones etc.
FemaleToMale (transition), MaleToFemale.
I mean shoulder widths, facial structure... fuck.
FPBP unfortunately
my poor monteniglet
British girls should be used to treat rapists as cock inversion therapy.
Why is moot such a manlet???
>This hideous fake blonde toad is a 10/10 in England
Never change.
just passing by...
A trap?
That's a full blown declaration of war.
fucking kekked
keep fapping to jap schoolgirls in the dark you depressed sock of cum
really, nigga?
You should post a picture of Iskra Lawrence, the 10/10 thicc British qt who only dates black men.
Ok thank you, my murican liberal indoctrination education failed me there
Most people round by me, Birmingham, have a perfectly normal night. Very rarely have I seen stuff like in the pictures posted by the Negran.
I will say though, when I went on a night out in Newcastle, those girls were totally fucked up by midnight and pretty much laying on the ground waiting for taxis.
Must be a Northern thing.
Do it again Bomber Harris
The common Brit is honestly so degenerate, it's insane.
>pfft burger
Yes, most of the US is degenerate too.
maybe i'm wrong but sometimes when i see these pictures i don't think degenerate, just people trying to be happy.
>i can't fault that :(