Wendy's thread
Wendy's thread
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm a chef at Wendy's, ama
are there secret menu items that are good?
how big is your dick?
What makes the chili so delicious??
why are you a faggot?
Stop putting mayo on things by default, you and all the other fast food niggers do this for some unfathomable reason. Stop it. It's gross.
Is the bacon halal?
Can i get a jr chicken with extra pickles and a chili to dip it in
i showed you my dick answer me
will you suck my dick for a cheeseburger?
Fucking hate how unprofessional and arrogant the account is. This really only appeals to braindead teens, which is probably their target demographic. It's extremely off-putting for anyone else.
8 inch (being modest)
I don't like chili but know that we boil/reheat old dried up hamburger patties and put it in it.
I'm not
Ask for no Mayo then.
Not politics, sage
We'll said. I came here to say something similar
Spotted the newfag, Wendy's is politics
Why does it always take like 10 minutes for you guys to get me my food? I've never had this problem with any other fastfood joint. I don't ask for much, a baconator and a chocolate frosty, that's all, I don't even want fries or anything. Any other place it'll be a matter of seconds after paying for them to get me my food and send me on my way. At Wendy's, I'm just sitting there, 1 minute, 2 minutes, they ask me to pull up a little bit so the next person can pay, assuring me they'll run my food out just as soon as its ready! And why is it always some toothless sheboon at the register? Is that some sort of affirmative action deal, like all Wendy's must offer register positions to toothless minorities, because every Wendy's I go to has some grotesque subhuman, talking at me with her fleshy tooth pits, immediately kills my appetite every time. How about get someone, not entirely hideous behind the register dealing with customers, or you know anyone other than the one person on staff that's guaranteed to ruin the appetite of anyone she comes in contact with.
Post the post
Chicfila-tan is the superior waifu. She is christian and wholesome.
But we don't have chick-fil-a within 1500 miles of me T_T
no such thing as chefs in fast food, enjoy ur minimum wage line cook
she's mormon and degenerate faggot
Wendy's - white people
Buger King - black people
McDonald's - poor white people.
Prove me wrong
Seems like a bad business practice. Is it really worth pissing off the tumblr landwhale market?
all 3 employ only niggers so they're all nigger tier food
Wendy is the dirty redhead you date for a while and have fun with.Chicfila-tan is the girl you marry. They both serve a purpose. Wendy will always be jealous of Chickila-tan.
Chic-fli-a is Southern Baptist, not mormon.
I have no idea why people think it's mormon, it's not.
there's a Chik-FIL-A, and a Cookout right down the street from me.
I'll eat there this weekend in your honor user.
daily reminder that wendys is BASED
in new york city all of them are poor black people
Why is there a McDonalds in Newport Beach if it's for poor white people?
>Being this new
It's an old meme.
Yeah but pretty much all fast food places only higher minorities nowadays. Except some of the higher end joints like Panera,which tends to hire pretty white girls
Someones gotta clean their houses.
Seems to me that the champion, Jimmy Johns, remains undefeated.
>What are you firing back
>Edible food
You've got BK and McDonald's mixed up. McDonald's has long been the choice for blacks and the company even panders to them.
>having to ask not to have something than to have something
the Jimmy Johns by me is fucking dreadful.
>McDonald's panders to blacks
BK literall has kang hats
I'm enjoying this trend of business twitters being run by meme machines.
Did they start adding Newports in the happy meals or some shit?
google black mcdonalds ads
>8 inch
>claim to have more
Just SAY it, son. Say you're 20 large.
I like Burger King, am I a nigger now lads?
>we don't cut corners
god damn I'm glad I love wendy's or I'd be btfo by that pic
yeah pedo hunting threads get deleted but keep the wendy's thread up. fucking hell
McDonald's is way under-rated. I live in a small Canadian city and our McDonald's are totally staffed by cute white teens. McDonald's has great value for your dollar as well. If you are smart and shop the value meal, you can get a decent amount of food for only $5-$10.
The chicken is like a sponge. Texturally.
choose one and only one
For a german who visited PA last summer I must say that of all fast food I ate, Wendy's,Wawa and mission bbq were the best for sure
who /S I P P/ after Wendy's here?
I have never had a waifu until now.
Burger King is severaly underrated. That massive patties breh.
Booger kang.
>white woman and black man in the background
Besides P Terrys
>not sheetz master race
Never come back.
they wuz burger kangs
I've been trying to find the old one with a black family and the emphasis on not having to tip. All I've found is this: dailymail.co.uk
>Go to Wendy for bacon
>Go to BK for onion rings
>Go to McDs for filet o fish
God mode:
>Do all of the above for one meal
>perfect pizza
Tell me about all the pedos you caught.
Daily reminder that the social media manager for wendy's also quit or was fired recently. Sp no more dank memes. Or less dank ones.
Those local German burger joints weren't bad either in Munich.
eat the pain
of course (((they))) wouldn't have any more of it, why am I not surprised
But that’s what nogs like.
How should we make a clatter about this?
What the fuck happened to the spicy chicken nuggets? You got rid of your best item on the menu you fuck wits! You should go postal at your workplace for my satisfaction.
What's your salary? Is it 6 digits?
What's the goo on the baconator?
>Muh Sheetz
Sheetz sucks and needs to stay in their containment zone.
The Trifecta
VIP Canine
>implying anyone uses twitter other than braindead teens
Their marketing strategy is sound.