Only unevolved people want to have children

Only unevolved people want to have children.

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Most of those kids would die if we'd stop fucking giving them aid.

How can we make our governments stop feeding the worthless?

>only unevolved people want to have children they can't support

True, they're dumb niggers but at least in touch with their biological nature and its necessity to breed to live another day.

History is a cycle, civilization rise and collapse because people distance themselves from nature to the point where they go mad and drive themselves extinct.

>Gets sun burns for staying 15 min in the sun
>Blue eyes and green eyes have weaker eyesight
>Not the best race in terms of physical abilities
>Not the smartest race
>No1 race Responsible for mass genocides, so lack of empathy
Wh*te "people" are only successful because they were lucky to be in a rich environment and that is it.

they are too egocentric that they started worshiping themselves( aka Nazi, KKK... ect) They even made a Middle eastern religion made by a ME man all about them LMAO

I don't know How wh*Te "people" think they are better than everybody. It blows my mind.

you realize there are hunt gather tribes in Africa that where doing fine surviving by their own means. Till the west fucked up africa,and made African nation decide they could no longer be hunter gathers? So they ban their hunting sites, make em starve attempt to feeed them western food, and let them discover alchol.

Raising wife's son is the ultimate redpill.

>unevolved people want to continue the evolutionary process
>evolved people die out

really poking my almonds here

and if it wasn't for the slave trade you niggers wouldn't have ever made it to this country and you'd still be chucking spears at each other in africa.

Die nigger.

Shouldn't you be cappin' some niggas' ass?
Or getting killed?
Thats what you niggers do isn't it?

>It is better for you that we destroyed your land, took your resources and enslaved you
Kys you soulless wh*Te subhuman

>shows picture of literally kangz

Shouldn't you be prepping the bull for your gf
you wh*Te low-test faggot

you're a nigger dude

You are a cuck dude...Literally

Now quit posting and open that boipussy for ahmed

his a turk

Holy shit the fucktards are out today!

You mean like, people born out of thin air? Is this creationism?

I'll split open ahmed's skull instead

>Gets sun burns for staying 15 min in the sun
So we invented sunscreen
>Blue eyes and green eyes have weaker eyesight
So we invented sunglasses
>Not the best race in terms of physical abilities
We have the best warriors and the heaviest weight lifters, best MMA fighters
>Not the smartest race
Arguable as well, we were able to invent most modern advances and set the stage for modern education
>No1 race Responsible for mass genocides, so lack of empathy
So we are the strongest?
Fucking retard.

Checks out.

Some sloppy doppy pan cake tittys

nature abhors a vacuum, eventually people can come together and be as one.

That's already been done.
It's only possible in a homogeneous society.

This worthless monkey has really been shitting up the board a lot lately. Who's laptop did he steal?

>LARPing Low-test basement dweller
>AmeriMUTTS at their finest
Lmao the memes are true then
>We invented ...ect
That is not how biological evolution works you dumb Burger HAHAHA
>Arguable as well
No, japs and china men are smarter by Muh IQ
>So we are the strongest?
No, people with the better weapons are stronger. It just happens to be you.

It's probably just some role playing faggot

Calm down with your 60IQ points nig.


>AmeriMUTTS at their finest
>We invented ...ect
It's etc dipshit
So you're saying we don't fit a generalization, yet you just generalized us?
>No, japs and china men are smarter by Muh IQ
They got smarter using OUR technology and educational practices, such as the periodic table of elements, the metric system, quantum physics, etc.
Whites have more geniuses that progress us into the future, that means we are technically the smartest race.
>No, people with the better weapons are stronger. It just happens to be you.
You dumbfuck.
>No you aren't the strongest, you just happen to be the strongest.
Please kill yourself now, Jew, larper, or faggot black, doesn't matter, now one can be this infuriating whether it's intentional or not.

nice 40 year old tattoo'd roastie there lmao

See Sure, have children, but don't let it be at the expense of your career or your life goals. I've seen so many people before me getting married in their 20s and having to pay the bill for 3+ kids and being in perpetual bankruptcy, having to quit their career goals and so on. At least it's better than slutting it up and going to the club up to your 30s though, so there's that.

nigger faggot

Show us your flag leaf

Low-test wh*Te have no comeback if you present them with FACTS
>Using Chinese technology(gun powder to fight the Black warrior
HAHAHA you couldn't take us in fair fight so you stole other people's technology. Typical wh*Te sub Human

You stupid burger. We are talking about biological evolution. Inventions have nothing to do with it.
>They got smarter using OUR technology
What happen when 200 years from now the US and EUpoor falls and china/the east takes the technology race then ??
Of course, you are just stuck in this time period that is insignificant compared to human history. Most human history was dominated by non-whites(and naturally it will comeback)
You actually believe you are better just because you are better in this time period?
Time will prove you wrong you wh*Te subhuman.
>I don't like your flag, so you are wrong
Typical ameriMutt no arguments

you first

That is incorrect, you nihilist sodomite.

You probably don't have a choice

Why does this minority tribe get so much attention on Sup Forums? Most of africa is even less advanced for not grasping the benifit of covering oneself in clay.

>What happen when 200 years from now the US and EUpoor falls and china/the east takes the technology race then ??
We'll see if they can actually invent stuff instead of just improve it.
They will most likely coexist with Whites and destroy parasitic blacks, jews, and mexicans.
>Of course, you are just stuck in this time period that is insignificant compared to human history. Most human history was dominated by non-whites(and naturally it will comeback)
What is happening is that China is eradicating the black race as we speak.
You think you're hot shit for just racemixing when really it's the cause of your declining populations in Western countries.
The more that are shipped here the faster the Chinese can dominate and destroy Africa.
The Asians realize how intelligent and innovative Whites are, we will be utilizing their lack of humanity in the destruction of your pitiful race.

>Dies of rickets unless they get a high amount of sun exposure.
>Eyes are less attractive
>On the left side of the bell curve
>Commits genocides under the belief of obtaining magical powers through the consumption of hearts

OP image shows tribal Namibians. Literally the best part of Africa. Healthy, self-sufficient, living on the land. 10/10 best part of Africa. If all Africans lived like this, it would be pretty much problem-free.

Are you fucking dense? Nazis are a derogatory term for Bavarian Peseants

>INB4 spinned as Wite Bois are FURTHER proven as all nazis

>having children

Do you have any concept of evolution? Baka desu senpai.

that is my fault

sup turkbro :))

>only retards want their undying DNA to cease existing

Like your mom.

>this is the closest most of Sup Forums will ever get to tits

>Can't find any biological facts
you are american, I excuse you for being this dumb.
I'm not turk bro, but He is a brother of mine in the fight against wh*te sub-humans
>Angry at insulting one of most murderous party in human history

t.schlomoberg shekelstein

i suked mommies :-)

Thats where chocolate milk comes from right?

23rd /tomorrow is when NASA said the Solar Radiation explosions on the SUN will KILL US ALL ... Or kill all tech put us back stone age , the Best thing is NASA informed the POTUS .. he said we got Great ..the very best .. the Amazing Miners an Bunkers an we will sit in them a be ok , NASa said the Radiation will just pas through the EARTH an Kill Everything ! Trump told them if you want funding be quite and stop the fake news ! Nasa have watched this volcano on the sun in our shot an its ready to blow .. ?
Hope not as I just killed everyone on my street cos I felt like like it lol how you living the yolo

kys retarded faggot

Currently trending #13 on yt


Trump is already cutting aid by a lot apparently there are gonna to be a lot of dead niglets because of it too.

>Only unevolved people want to have children
funny, i thought that EVOLVED out of us billions of years ago

Bcause they donĀ“t care about the quality of life of their children, and for them it's like prole (to work with them and for them)
He natie whites have 1, max 2 chil, the imgrants have 3.....

Those are Himba man. Maybe some of the only Africans who don't rely on whites to survive. They want to maintain their culture and lifestyle which is centered around cattle ranching more or less.

The Himba aren't the problem.

>No, japs and china men are smarter by Muh IQ
Who's at the bottom of that shit pile, moron? I mean idiot.