What is Sup Forums's stance on bullying?

What is Sup Forums's stance on bullying?

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Cute not bully.

It's fun being the bully.
It isn't fun being the bullée.

I dropped cum a miko cause I cannot stand the Machi bullying.

I want to make Machi happy!

What is bullying?

I don't understand.

Little girls are made for bullying and making them cry.

>the bullée
And this is exactly why you get bullied, nerd.

A nerd wouldn't rape grammar like that.

Bullying is only okay when it's Sup Forums bullying other Sup Forumsnons or crossboarders.


It was the right thing to do.

I was pretending to be retarded for comedic effect. Unfortunately it failed at being funny.

It always locates a path.

Don't worry I understood your memeing user.

D-does she take them off?

Well it's more like he tries to take them off

just try to bully her now

Useless meat.

But if he pulls them off, would she die of embarrasment?

I want them to stop bullying her but also realize that she wouldn't be that cute if they'd do so
the bully dilemma

I think it's more likely that he dies of an overdose of bear.

Well she nearly did


People like you're whats wrong with the universe.

Stop bullying!

You can't bully the beautiful

I only watch anime to see cute anime girls getting bullied.

It would be extremely mortifying.

I want to bully a child until she cries

For you

We should find a way against it.

I suggest giving all young people free cellphones!

Regular reminder that Keit-ai is already a fanfic, so stop posting this.


She does.

I want to bukkake all over her with a group of anons

I don't advocate bullying. We must find a way to establish communication between siblings in order to learn the nature of love.


bullying is not good, but pretend bullying is okay...cute girls bullying bois is cool too if it's kinda loving and tender to be tb h.



Acceptable if done to hick Mikos who can't read between the lines and operate electronics.

>tips fedora

Builds character

My heart dick says yes

Bullying is erotic and builds character

Do it. It builds character.

>you will never strangle a bully along with your waifu

It's not right

>avoiding eye contact




>having two waifus

BB dropped the ball, Big Medic is far cuter anyway

It's wrong.

>series is called "girl meets bear"
>is about a girl with social anxiety who gets bullied into potential suicide
who allowed this?

>supposed to be a happy, upbeat anime
>literally a documentary about child abuse, autism, and social anxiety

Literally why? For what purpose did Japan make this?

Because it's cute.
Bullying is cute.

Acceptable within controlled doses

Bullies get shanked

Do NOT bully the miko!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>forcing people with anxieties into situations that troubles them is helping
this is what normalfags actually believe

I want to go to a child prom with Machi.

It's fine if it's Machi

i was bullied all throughout my school years
now i live with my mom, have no job and spend all my time on Sup Forums

bullying doesn't seem to help, i guess
somebody stand up for the poor miko


>technologically illiterate
>somehow keeps up with the latest trends

You shut the fuck up.

But she made me cry ;_;


I want to fuck Dullachi's neck hole while she tongues my butt.

Bullying lolis is wrong. Everyone else is fair game.

Why don't we bully you, then you little bitch!

Don't forget the obvious undertones of bestiality, pedophilia, and incest

loli is for beat, not treat

>What is Sup Forums's stance on bullying?

I've always been a bully. Especially to girls. I just can't help myself. What's worst is that the better I know someone, the more relentless my bullying.

A few of my friends called me out on it. All it did was make me bully them more. Now they all just resign themselves to it.

i was bullied by girls and am now into femdom and very much an m
maybe you're creating a generation of submissive women, user
good job

>maybe you're creating a generation of submissive women, user
>good job

Problem is that I want a woman to bully me, but I can't stop myself bullying them. So even girls that seemed to be real sadists end up crumbling before my assault and turn out meek. It fucking sucks. Why won't anyone stand up to me?

Anime tells me bullys don't win in the end, but I guess that's a lie.

sorry, i've only seen that work in a hentai manga
but as somewhat of a kindred spirit i wish you luck

She's a little girl!

we should make a collage of cute adn handsom anime girls from this seasoning looking up towards the sky with interesting face sensations and expressions

I want to lick Machi's anus

Bullying is a leftover evolutionary trait designed to make someone stronger/fit in better so, as a group, it increases your strength and how well you work together. As odd as this sounds, bullies actually care about you...they just care about the group more. It's like the Sith taking on an apprentice knowing he could actually take over if he got strong enough. Why do it? Because it's a strongest of the fittest mentality...and in certain situations its appropriate. Oh, in modern civilized society it's rarely needed...but if WWIII broke out tomorrow and there was hardly nothing left, bullying for the alpha male is essential to get that one weak faggot in your group in line. You've got a group coming for your supplies and Timmy here is whining about how tired he is? A boot in his ass while get him in line.

tldr Bullying in civilized society is mostly useless, but essential in early history/present day third world/apocalypse times.

why does she look like miu?

Why would anyone want to bully this?

Because she's a cute girl being happy.
And that makes me mad because i'm neither a cutte girl nor happy.

I want to be a bullyable cute.

Your waifu is so weak willed that if she was bullied, she'd do anything to stop.


Look at this dumb AI with no arms!

So how are the doujins of this show?v

This anime feels like some kind of cuckold porn but instead of the bull we get Yoshio.

>Sexually harrassess little girls
>Cucks Hibiki
>Cucks Natsu
Yoshio is a sexual tyrannosaurus!

I seriously want to damage Yoshio and Hibiki

>What is Sup Forums's stance on bullying?
It's best done with a penis.

Its fun for both

That fucking game made me cry.

Honest to god the shopping scene with the candy and shit shattered my soul.

love it

Thanks mods.

Superb work as always.