How should one respond? Laughter? Start a debate? Ridicule? Trolling? Or back down and admit you are a nazi?
These two walk into your office and accuse you of being nazi for retweeting Trump's tweets
Have security use the tasers
Days n Daze? I punched that faggot once, I'll do it again.
pee your pants and cry
"Hey you two meme machines. Who do you think was the most important philosopher of Ancient Greece and why? Go"
>thinking these people understand reason
the aswer is always laughter
My office is maglocked and you can't get in without a keycard. I'd instead redirect them to the basement where there are no cameras, a lot of sharp objects, and an industrial furnace.
Lol I really find it funny how americans dress
even in the youtube prank videos they're dressed like gimps
fuck we need to colonize you again, remove the natives and teach you how to not be retarded
Ask them if those are Chester's flaming hot fries at the bottom there. Good shit
Somewhat unlikely. Even the police address me as 'sir' and I'm what people cross to the other side of the road to avoid. Good to be a 240 pound beast.
>implying i have an office
>implying that if i did have an office, that these freaks would be allowed to enter it
Laughter before ridicule/trolling or after? Should one engage in any type of discussion before laughing at them or?
I throw my business cards like ninja stars and aim perfectly so they pierce the commie's bodies in the shape of a swastika
Stand up
Admit I'm a Nazi
Roars of Laughter
One responds
Start a debate
How you are
Bitch backs down and buys stock options
while his babe blows my boys in the back
رح منتك انشالله
I'd ask them how they got past at least 3 security check points with armed guards and 2 other areas in my building alone that require badges to access and then tell them to go away.
I forgot to mention, they are your co-workers. You have to work and live with them. Should one try reasoning with them? Try proving them wrong? Or would that be a lost cause right from the start?
Ask them what the fuck they are doing in my living room and call the cops.
>accuse you of being nazi
Yes, and?
>No jihad option
What are you a racist?
As I said, I forgot to specify that they are your co-workers. If they accuse you of being a nazi and you admit that you're a nazi, they'll report you to HR and (if you work in a liberal shithole of a company) probably get you fired.
just laugh
those people are walking jokes, either the world gets it and starts laughing or they dont, there's not much else to be said
Either this or reach for a weapon. We all know they aren't looking for polite discourse.
I sue them under the new LGBQT+ law for not using my preferred pronouns, Wakka and Flocka.
Well, all of that verifies them as human. You should react in the same way were you to handle a barking dog wandering into your office. Fend it off with your chair and call animal control.
How did they get past security?
If Obama were President I'd have asked them if they were the new hire contractors.... lmao
What is wrong with that 12 year old boy's face?
I've seen the video. The guy states he's a fascist.
>If they accuse you of being a nazi and you admit that you're a nazi, they'll report you to HR and (if you work in a liberal shithole of a company) probably get you fired.
Discrimination. I'd like to see them try.
Do people really cross the road to avoid you? It's all in the face that, not your size. Do you walk around with a scowl or something?
You can't even remove your own kebabs tea-nigger.
Half of my fellow employees have heard my opinions on Israel. Most would laugh. My boss would get a bit butt hurt though people trying to interrupt the work place.
I like your style. Using their own dishonest tactics against them.
>we should re-colonize you
Ahem, "glass houses?"
Fuck them up.
Honestly I wouldn't have to. I live in a state full of rednecks that have little patience for pussy liberal faggots. If it wasn't for the fact HR themselves discriminate in their hiring practices by always getting women, they'd probably beat the shit out of the cunts for opening their mouths in the first place.
Shoot at them while yelling "reeee I'm a poo not a nazi reeee!!!"
>implying this crustfag shit didn't come from Europe