>the absolute STATE of leftists
The absolute STATE of leftists
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Dotards BTFO
Leftists are this retarded
>the left has more support for a state where they literally put you and the next three generations of your family into a torture cum work camp if you speak even casually about negative experiences in your life (i.e. complain to neighbours about no food) than for Donald Drumpftler
Wow Dramptf btfo surely?!?!!?!
What the fuck is wrong with modern journalists? They're fucking political activists at the same time. Whatever happened to journalistic integrity and not being a biased cocksucker who supports a literal dictatorship?
Fuckin morons will say anything so long as its the opposite of trumps position
Journalists have always been like this
NK Is way better than fascist AmeriKKKa. When's the last time you heard a North Korea complain about being hungry, or working long hours for shit wages, or having to live in some horrible slum? Never, that's when.
Fucking shitlords.
Another worthless blue check mark
Not to this extent. I've experienced this when I went to journalism school too. Everybody is liberal and believes in censorship.
>not allowed to make racially insensitive jokes because it uses very real suffering as the butt of the joke
>allowed to make a joke about the DPRK, thus the millions who suffer under its existence
The blinkered dumb-fuckery of these people knows no bounds. The North Korean suffering is current, no past, yet it's still fair game.
What does a blue check mark mean?
Either bait or a fucking retard, hard to decipher
> Dan (((Arel)))
You mean the absolute state of Judaism?
Fidel Castro said that Cuban revolution would never be possible without the aid of American media and especially New York Times.
They were always like that, the only difference now is that any standards are down the drain thanks to millenials and thus you notice it more often.
it is a verified account. so you know that that is really the person posting.
It means you're a kike faggot or somebody who twitter thinks is harmless.
It's neither bait or retarded, it's blatant satire.
So why is that worthless? Sorry, I can't into social media.
The kikes at Twitter wants you to think the people with them are important and trustworthy.
>lefttards unironically supporting a national socialist fascist dictator state
trump wields magical powers that were previously impossible before him
You are aware that North Koreans eat grass sometimes to kill off hunger pain.
Just think about that.
no it really has been, where do you think lugenpresse comes from?
journalists have always been self-riotous, passive-aggressive little shits too meek to actually be politicians or playmakers, so they larp as revolutionary guards and as the "last bastions" of freedom
Hence why every fucking journal or paper has retarded larp slogans like "democracy dies in darkness."
>You are aware that North Koreans eat grass sometimes to kill off hunger pain.
Oh, Sweetie... Americans eat greens too. Ever heard of a fucking salad?
They have shown their true colors
Sure are a lot of bongs throwing their butthurt around today.
i swear to god day rope comes everyone with a verified libshit checkmark goes first
douba doub doubs confirms
kek. you're even gettin these retards with that memeflag up.
Sup Forums stop being so easy.
This is exactly what NK wants. They want support from "Americans" to split the political divide even further. When they invade California, they'll have more POWs/hostages than deaths, and before you know it, a surge of North Koreans and leftist traitors will storm the country from the west onward.
Will the Midwest be prepared to mow these fuckers down when it comes to the open plains?
Ey? I just don't understand how Twitter works so I want to know what role this blue check mark thing has. That's all, what's your problem?
don't forget if you don't have the designated towels to clean your pictures of the dear leaders, you will be sent to these camps automatically upon yearly inspection.
God forbid the pictures are dirty...
>Whatever happened to journalistic integrity
That never existed. I'm not talking specifically about in America, I mean at any point, anywhere. It's getting a little more extreme here lately, but it's always been like this.
Iowa reporting.
Do they know that by trusting the DPRK they are trusting Nazis?
>So why is that worthless?
Blue checkmark marks a person of importance and also bumps your reply to the top of the thread.
It was also a confirmation of your identity, but after Trump won, owner of Twitter made a deal with lefty journos with unlimited time on their hands, and he just handed a checkmark to any leftie cocksucker with ten followers. They then proceed to harrass Trump day in and day out in an effort to create an illusion of overwhelming pushback, while conservatives are banned or shadowbanned.
I get the feeling people who kinda have left leaning views will have to once again not consider themselves a Term. They can't consider themselves Liberals because that's been fucked, and they can't consider themselves Leftists because shit like this is mega aids. Guess they'll have to consider themselves "Left Leaning Conservatives" eventually.
Aye, Cap'n. We got plenty of ammo.
My true form is more horrible than you could possibly imagine...
Oh okay, I understand better now. Thanks for explaining, I'm like an old man when it comes to social media.
Why is it that the modern day communists are always the first who would actually be slaughtered were a communist revolution to take place? Is this their way of saying that they're suicidal without directly expressing it?
People are genuinely suffering there, what kind of cold hearted monster must you be to want that system to carry on.
>lberals now prefer a pseudo-natsoc regime over their liberal country
They're insane
>by some art
Nice to see Communists as devoted to the principles as always.
That's why.
this shoulda been first post
Man, leftists REALLY don't like Trump. What sort of mental problems do you think these people have to hate a democratically elected leader over an actual hitler-esque figure, while calling the former "literally hitler"
That documentary/interview is such vital watching. It should be stickied.
A communist.
He's obviously not a Communist, he runs a private business in a Capitalistic country.
You told the truth.
Not gonna lie, former Kim supporter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Kim crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.
im fuckin dead rn
HAHA look at the American defectors taking pride and place among st the elite. How expected. How far have you fallen America? Plenty of flags but no patriotism. Plenty of fat shits slowly dying but no health care. Plenty of parts of towers getting hit by flying sand people crushing people to death but no getting those sand people. How can you look at yourselves in the mirror when these higher thinkers already know whats best. Give Texas back to Mexico. Give Boston back to the English. Stop using our holidays. You shame yourselves and have small penises.
It did and does exist, just like conservative values were the norm but aren't anymore. It's slowly fading and I'm experiencing this first hand.
Twitter needs it's plug pulled. it was a mistake.
Piss off if you fucks think the NK is better go live there we dont need you in the us
>black flag
>antifa supporter
>unironically praising a communist dictatorship
Why are those right wing racists always right?
>tfw no hitler to remove these gommies from the media
On the day of the rope, I'm going to tie the rope around my testicles
We should encourage them all to move to the DPRK if they love it so much. Maybe Kim could do us a solid and give them all the "Otto Warmbier Special."
Do you have the first part of that image by any chance?
who, except for filter bubble jewrnos use Twitter in a legit way and not just makes a new account every now and then to shit on Jewrnos?
No. But you can just search "Unabomber Manifesto" and find the whole enchilada.
I thought I'd heard that name before. Apologies for being so dense.