The fuck happened to the last thread?
Anyway, gook scans of 309:
Turns out Yunan is a beast. Too bad he was up against Arba, though.
The fuck happened to the last thread?
Anyway, gook scans of 309:
Turns out Yunan is a beast. Too bad he was up against Arba, though.
>thread pruned or deleted
The fuck was that shit? Is that the fucking nipplemod?
Im probably late as fuck but sense released 308.
Arba seems pretty op
Only Belial who can stop her.
Suck my dick nipplemod, why did you delete my magidump?
It's good that Ohtaka makes her some crazed shadowbeast. Otherwise Arba would exceed critical cute.
Besides. Arba makes a great crazyface.
All these Arba focus lately, I wonder if they're gonna finish her soon.
I always thought that and now after this chapter I'm sure of it. Plus maybe that way they can save Hakuei if she's still there.
I actually hadn't noticed. Thanks.
But honestly, why did mods delete the last thread,is Magi too gory, too lewd for them? Should we have Magi threads in /h/ from now on?
I'm honestly getting tired of those constant Arba vs. the world battles. I can already feel how her vs. Aladdin battle will end
nipples in the op
Must be retard mods from another board looking at the report list or something.Beats me.
Maybe this is the reason. The mod did delete the Kiznaizer thread with the "edition" in it
Damn those nips...
It's okay to have nipples when it from the source.
Don't defend the retard.
I'm tired of Arba herself. She's not a compelling character.
They did that to a Mayoiga thread, so it must be that.
So from my understanding looking at the pretty pictures, what Yunan fought was just an illusion right? Didn't really see Arba regenerating after getting split into a million pieces anyway.
Arba is such an entertaining character. And her fights are always getting better and better.
I really liked how her face changed at the sight of Aladdin.
Fuck you
Creative insult
Yunan elbow dropped Arba and her body exploded in a pool of guts. Then she regenrated like no big deal, see here
No need for that shit user. I don't agree with them either, but nobody cares and you shouldn't. That's what opinions are.
Don't have edition in the OP you cancerous fucks, glad the mods did something right for once.
Oh, I must have missed that page in the previous dump thread . Now it makes sense.
Oh no, someone doesn't like your boring waifu, how will you ever survive
Stubborn dump
They are punching lightning, I still can't get over it
Why is this bitch so strong in Hakuei's body again?
Magi cast Extreme magic just like that
When she gives birth while possessing a person, the resulting child is the perfect vessel that allows her to use her full power.
Because she created this bloodline with her own loins
This page, man. This page.
Never have I been this entertained, even in the time of edgebro struggle.
Hey there is the two girls from the beginning talking about thieves.
>"Only my Railgun" start playing in the background
Oh Yunan
Hakuei's nipples are cute. Can she still summon Paimon even though she's possessed?
Gore is good
Hakuryuu was lucky as hell his Magibro found that magic-negating field spell. Otherwise it's literally impossible to kill her.
>This is the crazy chick Sinbad slapped off her and is making her his ally
Literally how?
Then comes , after that
>This is Hakueis body
noooo ;_;
Well, she's constantly going behind his back doing whatever the fuck she wants and apparently he has no idea. Dude is so used to getting his dick sucked that one swoon in his arms makes him think that Arba is completely loyal to him and has no agenda of her own.
If Judar can brainwash a djinn, I'm sure Arba could do it with just a severe pinky. And honestly for Arba using a Djinn vessal seems more like a nerf than anything, didn't it say before that djinn vessal's magic will interfere with the magician's magic if a magician try to use them?
Hug me, Arba!
She can, but djinns spells will conflict with magi's. It's explained in Sindria arc.
David x Ill Illah make it work
No way the author would make Sinbad this oblivious to her actions.
Suddenly, kawai Arba. That's something strange.
I think I'm more scared of Arba then Ragyo at this point. God damn.
She's like "aw hell naw, you fagit"
That delicate expression when she says "Solomon?" makes me anxious for some reason.
She wants the aladdin dick.
Can I assume Arba is killing Yunan in a way that won't let him reincarnate ?
End of the chapter, but not of the fun.
Hakuryuu with the new team to finally kill her off.
Then again Aladdin will probably not let him kill her.
Yes, she's absorbing his magoi and basically erasing his existence. Bitch is sadistic.
Figures Mor would be princess carrying a guy again. It's her trademark.
>that look of exasperated disgust when Aladdin shoves her off Yunan
My sides.
>lightly shoving off Arba
Oh, okay. Thanks, Aladdin.
Why are Arba's facial expressions so funny?
Fuck you
Just finished the first season of the anime, and found it underwhelming. Do the following arcs get better?
According to text spoilers she's forcing him to fall into depravity. She also mentions that she did the same to Judal in the past.
>Aladdin: No fun allowed
>Arba: Who said this is a PG-13 comic
Fucking savage.
Reminds me of moment when Kouen shoved her off too. I guess it's a thing now.
Morgaina doesn't have her gauntlets anymore but she looks like she's got feathers or something on her. Can she finally fly now?
>My face when I get dry
Does Morg have pixie wings?
Or it's just the dress?
>There are people who want Hakuei back
Fuck that boring bitch arba is 10 times better on her
>Can she finally fly now?
Sir she's been flying since the first timeskip during the Magnostet arc
Wow, that must of been scary as hell with that rape face leering at you as your mind is filled with anger and hate.
Thank you sir, saved
>Making Yunan fall into depravity
Huh, I thought you needed to have a touch of darkness or something to fall into depravity. Yunan is too pure for that Arba.
What the fuck is going on here?
Exactly. This the most action her body could have wished for.
Og Hakuei is as dull as her dead brothers.
She had her gauntlets in that arc and was using Alibabas power from his vessel
But the tits,user. what if we got her back and Arba got her own body again through bullshit,is that a fair trade?
Aladdin's being a gentleman
>Shoving a girl away is gentlemanly
Reminder that Aladdin is either nopan or clad in black rukh
he could either punch her in the face or use a gravity magic to shove her off, you know
>no pan
what does ancient Middle eastern shotas wear anyway?
Both versions are pleasing my dick
Fuckk, wanted Arba to actually pull off a feat and kill off Yunan.
Born to cowgirl
>those pointy nipples
The only thing I want is Hakuei back when they kill Arba, but I hope Arba stays for a while.
Yep. Arba is putting that body to better use than Hakuei ever could.
Sinbad better be fucking this bitches brain out the lucky faggot.
Sinbad wouldn't want to touch Kouen's used goods.
Probably not. She probably screams about Ill Illah every time she's about to climax. It would be extremely awkward.
I think he dabbles in used good.