Reminder this is not an ability, just a loyal servant
One Piece
Has some user had access to the Viz version? I want to hear the translation changes tbqh.
If they helped the royals wouldn't that piss off dragon?
Even though they didn't do it because they wanted to but because they got paid to end the war.
Why do you think Dragon would like Germa 66?
Viz is not out yet. They come out like in 3 hours
I hope it's the latter, yeah. It would be a great scene to show how cruel and "don't give a shit" personality Ichiji has AND how blindly loyal Germa 66 soldiers are.
Which makes sense, as the Vinsmokes are not only their commanders, but also their royal family.
Ah, thanks. Yuropoor here, so didn't really know.
MFW the guy with a trump hairstyle says "wall"
That's mind control user.
Why not get the guy to stand down if mind control. Even later on he gets up close and personal with the guy then forces the gun out of his hands.
He needs to apply something on the person he wants to mindcontrol.
he needs into smearing the man-semen upon the bodys of people to control them
Which is damn impressive in and of itself, considering that he's also one of the strongest members of the crew as well.
I get that mocking Sanji is a meme ever since the skip, but he's the only member of the M3 that isn't a complete moron. I'm really hoping for more Mr Prince style shit from him this arc, plus a decent fight.
>you will never EVER lick Perona's sweaty dirty sour lolita feet after a hot summer day
dragon's second in command just helped a royal.
I don't think dragon just blindly supports every rebellion and hates every royal.
Yeah but at the same time he help take down a royal. But I agree, he probably just chooses to help based on who he deems as justice
Dragon got BTFO recently, Germa've got nothing to fear.
Brock Colie.
Jesus, how subtle.
Agreed. It's a lot less impressive if it was mind control. Fanatical devotion from the rank and file of Germa 66 to the Vinsmokes would just make them seem that much more powerful, both as a royal family and as the leaders of a "mythical army".
I want some crazy "Hail Hydra" shit from Germa 66, along with Ichiji and Niji being casually cruel just because they can be.
>BalLoon tits on Perona
>he can't appreciate a true petite figure
Whos the faggot now
i'm betting that germa will join big mom, then betray and kill her before luffy gets to fight (or after)
>liking oppai lolita
Jesus Christ.
the fuck?
Aahh but what about Sabo or Dragon vs Luffy? I want there to be conflict of interest there where they aren't necessarily enemies but something Luff wants to do jeopardizes the revos plan so a fight happens.
I want Dragon to be as bad as Akainu and show that totalitarianism on either side of the coin is super shitty.
She is, are you retarded?
>you will never be a disgusting feetfag.
good to know.
Lolis are ladies depicted as children, despite whatever their age may be. Perona is clearly depicted as a matured woman.
when it comes to her fashion then yes
since you use the term "oppai lolita" you seem to use the term wrong here
I don't mind feet when they are clean. There is something desperately off putting about wanting to defile dirty feet.
my past gfs had a bigger problem with me touching their feet than i did touching them. Theyre not bad under the right circumstances. Which is not sweaty, sour and gross. Uegh.
Oda would be autistic if he really did do this. There doesn't need to be any family conflict, luffy wouldn't even be a match for him. So the whole thing would be stupid
You don't think the Pirate King can handle ABSOLUTE FREEDOM? Hell, that's Luffy's goal from the beginning. Just without destabilizing the world and throwing it into chaos.
kill yourself
Will you lick my dead dirty feet?
None of that makes sense, since it's heavily implied Luffy will start the final war to end all wars, and he's already declared war on the WG. There's also no point unless you want the world to be in a statement of absolute chaos, Luffy ain't ruling shit
Reminder that this is the face of a LIAR.
What does luffy wanting absolute freedom for his self have to do with oda writing shitty conflict between dragon and luffy? dragon goal is to fight for the people who don't have the strength to fight for their selves. So him to suddenly start acting like doffy or akainu on some totalitarian type shit would be stupid. why have people fight for freedom just to end up with a dictatorship just by different people
I can't believe some people actually believe her.
A cute liar
Friendlier reminder there's no proof to back this statement
I have yet to make my mind (leaning towards the "liar" camp, though).
It all depends on the Viz translation, after that's shown I'll decide whether she is or not a lying bitch.
Anyone got a reliable manga reader for One Piece?
I'm always cock blocked by "licensed content cannot show you lol"
But Luffy likes some marines like Coby and Issho. I want Dragon's ideals to be to eliminate the WG at all costs, just like Akainu with pirates. Luffy only declared war to get his friend back. He wants freedom but he doesn't push his ideals on others. I want that to be the line between him and Dragon.
>dragon goal is to fight for the people who don't have the strength to fight for their selves
Where has this been stated?
>Pudding isn't a liar
Women detected.
Stop trying to damage control, landwhales. Every good 4channer knows women are liars whose every action is fueled by opportunism and greed.
Now where are the lovely vizanons?
I'm sure there are some changes in the translation for this week.
Well not stated but every time he's helping someone it's always weak oppressed people am I lying? They only said his goal was to overthrow the WG not become a dictator user.
>jobbed against minks
>jobbed against Sengoku and Tsuru
>jobbed against an elephant
>jobbed against his wife
How does such a failure become one of the top crew members of a Yonko?
You're swinging my statement. I didn't say Dragon wants to be a dictator. I said I want his ideals to mirror Akainu's. Eliminate the WG at all costs, like Akainu to pirates.
Remember, by and large, marines are the good guys. Marines provide safety and stability for a fair sum of the population. By removing them, a vacuum is created. Who knows who could gain power after that.
I see Luffy's actions reforming the marines by leading by example while Dragon wants to eliminate them entirely.
This pls
I'm particularly interested in Sanji's description by Pudding. I want to see just how different it is to niggerstream.
From an user called BellisarioFaith from AP (I know, I know. But I was looking for this too).
All right, this week's VIZ chapter translation should hopefully clarify some confusing stuff.
Mangastream page 7: Pudding states in the first panel, in the MS version, that "I guess this isn't what you'd call a consensual marriage"; however, in VIZ, the line is "I should have known it wasn't consensual."
In the next panel, Pudding sounds like she's more openly against the arranged marriages than MS made it sound. She says that Big Mom is "selfish" instead of "bullheaded and stubborn." Also, the confusing last speech bubble in that panel (where it was confusing as to who was talking, with the "Don't! Why don't you just run away!"), is actually being spoken by Pudding as well. She says, "We can only submit or run away."
The sister of Pudding's who ran away to find her own love is clarified to be an older sister.
Some slight differences/clarifications in Pudding describing Sanji: "His eyes are hearts", "we have similar interests" (instead of "hobbies"), "I hear his legs are black, but he's very strong and dependable." Responses: Luffy says, "Yup, you know him! [...] That's him, all right! He's a great guy!" Chopper: "That's not what they mean by Black Leg."
Pudding in VIZ: "Listen, at this point, I think...I can still forget about Sanji!" And then, in her last panel on the next page, "I was stunned at how wonderful he was. I thought it was a dream."
>jobbed against minks
>stated that they couldn't take down one man who continuously fought for 5 straight days while they rotated to rest
>jobbed against a FA, two VA and a legendary VA
>still sunk 2 of their 4 battle ships
>jobbed by a giant elephant
>took no real damage and doesn't seem fazed
Thank you vizanon-kun.
>Multiple costume changes
>Trespassers gimmick
>Already gets along with the crew
>Wants to see the world
>Probably will co-opt Big Mom's dream with no ulterior motives
>Another grill
Aww ye here we go nuggas
You guys are awesome. Thanks.
We love viz user more then life
He called Coby a pussy the first time he met him, and generally doesn't give a crap about the marines in general. His grandpa wanted him to be a marine, he litterally went for the furthest thing possible. Keep in mind his grandpa let his brother die, and Ace was killed by the marines. At no point was any love for the marines professed by Luffy. They're simply obstacles to him, he by and large doesn't give a fuck. If Dragon hates the WG Luffy has complete apathy towards it.
Yep, she's lying.
SanjixNami confirmed
>He called Coby a pussy the first time he met him
And 5 minutes later he protected him and even helped him become a marine after that. In Water 7 he called Coby his friend. He cares about certain marines like Coby, Smoker and Issho.
>If Dragon hates the WG Luffy has complete apathy towards it.
This is what I'm getting at. I want there to be a fine line between their beliefs that cause a conflict some time in the future.
>stated that they couldn't take down one man who continuously fought for 5 straight days while they rotated to rest
But you're wrong, speedreader. They even said that Jack was jobbing HARD and couldn't even beat the Minks so he has to use the gas weapon.
>still sunk 2 of their 4 battle ships
Grand line tier shit. He still jobbed so bad that they thought he died.
>took no real damage and doesn't seem fazed
Still got utterly BTFO
Jack the fodderjobber: 0
literally everyone he's faced: +1000000
your arguments: shit
this post is so underage it is embarrassing to read
>literally no reaction
top kek
Nice argument Jackfag. Stick to jobbing, ok kiddo?
Stay delusional hahahaha
If Carrot joins then Chopper can\t bathe with the girls anymore
>One Piece will be off next week
Thank you, user.
>technical difficulties
>finish getting Viz shit done a minute ago
>come to thread to post
>see the real Vizanon
Well, this works for me.
Thanks Vizanon. You gonna be doing these every week for OP now?
surprised they don't call it broccoli island since the trees clearly look like broccoli.
Gonna have to listen to the opp tomorrow.
anyway, thanks viz user!
how cute
Seeing as the scanlators also did that, it was probably like that in the raw.
>Dragon got BTFO recently
Except it was all an act. Dragon is going to the revolutionaries meeting.
We've even seen Ivankov prepare the place in cover story.
If she's lying, Sanji will sure forgive her, right?
I could see the "to forgive a woman's lie is a man's duty" surfacing again this arc.
Every time