Do you actually, seriously love your waifu?
Do you actually, seriously love your waifu?
As far as love can go for a fictional being, I suppose.
What's a waifu
We all know waifuism is just a meme, but it's fun. Obviously no one would act like that in real life.
this desu. It's just a fun thing we do.
You, sir, are a man of good taste. Good thing she hasn't been forgotten with time.
I could never forget her.
No, it was a lie all along. I was only pretending to love a fictional character to fit in.
Are you serious? Of course!
Who the fuck thought adding "desu" in English sentences are nice?
Since when did more normies get in here?
Why wouldn't I?
I did. I think i stopped loving her.
I cant tell if your joking senpai or really new desu
Also bae
Holy cancer. Get the fuck off my board.
yes desu
Yes I do.
It's like rooting for a sports team. Its not like you'd actually fuck your favorite basketball/football player.
Are you brain damaged ¿? this is a rhetoric question i'm reminding you not to answer.
aw, he believes in it. it's kinda cute, but in a sad way.
Hey you seem to be new, welcome to Sup Forums friend.
bae isn't filtered. Only baka desu senpai
>Replying to your own message
I don't think he's the brain damaged one - desu.
You can stop pretending, user. It's ok.
Of course.
>Thinking your love means anything with a flavor-of-the-month character
Used to
Do you actually think people have spent years of their lives and thousands of dollars accumulating shit of their waifu when they don't fucking show any actual affection to the character? It's not just "a fun thing we do"
You're fucking cancer. Please go somewhere else on your summer break.
Of course. She's been my waifu for almost five years now, and I have enough life experience to know exactly what love is. There isn't a single doubt in my mind.
So far as I can grasp a nebulous concept as love, yes
>flavor-of-the-month character
Yes, for the past eleven years.
>Do you actually think people have spent years of their lives and thousands of dollars accumulating shit of their waifu when they don't fucking show any actual affection to the character? It's not just "a fun thing we do"
Your waifu is super cute.
Wrong Saber. You need to go with Rome rather than England, though I appreciate the /his/ joke.
Fucking yes
Of course not, that would actually be autistic. No one on this board is that far gone
Having to share my waifu with thousands of other people is too much.
Nice job answering a rhetorical question there senpai. Now I know I'm arguing with a child, so I'm done.
You made me laugh hard.
Anytime friend.
I don't know how that feels, because nobody ever mentions my waifu on Sup Forums except me.
Is Sup Forums seriously loving their waifu? Its hard to believe this
>Now I know I'm arguing with a child
Usually only children have imaginary friends so you have something in common there.
You're not done. You'll just go onto another thread and over react to some other shitty bait.
That's how this site works: you will never be done.
I've only seen maybe two or three other people on Sup Forums with the same waifu. Some are decent but super autistic and annoying. It's a shame to see my waifu associated with blogposting and stuff like that.
Even backgroundfus are tainted.
Why user? Why fall in love with a fictional character? Are you underage?
She's a main character, and she wins the *bowl.
I don't have a waifu yet myself, but the fact that there are people here who think this is just a meme make me so fucking angry. It's that stupid denialism where people can't believe that someone exists who is different or strange to them, so they assume it's a joke.
You think otaku in the 80s and 90s did it because it was a meme?
please fuck off and kill yourselves
Well, that's just sad.
I gotta imagine their are a few autist who took it seriously but not most of Sup Forums right? Guys right?
The only sadness here lies in your attentionwhoring, the rest of us are quite happy.
you could look at it that way, or you could realize that those people are happy with their escapism. not everyone values the normalfag life the same way you do, i actually find 3DPD girls disgusting and i can't stand them. Call me sad but i prefer it this way
>Waifufags aren't attention whores