80's Anime that deserve to be remade
>gif related
80's Anime that deserve to be remade
If it gets remade, I hope they are more faithful to the manga.
Though they're welcome to use the 1st OP again.
Yep, too many filler episodes, a lot of them were pretty funny tough, but still.
Why remake it? It would look like shit and lose all its charm
>80s anime
Like 1 season was in the 80s and the other 6 were 90s. Also, the first two seasons were fine. The only way to remake it better would be to completely remove Happosai and Hawaiian dude and focus more on the core staff. Which Takahashi would never agree to since they are her favorite characters.
Doesnt need to be remade. Its fine the way it is.
Votoms pls
I can hear it.
one of the main parts in ranma's anime was the fanservice, you cant redo an anime so filled of fanservices in this conservative 2016 world
Only if they keep the same ost/artstyle/colors and voices
The 2nd is good too
Despite all the blurring, modern anime has even more fanservice (nudity) than old anime did.
But less casual fanservice.
Ranma wasn't casual about it. Almost all of the time, the nudity led to some obvious moment like Akane walking in on Ranma or vice versa.
The manga was pretty much 100% filler with a cop-out ending after vol. 10, because Takahashi didn't feel like continuing with it. If there's ever a remake, I hope they give it a proper ending.
>The manga was pretty much 100% filler
The manga was an action SoL with a few story arcs.
You have no idea what filler means.
>with a cop-out ending after vol. 10
There are 38 volumes. I don't know what you are talking about.
It actually had character development and felt like it was moving forward up until around volume 10, after that everything went out the window and it became 27 volumes of Groundhog Day 2: Whacky Ecchi Kung Fu Hinjinks, followed by an ending that reset the thing right to where it started.
5 million episodes
everyone has small boobs
it's so much better than now where Janet Jackson has gotten nipples banned, anime characters didn't always freak out due to nipples
I have to ask...
Is there any where to watch thr series without the censor blurs....its honestly distracting. I would prefer to watch the show as it was drawn. Unless thats just the way it was released. Then I'll feel better.
yes of course, in some shitty anime only otaku and weaboo watch in the middle of the night, ranma was one of the biggest shonen, like dragonball and the other big ones of his generation, i dare whatever mangaka today to put 10% of the fanservices she put into ranma.
It's funny for a while, but the same jokes get old fast.
Also, Ranma and Akane are the most unlikable main character couple I've ever seen in anything.
did they ever fuck?
That's an anime which deserves to not suffer a remake.
>ranma was one of the biggest shonen, like dragonball and the other big ones of his generation
You are a huge idiot.
go back to your bed kiddo
Bubblegum Crisis
would love a new patlabor series!
Next Generation subs never.
>Bubblegum Crisis
20 years later and that name still makes me giggle.
>Bubblegum Crisis
Already done.
That wasn't a remake.
That was a completely different BGC.
A tv series or movie of "Birth" made by Hideaki Anno and Studio Khara, other thing I would like is Reboot of Creamy Mami
He's right, though?
Why bother with a shot for shot remake? The originals OVAs were great.
I would love a remake
That really recent special was so good. It hurt that it would never be on again
Nice to know they actually exist. But my isp is a intergalactic jew and likes threatening to cut service for torrents.
Ive been looking into a vpn but any other source would be nice. Thanks for the answer though
Why would an intergalactic entity care about national laws?
Why doesn't he just take your money?
Are you sure he's an intergalactic Jew?
Yeah. Jews hate anime.
He's not right. Ranma was popular. But nowhere near Dragon Ball. And comparing it to a battle shounen in the first place is just stupid. It would be like me saying Rurouni Kenshin was just as big as Sailor Moon. Its wrong not only in how popular it was, but they're not even in the same genre.
Yay Ranma thread!
No we don't.
To be fair it was meant to be a parody of a battle shonen manga.
Yeah and the holocaust is real
>series without the censor blurs
... what censor blurs?
Yes you do.
Now go count your pennies (((you)))
Should I watch Ranma?
Read the manga, the anime is lacking
Read the manga. The anime takes longer to tell the same jokes.
That's okay, I am more interested in animation and voice acting. Are those good?
find out for yourself
>To be fair it was meant to be a parody of a battle shonen manga.
Not according to the author. Her reasoning for making it was literally to redo Urusei Yatsura to let Shinobu (represented by Akane) win instead of Lum, which she was pressured into letting win because of fans and the publisher.
All the fighting stuff was just added in as an easy way to develop conflict. The love story was suppose to be the focus (until of course Takahashi milked it like she does all her series). And even the fighting became less of a focus than endless Happosai panty raids in later volumes.
The music is good and the animation is good for the first few seasons, and Teh rei voices girl ranma
why not the webm son?
Sorry Pa. I thought it was the webm
The first two seasons are good. Some of the best animation for an 80s series. As it went on however, both the animation and character development fell like a rock.
Because old things are bad and for an old thing to be good, you have to make it new again.
>And even the fighting became less of a focus than endless Happosai panty raids in later volumes.
I never had the impression that he took over the story. Are you letting your anime experience cloud your judgement?
>That really recent special
Talking about LOGH i managed to get everything, what's the better way to see it? in order of publishing or like pic related?
I mean... it's recent compared to the rest of the series
Put all episodes into your WMP playlist and then watch them on shuffle.
In terms of Ranma that's like bakery fresh. No one was expecting something new after so long.
It already got remade though
Just give me my motherfucking full series already, fucking Japs should have already made it back when it was one of the most popular manga of it's time but no, apparently that didn't make any sense.
>character development
Pick one. It's a gag series with romantic themes.
Perhaps the only point of development was Akane getting her hair cut and also abandoning her crush for Dr. Tofu.
Ryoga was the only character that developed throughout the series anyway.
Ryoga was moe as fuck.
Not even when Takahashi threw his ideal girl at him he developed.
He got strong. That's all.
What kind of sick beast pretends to be a pet to sleep in a woman's bed?
Go read the manga from start to finish and it's plainly evident that the only person that alters their behavior as the series progresses is Ryoga. By the time of the botched wedding, he's the only one sitting still while everyone else is squabbling or acting like bitches. He didn't just get stronger, he grew the fuck up.
Nah, that's bullshit. He's always polite in front of Akane.
He always tried to pretend to be the better man even though he had a fuse just as short as Ranma's.
>the god tier couple that never was
kek that's a great idea!
we need a proper appleseed remake
>we need a proper appleseed doujinshi
As he said, in the first two seasons there actually was character development. Its sad but even Kuno got development in his early episodes (and the Manga).
The show just gave up after the Ice Rink arc. Then it became mindless comedy. As is typical of Takahashi's works.
a cute!
best girl is best girl
So then just air it in the middle of the night, retard.
Female Ranma's chest wasn't even that big in retrospect.
Hope David pro make that
> made by Hideaki Anno and Studio Khara
So good first half, only to be scuppered by an atrocious third part and a non-existent finale?
I'd rather see Urusei Yatsura
Lum a cute.
Remakes are the cancer killing all forms of entertainment. How old are you? Hoping you're old, so I get to see a world where you and all people like you are dead, and people finally stop making shitty remakes.
Old? If he was old, he'd know you don't remake good movies or shows. You remake bad ones that had a glimmer of potential that they never achieved.
Good series are fine as is with zero reason to remake them just because they're "old." Only underage fuck spigots think that.
this, i want new show already.
I don't know why you need remakes of series that still stand the test of time. Better to pick something that never got a full adaptation like Blazing Transfer Student, or was killed by QUALITY like Heavy Metal L-Gaim.
>Tfw Dangaioh will never be finished
I actually wanted to know where the story was going dammit
At least we have blurays now
I'd like to see "remakes" of all the old pierrot magical girl shows and majokko stuff just because maybe a tenth of it has ever gotten subs and they're pretty low budget. Anything else is a mistake.
L-Gaim would just end up like G-Reco did if they tried to air it today
There's always Great Dangaioh
Just do a full FSS adaptation.