Have anyone ever done command spell forcing servants having sex?

Have anyone ever done command spell forcing servants having sex?

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According to what i have heard from Sup Forums all female servants are whores anyway so you don't even need to use a command spell to have sex with them.

I can confirm this. I have sex with saber all the time because she's a slutty hoe

True, especially since Saber knows how to please men.

Did you even read the VN or played any of the games? King Arthur has a threesome with Rin and Shirou just for fun. Tamamo will do "anything" to "please" her master. Even Shirou Archer can be convinced to engage in homosexual acts without use of a command seal.

>just for fun
Wasn't it to summon a cg dragon?

>Even Shirou Archer can be convinced to engage in homosexual acts without use of a command seal.
When does this happen?

Probably in extra.

My waifu is the most pure saber face.

>Have anyone ever done command spell forcing servants having sex?

>Have anyone ever done command spell forcing servants having sex?
Shinji used up 1 or 2 to get Rider to ride him.

Shinji is what i would do in fate

Shinji is the perfect Sup Forums self-insert.

One of the servants you most likely have to command spell and force to have sex is this little dandy.

Considering she said she isn't your teacher, lover, mother, or anything else.

Shinji used the command seals to force Medusa to have sex with him.

She's something.

I'll use it for Jeanne because frogs are for fuggs

>Considering she said she isn't your teacher, lover, mother, or anything else.
Where did she say this?

Frogs are for feminism!

She's a seductress.

Sad F/GO is mobile shit.

Pretty much all Rider is good for.

>Not wanting to be Rider's cute househusband while she plays the main role of breadwinner who likes nothing more than coming home to seeing you cook dinner in an apron and the smell of your home cooked meals

Jesus you sound like a faggot. Rider is for sex slave, not marriage.

I fucking would

There should be a holy grail war where all the masters agree to a truce to fug their servants

>someone summons Spartacus

>Everyone agrees to a truce
>You plan ahead and have your servant fuck a metric shit ton of high mana breeding stock girls so that when the truce is over, your servant is overloaded with Mana for NP spamming.

I don't know why the Einzbern didn't just create fuck dolls for that explicit purpose.

What if he made a command to have sex with him whenever he pleased, effectively using only one command seal?

Overloading a servant with prana is exactly what they did for Heracles through Illya, who was specifically made to be one gigantic magic circuit.

I want to fuck Okita

Servants can resist command seals, especially if the intent is broad. It's not in their best interest if they want to win the grail but servants like Gilgamesh wouldn't go along with it.

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>Gilgamesh wouldn't go along with it
Indeed. Gilgamesh would be the one doing the fucking.

How many Saber clones does Nasu need to make?

Correct. Now imagine a fuck ton of Illya tier masters attached to one servant?

It's Takeuchi's doing, not Nasu's.

Saber is Nasu's favourite too tho.

All of them.

Liking a character doesn't always equate to wanting everyone to look like them, that's Takeuchi's thing.

If I won the Holy Grail War and wished for the destruction of all magic in all it's shapes and forms.

How would things play out for the world. Would I be a Hero?

The king has quite the booty

I assume destruction of all magic would require enough magic to destroy Akasha, which in itself is impossible. No holy grail would be able to make that wish come true.

Isn't sex just an easy way of transferring mana? Wouldn't fucking your servant make them even more ready for battle rather than waiting for them to recharge on their own? Isn't having sex with your servant the ideal way to keep them in top form??

It's just a very simple way to put a sex-scene in eroge.

>Have anyone ever done command spell forcing servants having sex?

What is medea?

Blood drinking is about as effective actually. Almost any bodily fluids will do it as long as they are alive.

What happens if you use the a spell command to order Gig to consider yourself his friend and ally?

Hassan of Serenity's master equested a kiss I hear?

Nothing. Command spells let you tell them what actions to take, not change their entire personality or motives.

So having Gig as a servant is suicide. The only way to have him on your side you summon him in a war in which there is also Enkidu.

>I don't know why the Einzbern didn't just create fuck dolls for that explicit purpose.
But they did.

Yes. You see them as illya's maids in prisma.

There's one you'd need to command spell for sex. Just to get through the tsun, she'd be super into it afterwards.

I dont think a singlr female servant is not a complete whore. Fuck joan of arc wants to star in a porno.

My kouhai is pure.


You sure about that

do not sexualize the mash shoe

What else is she good for

Sad she's stuck in Grand Order.

Blocking noble phantasms. Molesting.

Isn't he popular with girls?

A pure slut

Shinji is actually good at anything he does that doesn't involve magecraft. He's popular and gets good grades, is good enough at archery to become vice-captain of the club and so on.

I want to make mash potatos with my dick


Yeah, but rape is more fun in the end

>Tamamo will do "anything" to "please" her master.
Said "everything" only accounts to things she's willing to do in the first place. If you play around with the choices in extra it becomes quickly apparent that Tamamo will fuck your shit up if you do anything to anger her.


Yea sure

The armor plates on his hips makes me think of trash cans.

>summon Gilgamesh
>spend all the command spells binding him to let you fuck him
>fuck him
>die knowing that you fucked Gilgamesh
Seems like a perfect plan


In every doujin, I'm sure.

Gil is a fucking faggot anyway

Yeah, he looks gross in any event.

I was underwhelmed by that doujin.

Would that command actually work?

For a short time. You could say
>saber i command you to cum
But not
>saber i command you to keep cumming

I can't find the sauce to this on sad panda.
Did it get taken down?

Well at least he got that hole in his forehead for brainfucking plays

You sure that is not frankenstein? O right frankenstein is a loli

This is not a loli.


How the hell is that a loli?

How is it not a loli

It doesn't look like one. It doesn't even look that young.

cute anime girl != loli

Shush. Frankie-tan is a cute loli

Nasu's true favourite is obviously Sakura, this interview is bullshit.

looks like chibi desu senpai

He's asaid Rin would make the best wife, I don't think he has a set favorite.

>sakurafag in denial
Why do you think he made CCC? he openly admitted stay night sakura wasn't a good character, CCC was his attempt at rectifying that.

Besides it should come as no suprise his favourite servant is the one he wanks up to the point of being Type levels of power (see Garden of Avalon)

He never said that, stop making shit up.
I don't even like Sakura myself, just being honest. He loves Aoko and Sakura.

Making a completely unrelated character except for name and face isn't rectifying the character, it's making shitty clones.

The designs for half the Sakura clones are awful anyway, I don't know why people like them so much,

Did I say he doesn't love Sakura? Of course he does, she's a character he made. But it's obvious that he favors Saber out of the three Fate heroines.

When she stops making money, she'll stop being whored out.

Again, source?

Remember when the Fate book closed in 2012?

>Takeuchi: How many years have we been making this book series?

>Nasu: 4 or 5 years? It’s been a while since we’ve been selling the software too, hasn’t it? As long as we say it’s been, it’s also been forever since that artbook was published. But it made a really good book, I think.

>Takeuchi: It’s fun to look back on it because it’s been so long, and just how much we have drawn. I’m so impressed with myself.

>Nasu: So the last entry to tie up the 『Fate』 series has been released, and I guess we finally close the book on the 『Fate』 canon this time.

>Takeuchi: All in all, I’m happy that this book came out to bring TYPE-MOON circle prior to the release of 『Mahoutsukai no Yoru』.

