You can't refute this.
You can't refute this
Other urls found in this thread:
Communism isn't bad because of greedy people, it's bad because it's oppresive to the avarage person
A monopoly isn't inherently bad, as long as there is no restriction on others staring a business in an attempt to break that monopoly.
A monopoly itself exist due to
Controlling most of the input resources to create a product
Having a large enough capital to build a processing plant that it becomes economically feasible
Is part of the state such as in utility
lmao, how is communism oppressive outside MLism
Monopolies wouldn't exist because of competition, not because "people aren't greedy"
9/10 monopolies are created by government intervention.
you mean """competition"""
There is nothing wrong with monopoly.
Let's say businesses in town A have to spend $500k a year on transportation then company B builds a railway station for $2 million that lowers costs by $100k.
Average p/e in capital markets are about 20, so the rail was built under the assumption they would receive most of the $100k thus meeting averages.
However now an evil demagogue with no conception of Anglo-Saxon justice starts shouting "MONOPOLY MONOPOLY THE SKY IS FALLING MONOPOLY ABLOOBLOOBLOO" and demanding they go against the market and rob B of their rightfully earned investment. Is this right? No, of course not. If rabble rousers like him had their way no one would bother building a railroad in the first place.
Name one monopoly that is not enforced by the government.
yeah, like, when you want to use the street, why dont you just use that other street that leads to your house? oh wait, there is no other.
here, brainlet:
Ancap is untenable for the same reason as all other forms of anarchy. A power vacuum is always one step away from tyranny. In a state where no one has political power, the first person to use another form of power to influence society becomes a political leader in effect.
>9/10 monopolies are created by government intervention.
A frequent knee-jerk meme among ancaps, but one which history doesn't vindicate.
Porn(the only thing that's been changing recently is some disgruntled pornstars creating their own personal sites. Otherwise, all the porn is made by MindGeek owned studios, and hosted on porn piracy sites, that are also owned by Mindgeek)
>Not a single example in the entire page
Try again.
literally the pic.
ye olde doubl stawman
irrifutable arguemnt frnedo
that pic is totally retarded
ancaps don't defend people are not greedy
they say that monopolies can't form without corporation-state corruption
>New Zealand's national electricity transmission grid connects its generating facilities to its demand centres, which are often more than 150 km (93 mi) from each other. The national grid is owned, operated and maintained by state-owned enterprise Transpower New Zealand.
Feel free to keep trying.
What is wrong with natural monopolies?
Let's say someone buys land in a circle around a town and doesn't let anyone cross save for a toll booth. How did the town not see this coming? Why didn't they correctly valuate the land?
If anything they have taught the town a valuable lesson for the price it takes to get the land back.
>You need to go fuck yourself if a warlord manages to take control over vital ressources
AnCap sounds like fun. Let's turn into Somalia, guys.
>maintained by state-owned enterprise Transpower New Zealand.
Because it makes no sense to entrust your entire electric grid to some random guy and his company.
As fun as the scramble for Billy Bob and other such antrepeneurs to make his deregulated power plants in his basement, if the private electricity co stop doing it's services right, or starts extorting people, would be.
these premises are easily reconcilable, ancapfags leave.
This why Ancap-ism sucks: not everyone is a sociopath who can't see any problem in what you've just typed.
Monopolies wouldnt exist because people wouldnt be greedy they wouldnt exist because in a free market the costs of entry into a market would be so low that it would be impossible to create a monopoly when the incentive to enter the market and undercut the monopoly would be too great. Thats the argument anyway I dont fully buy it myself but atleast dont strawman people.
>half of these are republican points
Mindgeek doesn't own xvideos (no 1 porn site by traffic) or xhamster (no 2). Although it does have a huge monopoly in that market.
Correction: xhamster is 3 on the list. Pornhub is 2nd.
it depends are you going to claim that patents and copyright are the government enforcing a monopoly?
Similarly land and propery ownership
Well of course. Ancap is as much of a fantasy as stateless communism. Both would only work if humans became significantly smarter and kinder on average.
Pinochet-admirers and the standard closet fascist Hoppeans one encounters on the Internet aren't libertarians, although they'll howl and whine and try to argue that they are.
ANCAP is just as retarded as communism. The big difference is that no one outside their fucking bubble actuallly take them seriously though, unlike communists.
You seem to think capitalism is a cruel game
It is virtually impossible for someone to pull this off IRL in a thriving free market. Each of the landowners would be inclined to hold out for more, especially upon seeing their neighbors bought out. Capitalism reduces these kinds of shenanigans.
Now imagine if it were Somalia and a warlord could force small farmers to sell up for virtually nothing, that is not capitalism. What capitalism does is prevent this, the small farmers now have property rights and can charge what they want.
So what happens in a natural monopoly? If someone DOES manage to figure out a way to buck the system in a way no one else thought of despite everyone else being thrifty capitalists as well, is it so wrong? Like they figure out a secret combination of seasonings for fried chicken. Are they committing a heinous crime by not sharing the flavor so people can make their own? If anything society is committing a crime by not allowing them to enjoy the full market value of their culinary research.
I don't understand you people, it is like you can't understand this 1 simple thing that would vastly improve everyone's lives. We are SO close to finally achieving global capitalism yet you are holding back civilization. Why?
He asked for an example of a monopoly that isn't enforced by the government, and then you responded with a government enforced monopoly.
>it's bad because it's oppresive to the avarage person
How? The communist society as described by Marx is supposed to be free the people from any kind of oppression.
OP is right, THE reason why Communism can't work is due to human greed
>A monopoly isn't inherently bad, as long as there is no restriction on others staring a business in an attempt to break that monopoly.
It is in an ancap society as nothing will stop that monopoly from doing whatever the fuck it wants.
This, in the same vein that North Korea is neither socialist, democratic or a republic.
Also does anyone else get triggered when people are seriously arguing that in order for people to do good to one another or form functioning societies, a notable portion of the equation is dependent on being A) being a dickhead, or B) a sociopath.
For example, this dude here. Why is efficiency dependent on the risk-taking of the rich or how is it efficient or fair that wealth accumulation is nigh considered s human right? Hood for you for a succesful gamble, but why does it need to be a gamble in the first place?
This meme used to be about how absurd the Chad side is, but this guy just seem completely realistic to me.
>communism is stifling because a plurality of the population cannot own property but working for your boss isn't
The farmers can charge what they want only if they can transport their goods to the local markets, and to do that they need to step on land that is not theirs. If that landowner now decides that the toll to cross his land is 99% of their income, there is not much they can do about it.
What idiots like you don't understand is that even Rothbard himself admitted that it would only work if everybody in the society is not violent and is not unfair/exploiting. This is basically the same impossible assumptions that communists make, so it's really the same kind of brainlet-ideology.
>why does it need to be a gamble in the first place?
Even the best entrepreneurs and investors can't be sure whether a venture will pay off or not. You have to experiment like a scientist in a lab to find out. It doesn't necessarily have to be the rich, the middle class can pool their savings and a bank can loan it out or they can form a cooperative. Of course if some country just went from dictatorship to democracy there will be some corrupt people with more money than everyone else though as it industrializes a greater proportion of wealth will be morally obtained with a large proportion owned by a middle class with mortgages and pensions.
>The farmers can charge what they want only if they can transport their goods to the local markets
Well at that point in the scenario the circle around the town is incomplete so they can still get to the town, they may also have savings with which to sustain themselves while they hold out for more.
tbqh I am not a hardcore ancap, you are all just hating on it for the wrong reasons
All the roads could be owned by a cooperative which acts like a local government. Why would businesses want to stifle commerce by setting up toll booths? They would only do that if they built an expensive bridge or something rather which gubs often do IRL. It would not be the nightmare you imagine.
The only drawback to free markets is the initial restructuring. East Germany and Poland saw a dip then became prosperous. Countries that open up to world markets see a few businesses outcompeted by cheap imports while the rest of the economy goes up. It takes time to adjust to the invisible hand of the free market however it is worth it in the end. They market adapts to every problem.
>another /his/ tries to discuss economics and goes nowhere because everyone still thinks of it in philosophical and not mathematical terms episode
Nigger thats exactly what monopolies do. They jack up the prices on tertiary services and infrastructure in order to prevent the other guy from even getting his goods onto the market shelf.
All economic systems are, not everyone can be rich
Monopolies are shit. Look at America, a first world country, and their internet services. 3rd world tier slow and expensive as balls.
>free porn revenue
>comparable to paid network stuff
>the small farmers now have property rights
No they don't without a government to enforce it in an-cap land.