Why Rider-class servants are very loyal to their Masters?

Why Rider-class servants are very loyal to their Masters?

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I guess you could that they aren't the types that would RIDE into the sunset xD

Because they love to ride that dick

This is the millionth time. But let's get this started. Sakura's a slut, OHOHO is shit and Rin's the best.

you know the twink on the left technically chopped off the girl's head in their original stories right

Cause best class

Nasuverse has a different story.

Medusa Best Female Rider


What do you think will happen if Medusa and Percy meet again?

Your grammar was just fine in the first version, user.

And I imagine they'd kill each other, or at the very least not get along at all.

Wrong pic, sorry

>most loyal
Lancers, Riders
>Loyal as fuck (if similar ideals)
Berserkers, Sabers, Assassins

Not even the best shota Rider.

Astolfo isn't a shota, Astolfo is Justice

Brokandar is best girl

Type-moon story
>Despairing upon the reflection of itself from when it was still self-aware, this allowed Perseus to have his single counterattack, severing its head with Harpe. The monster, out of its own will, became Medusa again and let itself be struck down. Perseus used Kibisis to hold its head, later going on to become a successful hero.
she'd probably thank Percy since he stopped her mindless rampage.

He's a great trap and I'd give him a lifetime supply of mana injections desu but he goes down a few points for his involvement in the abortion that was Apocrypha's ending.


What anime is this about?

Best girl.

Is there a servant/master relationship that involves an old servant girl looking after a young master and teaching him the ways of the world while being stoic but sweet?

Why is Iskandar so fucking great?

I mean, it's literally in his name, but still.

>Loyal as fuck (if similar ideals)
Dumas and his master are exact opposites yet Caster treat his master like a bro and loves to make fun of him.

That was basically the set up for Drake and Extra!Shinji. Except they die in the first round.

But why?

I never asked for this guilty boner

>Loyal as fuck
>(if similar ideals)
Really good way to ignore that casters is the most traitorous class.

Perseus is the strongest on those three.

There's nothing to feel guilty about. It's a natural reaction. He even has a skill that charms adults, regardless of gender. They knew what they were doing.


what did he do?




if he was my servant, i probably would use a command spell to order him to cut his hair and dress appropriately. I could never win the war with my dick constantly pointing in his direction.

Pale Rider is best dad.

user, that's the only way to truly win the war.

>Pretty much fucked with Jeanne
>Talked Gil down
>Is pretty much the main planned weapon against Gil, and his literary creation is one of the strongest Servants
Why are author Servants so good?


All proto servants are overpowered as fuck.

The strongest Rider is Ozzy, though.

Fuck off.

Killed her previous Master because he was a cunt, loyal as fuck toward Kuzuki, died for him
Insane but still loyal to Ryuunosuke
Treat his Master as a bro and seems loyal so far

I Love This Nobleman

>>Is pretty much the main planned weapon against Gil
That'd be Alcides.

>All proto servants are overpowered as fuck.
Not Perseus. Overall his abilities are hugely less impressive than his FSN counterpart.

Still betrayed her original master.
Used his master as a core for his golem.
Not only forget that he have his original master, but also violated Shiro's order.
Most biggest faggot of the all Fate.

>Grand Caster Solomon
did nothing wrong.

If you want a Caster, an author is your best bet. They tend to be weak, but they have strong abilities.

If you want to die easily. They all support-servants so you should fight for them while they provide some help. And if you're not a Bazett-tier fighter you fucked. Only Anderson was actually very succesful with his master on their own.

Actual attempt at a serious answer: A lot of Riders are leaders and commanders, who excel at working with others. Conversely, Archers have a bad habit of turning traitor because their fighting style leans naturally towards "fuck off and do your own thing".

He's talking about Avicebron, who is also named Solomon.

I know who golem man is. Just felt best caster should also be mentioned.

Overall they're really no worse on average than the ones in FSN and Zero.

Casters are soulmate tier.

He's from ancient Greece. He'd probably be flattered if you wanted to plunder his boypussy and oblige.


Would Iskander fuck Alexander? It's just selfcest.

>The way Medusa look at Alexander's huge strong arm.

>tfw no qt shota bf who will grow up to become a bara king of conquerers

In your opinion, which duo has the most interesting Master/Servant relationship?

You want to be in her place don't you?

>You want to be in her place don't you?
I want to be in Alexander's place instead.

Ryuunosuke and Cool. There has never been a more solid example of why you should always use yourself as the catalyst.

Otherwise, Bazett and Avenger.

would I have to order him to sleep with me or would he do it willingly?

I wouldn't really say those two have an interesting dynamic, there's not much more to it than what's immediately apparent if you know the scene where they first meet and also the scene where they talk about God. They're a lot more entertaining than most teams, though.

Riders are awesome, that's why.

Depends on how you define interesting in this case.
It was the relationship which kept me the most interested in Fate/Zero

When you use yourself as a catalyst, it's not exactly like you can summon someone who wouldn't be bro-tier to you.
So by design, all self-catalysts are going to be bro-tier servants.

You'd think they would focus in that instead of relics that will give easy to figure Servants that may or not get along with their Master

Ozzy and proto Arthur are strong as fuck, they would be able to pretty much solo the 4th and 5th war easily. Bryn is somewhat strong too.

It's the trick though isn't it?

You pick your servant, you got a good chance that you might not get along.
You use yourself then you've got a solid chance of a shit servant.

You go the catalyst which can summon multiple servants route (Gate of Troy or Round Table Shard) and you're upping your chances of getting a strong servant with good compatibility but then as we saw with Kairi, one wrong move would have had Mordred riding his ass.

Bazett/Avenger or Kairi/Mordred. I think I like the second one more.

Well, one of the risks using yourself as the catalyst is getting a Servant who's TOO much like you. Sometimes that means bro-tier, but sometimes that means your shared flaws would sour the relationship. Like parents and kids who have trouble getting along because they remind each other of themselves too much.

True, the catalyst for multiple sevants is the best option. Otherwise is rng and we all know that no matter the game his name is Kirei

Ironic isn't it? Mordred The Knight of Treachery stayed loyal to her master until the very end.

>Takeuchi: How many years have we been making this book series?

>Nasu: 4 or 5 years? It’s been a while since we’ve been selling the software too, hasn’t it? As long as we say it’s been, it’s also been forever since that artbook was published. But it made a really good book, I think.

>Takeuchi: It’s fun to look back on it because it’s been so long, and just how much we have drawn. I’m so impressed with myself.

>Nasu: So the last entry to tie up the 『Fate』 series has been released, and I guess we finally close the book on the 『Fate』 canon this time.

>Takeuchi: All in all, I’m happy that this book came out to bring TYPE-MOON circle prior to the release of 『Mahoutsukai no Yoru』.


Most of Sup Forums are just apathetic at worst. Apathy isn't a particularly huge flaw when it comes to conflict.

The worst that happens is that you try to tell your servant to go fight and he just tells you he can't be fucked.

I personally still prefer the self-catalyst option though from an objective standpoint, the multiple catalyst is the best option.

Well, Kairi was pretty much the father she wanted and never had, I think it's normal for her to gte attached to him.