
Did everyone dropped this show already or what?

>1h 46m
Karen arc is next. Get ready.

Other urls found in this thread:

Claire a shit

I'm still watching. Imouto is the cutest.

Emile is best. Remove oppai.

I dropped after episode 9. This show is bad aside from fanservice, though even the fanservice is low quality.

> Karen arc.

Wake up thorns loli instead

Claire a best. A BEST.

Idol, Imouto and dyke a shit. A SHIT.

Didn't even pick it up. Good job on being part of the cancer that watches shit like this.

>Did everyone drop this show?
>implying anyone's even started it

Oh you


Still watching
Mainly cause I unironically enjoy haremshit

In other news I want to sexually fuck and cum inside Liddy

I ask myself this very question every Monday (at least this season) because of this goofy show.

New episode isn't out yet nothing to disuses

No raw yet and troll spic-kun is sleeping.

Claire is the onlything keeping me watching this show. Emile nearly makes me drop it each time.

5 mins

get in here niggas

Fuck off.


idolshit enrolled here as well


i watch it ironically its pretty funny at times



This show was pretty terrible and like battle harems.



Something feels off with it for me.
I also hate how it's always

That's just Claire, she calls everyone by their full names for some reason.






what a harlot

glasses a shit Liddy a best subordinate





New ED


Who is this semen demon?

the cripple sister

His sister...

She's not actually crippled. Her body is just weak to the point she can't walk very well.

Why is the dyke grabbing my pure Emilia

Full body shot of this outfit?

Good job on being part of the cancer that doesn't watch shit like this, yet still visits a thread just to say that he doesn't because his self esteem is smaller than an ant.

This user says the truth.

>replying to a 3 hour old bait

Sasuga autism

Sup Forums isn't a chatroom or a forum, retard.

Why not post the image instead of link

Hey now, I'm a Clairefag too, but Idol and Imouto are decent-tier at least. Emile is a SHIT.

wait... does this mean the maids who forced changed him now know his secret?



I love Emilia!

I wish I dropped it. The fan service has not been nearly enough to make up for how shitty it is.

Subs are up

Disaster storms and flames,
The time has come, we can't delay!
Blades who have drips of grace,
They just got Blood Red!

Horrible subs version is up, could someone stitch this with there version and any others that looked like needed a full view?



Idol is cute!



That is what I said about Infinite Stratos.



BDs will be uncensored.



Not even best idol this season.

Dropped due to several episodes in a row about idolshit. Why must it infect everything?

There's nothing to uncensor though.




Hundred would be more interesting if the girls powered the exo-skeleton by wearing skintight bodysuits with built in vibrators.

But no, its just generic highschool kids using some kind of exo-skeleton to fight aliens while the adults be useless.

And every girl in the series wants the MC's cock.

>more idols and concert shit




>And every girl in the series wants the MC's cock.

I wonder why hmm...




>insert the hundred joke here

Tell me about the idol girl. Why does she keep her mouth open most of the time?










Holy shit someone murder the fuck out of that lesbian.
