What do you think the world is going to look like 100 years from now?
The Swedish caliphate will surely be nearing collapse by then.
Seeing as how the left said we've past the point of no return with global warming then the earth will surely be a giant ball of water.
Very....brown, and muslim
Ecer played Fallout?
Ha. That's pretty optimistic. At least Fallout is quirky and cool. Our future will just be brown and shitty ;^)
Hopefully I'm still alive playing vidya and browsing Sup Forums
1 of 2 options.
really shit or quite good.
Either third world or third reich
>the Swede still believes in sci-fi future
the future will be as grim and bleak as the present.
there will also be more Muslims and terrorism
Much the same. There will countries.
>Lot more global warming.
>Rich countries build massive flood defenses and dykes
>Tons more cool species extinct.
>Population a cool 7 billion.
>Europe a ring of steel from the migrations brought by climate change.
>Sustainable fusion discovered in Germany in 2050
>Small scientific facility on Mars. Not much else space wise.
>People look at plastic and refined sugar the way we look at lead and mercury.
>A nuke has probably been detonated by then.
>Islamic fundamentalism slows down after toppling all the Gulf state nations.
the US is so small
People will revolt against the false god of globalization and commerce, and return to their roots in small t agricultural communities. There, people will be truly happy.
It will be like HL2, only it won't be alien overlords.
VR will not be a meme anymore
A dystopian society, high-tech though.
Most people will live in poverty, the unemployment rate is very high, they take medicine every day - even the healthy, use all their money on this.
The wealthy live in isolated societies, they live good lives, but are trapped in distinct areas, to avoid the poor.
This is the current trajectory we are heading toward, things can change this trajectory though - like war or a change in the political "consensus".
Any predictions for the future lads? People in the past made some pretty good ones.
this but the high technology will remain just not often used
You have just described todays world you stupid kike.
>he thinks this world is going to last another 100 years
The Jews will have taken over the world
Nah, not really. Just refinements of existing tech. I guess self-driving cars will dominate and computer a.i. will have advanced to a point, where human-computer relationships could actually exist.
Unlike the dystopia shit you see in movies, I think we will have decided that politicians and bankers are cock suckers, will have rolled out guillotines in every major city and will have created a more local type tribal style government that actually benefits our small enclaves.
Pol will become a platform where we decide who to execute for being degenerate
Flags will be restored and every vote will have a voice. Certain local problems will be dealt in special threads that will ban anybody not from the specific country or region at hand
The ealite jewish-asian hybrid race will have us all fitted with an obedience chip and the only legal food will be soylent green.
The world is going to outpace America if you have too many retards. The smartest people are in the military and they openly aknowledge climate change because it's a national security threat. Texas has become leaders in solar and wind despite being full of oil shills. Most of Northern Africa and Egypt used to be breadbaskets for the Roman empire, now its useless desert. Only humans can cause change that quickly
This literally looks like south central LA...
Like a big brazilian favela.
It'll be a fucking shithole since we decided it's better to enable and manage niggers full time than advancing mankind. In 1961 the United States announced they'd send a man on the moon by the end of the decade and they did. Have we topped that? Not since nigger rights it seems.
At least I am prepared...if you want to send me 10,000 bitcoins, I will teach the soon to be in civil war spain how to live like a favela person and be happy
No joke, good look with this referendum, shit is looking fucking ugly!
good luck*
Nigga we're not gonna be here in 100 years. We're all gonna die in a glorious hellfire
>Blaming civil rights for NASA getting defunded
wew lad
>hey openly aknowledge climate change because it's a national security threat
Tell the so-called Jews/Freemasons/Secret government to stop cloud seeding.
They spray dozens of layers of particles off the coast of California and that's why one of the biggest reservoirs in America is drying up (story from 2016).
>change the weather with unlimited black budget funding stolen from american people
>wait a few years
>tell everyone to be afraid
>make laws to force people to buy electric cars
>they complain
>hack in to their car remotely using MOSAD/CIA-approved web app
>crash their car off a bridge at 100mph
Oy vey.
this thanks climate skeptics
for real I cannot think of any region that will be acceptable in 100 years
Ruined by Islam, probably in a state of permanent civil war
Same with Niggers and spics
>Middle East, Indian Subcontinent, Latin America, Australia, South Asia
Climate Change makes them unsuitable for large scale agriculture
>Korean Peninsula
Almost certainly had a devastating nuclear war
>Pacific Islands
Destroyed by sea level rise/groundwater salination
The only suitable places will be Canada, Russia, maybe Eastern Europe, New Zealand and Greenland, also maybe Japan and Switzerland
More religious people in the eastern world, less religious people in the western world. The western world will have a majority secular/ atheist population which will lead our birth rates to decline even more, along with the political stance if the west to shift more to the left.
The few Christians that will be left, will probably have to hide toheoheir identity. You'll have atheists that have infiltrated toheoheir the last few congregations Christianity have, for the her sake of preserving culture, although this'll make Christianity more corrupt.
China is the new superpower, although internat conflict will rise because of the dislike for the communist party. It's possible that China will collapse eventually.
Europe will be less Christian, more atheist, and more Muslim. Muslims will increase through birth rates, some European countries will have reached the tipping point of not being able to reverse the fact that their country's ethnic groups will become non-existent.
Possible that the US will collapse, due to polarizing views between states. A civil war should break out. The US will no longer be a Christian country, it'll be more liberal, more atheist, and whichever religious group has a higher birth rate, will eventually become the majority.
Tons of developing countries might finally become developed.
Fucking leveled
Same shit as always.
A sea of niggers gnawing on your bones.
Imagine if AI became a religious fanatic. Kek.
We will all live in the matrix with our consciousness uploaded to massive servers deep underground, controlled by a super intelligent AI and living happy eternal lifes for ever. The surface will be populated by the few crazy religious people who don't think that's the right way of living or something like that but they won't last long as the AI will keep assimilating Earth in order to create more computing power for its servers, until the whole planet is consumed a few centuries later.
there are no human left on this planet
Like a big brown shithole filled with brown people and niggers.
America will look like Mexico and be run by Jews.
Europe will look like the Middle East and also be run by Jews.
As for the rest of the world, who knows?
I don't know but I'm glad I will not be alive then.
Half the world will be asian, the other half muslim.
Pick your side now Sup Forums
Here are my predictions:
>Parts of Western Europe *cough* Germany *cough* become third world due to massive immigration of muslims, revolutions and civil unrest plague certain parts.
>Due to stronger immigration laws, Eastern and Souther Europe become much richer and desirable, tourism booms due to low crime and no terrorist attacks
>Because of unrest in Germany, England becomes the top authority in Europe, however in this future there is no longer a European Union bad economic and immigration policies are a reason for this
>Japan becomes militarized again, soon enough it becomes a power to be reckoned with in Asia. Expect extreme tensions in China because of this,
>Japan's women become a leading part of the workforce, meanwhile you are now required as a Nip citizen to spend some time in the armed forces
>The movie industry as we know it today fades away due to low ticket sales. The movie industry becomes a China-run operation where all premiers are viewed in your own home via Netflix
>The government in Venezuela is toppled replaced with one similar to Argentina's
>Flying cars exist, but are only used by rich people, kind of like Tessa cars.
>Cyborgs can now almost function with behaviors similar to that of humans, they are used in war, hard labor, (also due to strong immigration policies by the Trump administration and future administrations, illegal immigration is reduced, so who's going to pick avocados? Cyborgs).
>Cyborgs are also used to explore other planets, kind of like rovers
Rubble. And I don't mean the worthless Russian currency.
It's going to be a frozen wasteland.
Europeans and Asians will thrive due to their ability to adapt and survive in the cold weather.
Civilization as we know it will cease to exist.
There will be about 6 billion less of us.
Yup, exactly what I was going to say.
Anyone expecting super futuristic advanced societies is deluded at this point. We're at the top now and only going down.
Yep I'll keep moving north as needed.
Archived that for you
>forward com/news/137015/300-goats-and-sheep-20-slaughterers-one-willful-ra
A rat done bit my sister Nell.
(with Whitey on the moon)
Her face and arms began to swell.
(and Whitey's on the moon)
I can't pay no doctor bill.
(but Whitey's on the moon)
Ten years from now I'll be payin' still.
(while Whitey's on the moon)
The man jus' upped my rent las' night.
('cause Whitey's on the moon)
No hot water, no toilets, no lights.
(but Whitey's on the moon)
Dear god pls no...
No privacy(even more than now)
Wherever the AI and the Aliens take us.
They're working in concert you know.
Best make your peace now fellow Sup Forumsacks.
Ever see the movie Elysium? Probably like that.
What about Straya, you cunt?
Who gives a flyin fuck?
There are 2 major possibilities
1) A shithole but with some good news:
-Jews continue to rule us along with the elites
-many race mixed kids
-white race becomes a minority in the US
-China is the world’s biggest and strongest superpower
-North Korea wont exist anymore (perhaps Korea could become a shithole if a war happens)
-India,South Africa,Brazil,Russia might have very strong economies
-Middle East might become a worst shithole than what it is today or it might become maybe stable in time
-Africa will remain uncivilized Niggerland except for South Africa that might have a huge economic rise
-Europe: EU might die (along with NATO), the most cucked SJW countries will still remain cucked (unless the people suddenly realize they were all brainwashed), some western countries might become cucks of Russia (if many alt right politicians still keep their pro-Russia view) and their economy might go to shit.
-Colonization of Mars and the Moon (yay at least this is a very good news) maybe many people will immigrate here because they are tired of what Earth has become, there could be AnCap,Fascist,Nat Soc,Communist colonies/settlements
-Our planet will be shit with dozens of rare animals dead and global warming being at its height causing million of islands (including some island nations) to be under the sea level.
-The north pole might melt faster due to global warming (this however will open more trade routes)
-Technology will be very advanced (an other good thing) and we will have robots YAY
2) WW3 one day or an other we’ll be livin in a Fallout anarchy world wweeew if you survive the nukes ofc
top kek
this is the real future of human kind
vanus fuck off
I used to think this to before.. but i get a vibe that we will be back into the Stone ages again, pretty soon actually
Snow Crash wasn't far off
The fuck is a menthol clinic?
I hope that we discover interstellar travel and establish a colony of whites only and no religion.
People who aren't niggers.
Won't need to move north. all of Ontario is climate-proof. Too far from the coast to get nasty hurricanes, not so south that the summers will be unbearable (just a couple weeks here and there of > 30 degree temp), plenty of fresh water, good elevation, soil, and river/ravine system to avoid major flooding, etc.
Halifax might stop getting such ridiculous snowy winters and become a better place to live. Quebec's winters won't be so unbearable anymore either.
Also BC and the Pacific Northwest in general is mountainous enough that rising sea levels won't hurt most of it. If anything it'll just get a more Mediterranean-like climate which will be awesome.
I know. It'll be fine for the remaining of my life climate wise here in Quebec. I'll be fleeing niggers, not the heat.
whats with the florida rhombus?
i can't predict anything for the rest of the world, but at least this place will be more or less, the same.
climate change will affect countries close to the ecuator and benefice us. but since we can't manage our country we won't take any advantage of that, and we will remein the same but with more population from northem south american countries.
also, patagonia will be paradise on earth and islam will not grow here.
East Asia the superpowers, Slavic countries being developed, and the West in ruins.
FEMA Camps,robots,RFID Chips,Low IQs all over the place
China 2.0
This man saw the future of the world
in europe there's a lot of small cities
Maybe mad max