Sup Forums rate my new flag
Sup Forums rate my new flag
Hurts the fucking eyes, and the swastika needs to have a 25% turn
Very nice Hail Victory !
Absolute shit.
Its just as good as the best type of nazi
>a dead one
try again
NacBol at its finest
Rate mine.
you should got outside
Edgy kid on pol with no previous graphic design experience/10
new footwear logo
breddy good! XD
not origano
the arms are not even proportional
there's a tiny bit of white dotted about
Anybody got any angular symbols of peace and prosperity we can steal?
extra gay
It is shallow and pedantic, and it insists upon itself.
How about this one?
i guess you never touched any photo editing software, including ms paint, your entire fucking life. it looks horrible tooth paste.
Sieg Heil + Sol Invictus
Rate my new flag
suits you well
>25% turn
The state of neanderthal education
Fuck you, neanderthals were smart. Don't even dare compare them to the Dutch.
>Trying to argue ANYTHING about education
I like it.
What do you have against 45, jeeesus, calm down dude! 1!!1
The lines aren't even.
Needs some work bro.