how can anyone have student debt and not vote bernie sanders?
How can anyone have student debt and not vote bernie sanders?
damn you're right
i think we need to take it a step further tho
home debt relief!
let the government pay off your mortgage
fuck responsibility!
NOT the same thing
>have work ethic
>have personal responsibility
>seen niggers nig
Why would any of the above vote for the gibsmedat candidate?
I agree, it bewilders me too. I have friends that are up to their eyeballs in debt and they swear by Trump. They could literally be debt free by now if they had backed up Sanders, but instead they got on some stupid fucking bandwagon and voted for a guy that doesn't give a shit about them.
Yes it fucking is.
Some cunt lent you money to purchase something over a long term loan and you don't want to pay for it. It's exactly the same.
>Bernie Sanders cares about his voters
How is there any difference? Both are loans that you have to pay back. Don't want student loans? Either pay that shit in cash or don't go to school. Your choice, faglord.
>muh personal responsibility
Education is an investment which serves the common good. Niggers who can't even get their GED will never amount to anything and will always suck up national resources for the rest of his life and the lives of his many bastard children. A man who studies for an actual degree will end up giving back to society and paying far more in taxes, making far more money himself than Tyrone and Jamal ever will.
How's this for personal responsibility: when I graduate next year I'll personally leave this fucking shithole while you keep destroying this country, which you're responsible for. When the country collapses and you and the niggers have got the mass killings out of your system, I promise to come back and help rebuild.
>implying trump cares
>those wasted numeros
>Bernouts are so selfish they literally can't fathom a different mindset
South Africa or Brazil?
they shouldnt give me, i was 18 and stupid
reforming the system sure.
erasing current debts, LOL? What kinda world do you think we live in kappa
>student dept
get lost you fucking nigger
no you are the one fucking the nigger
because I was waiting for that 15$ an hour job at mcdonalds
Gemmedats, gimme gimme
>said the nigger with student dept
>student dept
>i was 18 and stupid
Not my problem. If you were that stupid you shouldn't have been going to college in the first place.
If you take the red pill and realize that Bernie Sanders is financed by the Jews, you will definitely not gonna vote for him #freegermany #merkelmussweg #npd100%
and trump isnt?
By being in the UK
Where Student Debt doesn't need to be payed off if you can't afford it
and can't be inherited
and is made void once you're over 50
This would actually be a better use of money.
choose two, and only two
Not everyone is a parasite
Anyone who has unpayable student debt chose a major that does not pay. Art and humanities majors will always be leftists and would vote for Sanders anyway.
> How can anyone have an EU flag and not immediatly commit suicide
There are no honest leftists.
Bernie never said he would relieve student loan debts. Leave it to Bernouts to not even know what his policies were.
>There are no honest leftists.
there are
it's just that they're dumb
same as there are smart leftists
it's just that they're not honest (eg "no refund")
If your parents won't pay for your college like mine just join the military or go to community college. There is no reason whatsoever to have debt in 2017
If snowflakes want college debt relief they should think more about doing the bidding of the Trump admin and less about voting for Bernie.
>sanderniggers still acting like he got the nomination
>sanderniggers think non-whites will ever come off the corporate neoliberal plantation
>sanderniggers think wypipo socialism is going to exist when they're a minority
>sanderniggers think they won't be literally hated by everyone from black nogs to evangelicuck
You people are seriously pathetic and I eagerly await the day feral niggers smash you heads with bats when the big gibs riots kick off. Yuppie liberals are the absolute scum of humanity.
I recognize that it is my responsibility to repay money I borrowed.
t. guy who took on 100k for an engineering degree